Wyatt Lykensen x reader

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*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(Y/n's intro)
Have you ever wondered if there's more to the world.
Specifically the part you can't see?
No I'm not talking about what lies deep within space or what's under the sea.
I'm talking about the part where only a group of people like you and me believe is out there.
What lerks in the cover of night, lives deep within the shadows, I'm talking about the supernatrual.

(Y/n's pov)

Sorry where are my manners.
Hi I'm y/n Wicca and this is my home Sea Brook.
I live with my grandparents my grandma gm/n and my grandfather gp/n.
My parents died when I was young, in a car crash supposedly, but my grandparents say differently.
You see my mother was a Wiccan, so was my dad.
No a wiccan is not a witch there's a big difference between the two.
While witches can go both ways on good or evil, wiccans cant.
A Wiccan only vows to do good and heal, not take and harm incconects.
If a witch goes out of line it's up ro us to inprision them.
My mom was the best of the best, and in her line of work she made enemies.
A family member tracked her down and killed her.
Though it wouldn't matter if my father was with her or not, they didn't care.
So my grandparents contacted the wiccan community and hide me .
I lived a pretty normal life until my grandparents gave me a gift, well two gifts kinda.
Their just not objects.
One were my kiss can heal, and another where I can find who was my soulmate.
Well technically they explained my kiss can only work for my soulmate
Addison came jogging over to me as i sat down looking over the cheer camp, taking it all in before we leave.
"Hey y/n You ready to go pack?
(I stayed quiet as i looked on smiling seeing that some Zombies were playing with other humans.
Ones that aren't a scared of them anyway.)
Hey you okay"?
I smiled as I looked at her.
Ever since zombies were discovered the town of Sea brook remembered that monsters existed.
Infact, humans were partly responsible for the zombies coming to be.
The mayor being the protective mother she is looked up my family name.
Me and my grandparents are the only wiccans around in Seabrook.
Realising we're protecters, not enemies she and the rest of the town excepted wiccans.
She asked us how this mess happened.
My grandparents said it was because they toke the source of power from the werewolves.
Attacked without reason.
The mayor kept the existence of werewolves a secret as to keep everyone from panicing.
Until Addison my bestie found the revised history of how Seabrook was founded.

Now I have to suffer Buckys witch and wiccan jokes.
I then said playing with my mother's old necklace.

"Better than okay, annoyed at your cousin but better than okay"

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"Better than okay, annoyed at your cousin but better than okay".
She then said sitting by me.
"That's your mother's right?
(I nodded and she said.)
It's beautiful can i-".
I said as i toke it off.
"Sure, becarefull though, the crystal is real and just as powerful as my mother was".
Addison held it in her hands and asked.
"So this contains her magic"?
I nodded and said.
"Every wiccan female gets their pendant when their about six.
If the head female dies before their daughters get theirs, they get their mothers instead.
(Addison handed it to me and i said as i put it back on and it glowed.)
My mother knew she wasn't going to live long to see me get mine so she added a protection charm to her pendant.
This pendant was also how my mother found my dad".
Addison was more intreseted in the wiccan ways since she was still woundering who she is, everything fascinates her.
She then asked.
"I read that some wiccan family's have extra abilities".
I then said.
"More specifically the long uninterrupted blood lines".
She then asked smiling.
"What's yours"?
I sighed and said as i fiddled with my necklace.
"My grandparents gave me the abilities to heal my soulmate with my kiss.
(I looked at her and i said.)
It's a powerfull gift, my mother had it.
(I then said sighing as i closed my eyes.)
Kind of hard when you don't know who it is.
(I held up my pendant.)
Guess that's why my grandparents gave me my mother's pendant.
Itll glow when my soulmate is in dire need".
Addison then said as everyone seemed to be leaving the field.
"Let's go get our stuff.
I'm sure you find your soulamte much easier in seabrook now that  Zombietown is open to everyone"?
I then said as we got up and walked to our cabins.
"Yeah maybe your right".

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