*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*
(Y/n's pov)
The day started out like any other, I wake up the moment the sun's rays hit my skin.
Only this time lately I don't seem to care that it slightly burns.
I sat up and stretched my arms and said standing infront of my open window.
"Good morning white chaple".
'Home sweet home'.
I then said the moment my stomic grumbled and my mouth felt dry.
"Time for breakfast".
I speed over to my mini fridge and grabbed a blood bag blood bag and as i closed it I got distracted by one of the pictures on my fridge.
Ethan was smiling, i was beside him and thankfully Bennys grandma made a camera special to take pictures of vampires.
Oh im so sorry where are my manners I'm Y/n L/n and I'm a vampire.
I placed my hand on the picture and I said looking at Ethan's smile.
"I've veen looking for you a long time ethan Morgan and I promise that ill always protect you".
My eyes where then drawn to an old picture so old that the camera that made it is in white chaples church storage.
The picture was of me besides the church, I was human back then.
This was before Reverend Horace black came to town.
But as everyone knows him now as Jesse.
I guess in a weird way I should be thanking Jesse.
Sure the guys got issues, but if he didn't plan to bring back the rest of my old coven, I wouldn't of met Ethan, Benny, Sarah, Erica, and Rory.If he didn't turn Sarah I don't think I would of ever left the coven to begin with.
(Flash back)
The sun was out and high in the sky so I was wearing my sunglasses.
Unlike the other members of Jesse's covrn, but since Jesse turned me around the same time he was droven out of white chapel, I only called him Horace in private.
Being back home was a confusing time for me on my first day.
But as time passed slowly by I was torn by helping Horace and protecting my home.
But I guess my choice was made the moment Horace planned to destroy everyone.
I didn't live with Jesse and the others when we got back.
That's why Sarah came to me at my place, hand over her neck and bleeding.
I decided to stay with her and watch over her.
Help her best I could since she didn't want to become a full vampire.
Jesse and the others were leaning against the trees in the shade and I stiffened when Jesse called out to me.
"Yo Y/n,
(He was smiling, not his real smile.
Before he turned me we were good friends, but I don't see the Horace I knew when I was human, that's part of the reason I left.)
Where have you been, i haven't seen you on days"?
I stepped back before he touched my arm and i said fangs extended.
"Back off Jesse, you turned my best friend".
He said.
"Y/n She wanted this".
I shock my head and said.
"Not like this Jesse,
(I then said.)
You changed over the years, im not going to help you convince her to feed,
(I pointed at him and said.)
You go near her ill hunt you down".
I left and went inside, since I was supposedly a genius sophomore, I only had three classes that happen later in the day.
But the subjects this school reacts I already know it with my eyes closed.
I sat down at my regular table and waited for Erica and Sarah.
But like usual Ethan Morgan and Benny Weir entered with Rory Keaner after some of the human seniors and human Junior class body.
'Ethan looks just like his great great grandfather'.
Since we got back, I went by the Morgan's place to check on them.
The reason Jesse was ran out of town was because I told his great great grandfather Jesse's plan.
I ran with Jesse to make sure he never came back.
But I couldn't keep him away or he would know what I did.
Ethan's mom was just pulling their drive way after making a trip to the grocery store.
I left before she could speak to me because she wanted to talk to me.
Since I was a vampire i could here her thinking aloud about hiring a baby sitter for Ethan's little sister.
Ive been montiering them every time after school before sarah found out me, Jesse and our friends were vampires.
Jesse grabbed a bully making fun of poor Jane.
I had half a mind to drain him right then and their but Jesse appeared and I hid.
I decided as Ethan got up to get lunch that I go over and say hi.
But there was the sound of someone bumpiing into another and Sarah's voice spoke out.
"Thanks jerk".
I sighed and grabbed a spare shirt frim my bag and came over and said as i saw Ethan stunned by what he did.
"Sarah I'm sure he didn't mean it.
It was an accident.
(I then said handing her my spare shirt.)
Here, i got a spare shirt you can use.
Ehy don't you go change and I'll get you another tray of food".
She then said as she left.
"Thanks Y/n".
I turned to Ethan and smiled and said.
"You must be Ethan Morgan my friend Erica babysits your little sister Jane.
(I held my hand out and said.)
I'm Y/n, nice to finaly meet you".
He placed his tray down on an empty table next to us and said shacling my hand.
"Nice to met you-.
(That was when he had his first vision, though he didn't know it yet.
Since i was friends sith his great great grandfather, I recognised that Ethan inheritated the gift of foresight.
'He's a seer like Mathew'.)
(I smiled and looked ar our hands and he let go as he said.)
Im so sorry i don't know what came over me".
I then said wacing my hand.
"I sometimes get lost in my own head to, it happens.
(I then saw the line growing smaller and turned back to Ethan.)
Maybe we should hangout sometime".
He nodded and said smiling.

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