(Y/n's pov)
I landed on a Cobble stone road after rolling off the roof of someone's home or store.
I coughed as the impact nocked the air put of my lungs.
I rubbed my mouth after and said before noticing that I was different.
"Oh next time someone says I should watch something, check to see if it doesn't come with portal for travel guarantee.
(I looked at my hand and gasped.)
What the hell"!?
I sat up and looked at my body, my cloths, my hair, even my face was different.
I then looked in a reflection of the window of the store I landed infront of to see my red hair was bright bronze color than the bronze shade it was before, my eyes a more noticeable mixer of blue and purple, back home they were a deep purple, closer to the blue color family.
Now that my eyes were bigger, I can see that they were more closer to the purple color family.
I was going to scream before I automatically covered my mouth, to muffle it like a pillow would.
I then said looking at myself, I looked perfect, like many anime girls were designed to look.
"I've been mangatised"!?
I looked at my surroundings and I was the only one outside on the narrow road.
I rubbed my forehead and stood up leaning my wieght against the wall of the store next to the one I was infront of.
I then said being more weary than I would back home, but I'm not home, I'm in vampire knight.
A show were there are purebloods, aristocrats, and Level E's the most dangourse out of all vampires.
"I got to get out of here, and find a way back home now, or im going to be a Level E's dinner,
(I gulped and said.)
And I really don't think I can be able to handle myself against one of them".
I felt my neck and gasped, I turned to looked were i landed and said seeing a sparkle of metal.
"Oh no, my necklace".
I got it off the ground and held it to my chest.
It was a simple chain with a Pandora dolphin charm on it.
R/n got it for me on our shopping trip, which if i think about it, lead me to my current predicament.I looked at my reflection the dolphin charm casted back at me.
'My friends must be worried sick about me if they notice I'm gone'.(Flash back)
My friends and I were shopping, R/n was with me in the technology section close to the DVDs nd Blu rays to look around while we waited for our friends.
R/n toke a breath and said as she was becoming alittle impatient.
"I don't think I can wait any longer, i want to see if they have Vampire knight".
I never heared of this show before, R/n was the kind of girl that likes all things vampire.
So do I but this show was new to me.
I then said.
"So there's a show where vampires are Knights"?
R/n looked like she was going to pop a blood vessel, so she said determined a d alittle angry.
"Vampire knight is about a young girl named Yuki Cross who remembers nothing before the age of five.
For ten years she grew up knowing vampire were real and,
(She covered her mouth and said getting the look that most of us were scared of, shes getting an idea.)
Oh why don't we get you the complete collection, you like these shows as much as I do".
She grabbed my hand and we went to where she said the show she was talking about would be.
She smiling in glee.
"Oh they do have it.
(She placed one in my hand and said.)
I don't want to spoil it for you, but there are different types of vampires in this series.
There are purebloods, vampire born the way they are, with no human blood in their veins, and they only seemed to marry their sibilings.
The artistocrats are elite vampires, they have gifts to bit only one, the purebloods powers though are unlimited.
But the Level E's are the vampires you should watch out for, they were once human, over time they go insane and lose their humanty and become nothing but beast who crave human blood, sort of like how rabbis will rot our brains if we get bitten by a rabbid dog".
I then said flinching.
"Thank you for that visual image".
She laughex and said.
"This show takes place at a school where the headmaster has made this school to put an end to the war between Vampires and Vampire hunters".
I then said actually interested in the show as I looked at the brunette male besides the girl I assume is Yuki.
"People few what they don't understand, that's within our nature, but was really, people really need to learn to talk and get over their differences".
R/n then said.
"You and I are probably the only people that believe in the philosophy that the headmaster preaches.
You and I, are the only ones that could probably make that dream of his a reality".
I then said as i went to the register.
"If we lived in their world, but we don't, that's our reality sadly".
I placed the collection down and asked the clerk behind the desk.
"Excuse me, can i purchase this here, we're waiting on a couple of friends of ours".
The lady said smiling at me.
"Of course my dear,
(She rang it up and i paid for it, along with a tip for her.)
Oh your to kind, here.
(She gave me a bracelet and said.)
This is a replica of the bracelets you'll see in the show, it's all your free of charge.
(She waved as I heared R/n call for me.)
You have a nice day".

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