Kaname kuran x reader part 2 final

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(Kanames pov)

Every night class student looked at me differently.
Aido said as he was the only one that spoke up.
"Kaname, why does y/n smell, different".
I then said lightly smiling.
"I think you all know the answer to why y/n smells different from humans".
Ruka was wide eyed with shock as she said.
"Its impossible, another pureblood.
And from the long lost l/n family".
Aido slumped against the chair as the girl he came to love like another sister, was from the longest and most powerful family, more powerful than mine.
He said quietly, but we all heared him.
"But how?
They disappeared for a century.
Where did they go"?
I then said lightly.
As i remebered y/n's smile when i was just a boy.
"There powers are rumored to be able to travel different distances.
To other worlds.
(Y/n told me alot that i wished to know about her, my curiosity couldn't be contained.
She was the only one that treated me normaly and i fell for her, as she did for me.
But her family needed to run from my uncle.
But y/n promised she would one day come back to me.
And if it's possible she doesn't remember me or anything from her past.
She asked if i would help her.
I gladly promised and that when she kissed me.
I could still feel it if i thought about it hard enpugh.
They looked at me and I siad.)
If y/n's here that means she found a way back and is now mentally a full grown pureblood with unbridled power.
(The blood moon L/n's live longer than others, age and grow slowly, when i met y/n she looked like a teenager.
Now she she looked like a full grown women.)
Security needs to be doubled here in cross academy, ill inform the head master.
Y/n cross, is the long lost princess of the blood moon l/ns".
Aido rubbed his forehead as he quesitoned everyone, not really directing who he was speaking to, and he seemed to speak for everyone at the same time.
"But how come she isn't acting like a pureblood of her lineage and power"?
I felt saddened and i said sitting down.
"They must of stayed to long in the world they hide in, they must have forgot and become humans".

Y/n said it was possible and that i would need to perpare for it, but it still hurt.
Ruka then said.
"Then when she came back-".
I nodded and said
"She became a pureblood again, her memorys locked away, an old precautionary measure in place in case she came back early".
Takuma said knowing something we all forgot.
"If y/n comes to the ball my grand father will recognise her.
He was only a boy when he meet and she looked like a preteen".
I stood up and said.
Takuma seemed to shrink as he said.
"Grandfather used to tell story's of the long lost princess who's heart has said to be the purest as sun light.
Her power when it came to protecting her people and her family, even as a preteen, was strong like a inferno that can burn a vampire with just one look, but she was also the only one that could do what no other pureblood could do before her.
She could turn a turning level E into an aristocratic".
Senri asked.
"And someone will always want that power, y/n will be a target and helpless if she doesn't remember".
I then said.
"And I'm the only one that can help her do remember".
Takuma asked.
I then said.
"I knew y/n before she went away for 100 years.
Intact before she left, we were in love.
(They looked shocked and i said looking away.)
She asked my if i could help her incase this happened, and only i can do it.
She shared a gift with me along time ago.
(She tranfered her memory power through that kiss, if she forgot then that gift would be lost forever and unretrievable.)
shes the oldest vampire i knew, but yet I saw why they measured age differently for the l/n's, they grow slower than other.
Yet shes the oldest one that can over power the senit.
If he sees her then he'll back off.
He knows he can't defeat her if he chanlleged her, nor can the enemy of pureblood's".
My uncle wouldn't even have the chance to look at her if he sat foot in cross academy.
Y/n's instincts to protect, defend and fight must have tranfered into her sixth sense of judgement and trust while she was away.
Senri said as he stood beside me.
"And my father wouldn't have the chance to come close to any one in the world".
I nodded and patted my cousin on the back.
He told me when he saw his hreat uncle's intentions, not knowing he should Senri our past with Rido and Rido asleep in a blood tub.
Senri came to me imeaditly and i swore to him and takuma that if they remained in cross academy they were safe.
With y/n here, capable of draining a vampires powers, they are safest here.

(Y/n's pov)

I decided to take a nap while the others perpared for there exams.
I must of been sleepy cause my reflection stood still in the mirror looking back at me.
I said seeing that she didn't move.
"What in the name-".
She said.
"Its time that you remember".
I then said stepping back.
"Remeber what?
That i can't love kaname that he is destined for yuki, believe me i haven't forgot".
The me in the mirror said.
"Thays not what you need to remeber and you know it.
You were never human, you were one temporally, including your parents .

But they forgot, but you dreamed of kaname long before the show vampire knight was on the air.
Go to him at the ball, then you'll finally remember".
My reflection went back to normal and i said rubbing my eyes as i looked out my window.

I stood up and walked to the window and looked outside it.
My eyes widened as i could see him and me when i looked like a teenager.
We kissed and a purple mist traveled to him.
I stood back and fell to my side and groaned.
I held my arm as i felt the scrap and my fangs extended.
'Damit I got hurt'.
I looked at my reflection to see purple eyed instead of red.
I got up and ran to be outside, i stopped by the swan fountain and rolled up my sleeve.
I looked at the water and pointed my hand at it and the water raised .
But my conscious said.
'No, the water will only make the bleeding continue'.
A familiar hand grabbed mine and said placeing his other hand on the one pointing to the water.

"You don't need to use your powers,
(He lifted my arm and licked the scrap and i saw the red glow.
I wasn't afriad.
He held my cheek and said.)
You feel the ache in your heart when ever were close, like you can see my pain.
I made a promise to help you remeber,
(A tear escaped his eye and he said in a voice i never heared him use in a long time.)
Please remember me".
I held his cheek and kissed him, he kissed me back as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and i remebered.
App my memorys flashed under my eyelids.
Once we pulled away and i smield seeing him.
I said holding him to me.
"Thank you kaname,
(He held the hand that held his cheek as he had tears of joy falling.)
You jave no idea how much i missed you".
He kissed me and i returned it.
He then said spinning me around.
"Im just so happy your back".
And i said.
"And im not goign anywhere".

Thee end.

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