Zed Necrodopolis x reader

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*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(Y/n's pov)
I woke up to the sound of multiple alarms ringing.
I groaned, who ever invented waking up at 6 a.m. didn't know the meaning of beauty sleep.
I set my alarm an hour ahead since not only wasn't it spring break.
But also cheer camp week.
And here with Bucky in charge it was purgatory.
Addison said with a bright perky smile aready up and geting her white hair tied up.
"Good morning y/n".

Where are my manners?
Let me introduce myself.
I'm y/n l/n, and that is my childhood bestie Addison.
Her dad and mine work together on the Z patrol.
But our fathers were also class mates and long time friends and our familys are neighbors.
I then said getting dressed in the bathroom.
"Morning addi".
Once i tied my long albino white hair into a braid then into a bun i started working on a pot of coffee.
She then said holding a green letter up for me smiling.
"I just went to the mail room and look what was waiting for you".
I turned and already my sleep foged mind awoke.
I want over to Addison and she handed it to me.
I smiled and held it to my chest.
I spinned and looked at it.
'To y/n l/n from Zed Necrodopolis'.
Addison teased as i looked back at the calender.
"Someone is in love".
I then said as i opened the letter.
"Oh hush".
I then read it.
'Y/n my love your letters this past week are like a song only ment for my ears.
I missed seeing you this past week especially during football practice.
(I smiled as i continued.)
Hope Bucky isn't giving you any grief.
If he is ill come there myself and destroy him.
(I litghtly laughed.)
But knowing you you will probably kick his ass.
Tell Addison I said hi and can't wait to see you when you get home today.
Cause I have a surprise planed.
Hope you like it love your boyfriend Zed'.

I sighed and addison came over with a cup of coffee with ice in it.
I then said setting my letter down.
"Thank you addi".
I toke a sip as she sat down and said .
"So what did Zed say"?

Addison is one of the cheer leaders that came to cheer camp that didn't treat me differently since I'm dating a zombie.
Bree and Bonzo are completely happy that we made our relashionship public when everyone accepted human and zombie relashionships.
Everyone supported these kinds of relashionships.
Well almost everyone, people like Bucky and the AC's gave us a hard time.
So Addison sent my letters to Zed and brought his letters to me when Bucky and the ac's weren't patrolling the mail office.
That and the mail lady makes sure that my letters get threw and Zed's gets to me.
Not only was she the nicest person on the planet but she was also my mother's big sister.
I then said.
"Zed says he misses me.
He also says for me to say hi to you for him".
Addison smiled and said.
"Tell him thanks when we see him".
I saluted her and she said.
"What else did the Letter say"?
I then said.
"Zed said he has a surprised plan when i get home".
Addison then said teasing again.
"Romeo and juliet".
I laughed and said after finishing my coffee.
"Only Romeo isn't dead and he's a zombie".
Addison then said holding my hands.
"I'm so happy you two are together".
I then said.
"Thanks Addi".
I then said looking at the clock .
"Lets go meet up with bree to get breakfast before our cheer activities today".
I quickly poured a cup of coffee for bree and me and addison left our cabin to go to bree's cabin.
Bree opened the door and said seeing the cup of coffee i made.
"Y/n your an Angel".
I smiled and said happy.
"Any time Bree.
(I moved a piece of hair away from her face and picked up her glasses since they were a mess.
I pulled out my glass cleaner and cleaned them for her.)
You look like you need it".
I put her glasses back on her face and she said.
"Im excited to go home for prawn.
Hopefully Bonzo asks me".
I then said and we both held each other's arms as we walk to the cafeteria with Addison.
"I hope Zed asks me as well".
Me and bree then said at the same time.
"Hey maybe we can go as double dates"?
Addison then said as we laughed.
"Mind if i tag along"?
We held addisons arm and said smiling as we enter the cafeteria.
"Of course addison".

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