(Y/n's pov)
Few weeks later.
After getting to know my ancester, I hanged out around the cullens most of my time.
Sat with them, even shopped with Alice and Rosalie along with Esme.
But things turned icey when this vampire Victoria returned.
Aparently she came back for revenge since Bella left Edward for a werewolf.
Tonight was one of those nights that come from someone's worse nightmare.I woke up to the strangest sound.
My horse tossed and woke up when he fell out of the bed.
I then said turning on the lamp.
A falsh of red passes my vision.
I then said knowing that ment.
"Oh crap".
My parents werent home thanl goodness but that is bad for me.
I grabbed my phone and picked up Jasper as i dialed Edwards nymber.
I got to the bathroom and i mumbled as the phone rang.
"Please, please pick up".
He answer, he said as concern is present in his voice.
"Y/n what's wrong"?
I then whispered as the door downstairs opened.
"She's here".
He then asked.
"Y/n can you get away"?
I then said as footsteps came across the hall.
"No, she's inside".
Edward then said.
"Y/n whatever you do, stay in the bathroom".
I nodded and turned the phone off.
I held my horse to me and then i heared a scuffle.
Then i heared his voice.
"Leave Victoria".
She responded.
"Not until i get my revenge".
Fear, not my own entered my mind.
Edwards fear, 'oh no'.
I then opened the door and raised my hand, then i said.
"Leave, now"!
Power eminated from my hands shooting straight to her.
She flew back and slammed against the wall.
Edward moved fast and grabbed me and Jasper.
Rushed us out of the house and into his car.
I controlled my breath as i ran threw my memory of what happened.
My head against my horse as sweat broke.
I whispered as Edward speed away from my house.
"That never happened before".
Edward then said calm in his tone but not what's he's feeling.
"Everything will be okay".
I then said looking away from him and i shifted away.
"I can feel your anger Edward, that's what scaring me now".
He finally calmed down.
He then said looking at me seeing me shifted away from him.
"You gave me a heart attack when you opened the door y/n.
You could of been killed or worse".
I then whispered, really really low, looking away and i hugged Jasper to me.
"Loseing you is what's worse to me".
Edward looked at me and the car stopped.
We must be at the cullens house.I didn't look up, his anger still radiated threw my veins and that will affect my mood and response when i looked at Edward.
My horse neither in fear when he saw my eyes.
I closed them and said petting Jasper as the sound of rushing feet came to my side of Edwards car.
"Its okay Jasper, I'm okay".
The door opened and esme said seeing me.
"Thank goodness you two are okay".
I then said looking up.
"Little shacken up".
She then said as Edward left.
"Honey what's wrong with her"?
Edward then said .
"Her eyes are green with anger".
Esme then said heloing me out as she rushed me in.
"How does some cookies sound".
I welcomed her calm, opened my eyes and I saw the color change from the mirror in the kitchen.
I then said.
Jasper rushed down and said leading me up the stairs to the guest room, added a week after we met for situations just like this.
"Alice bought some new scooby doo movies, everything will be okay".
I then said as i looked at my hands.
"This never happened before".
He then said as we entered the room.
"What happened"?
Alice came in and explained.
"Apparently her emotions created an emp plus at Victoria, disorentating her long enough for Edward to get her and little Jasper here out".
My horse neighed when he was mentioned.
I then said.
"Emotional magnetic plus"?
Alice smiled and said as she layed movies out for me to pick.
"I was thinking electric, but emotional is way better since your powers come from your emotions".
I then said as the shock came threw, my own, my hands shock alittle.
"Good to know".
Jasper nudged his shoulder with mine and i imeaditly felt better.
He then said.
"Its the biggest risk you ever toke, don't scare us like that again.
(I looked st him as he smiled, holding my hand.)
He's not angry at you, he's angry at himself.
In that second you opened the door she could of got you.
But she didn't cause she understimanted you.
We are proud of you y/n.
Just relax, your powers could create another emp and this time it be electric since the adrenaline in your body is activating alot of electrons in your blood stream".
I nodded and relaxed.
Jasper then said as his head lifted.
"Cookies are done.
(He looked at me and asked.)
You probably want to eat something first before you have sugar".
I nodded and he left.
Alice then said smiling.
"So tour choice was sudden, how did you know you could create an emp"?
I then said as i thought threw.
"I didn't, I was just scared of losing Edward".
She smiled and said holding Scooby doo, music of the vampire.
"I know it sounds cheese, but irony might be what you need".
I laughed as she put the movie in.
There was a nocked on the door and Alice said opening it.
"Right on time".
Edward entered the room and he said siting by me.
"Losing you will be the worst for me to".
He held my hand and he said.
"Over the time I got to know you i fell for you.
That's why o was angry in the car.
If i lost you cause Victoria had an axe to grind with me then I will never ever forgive myself".
I then thought.
'thats why you were angrier when you said worse.
You think i would blame you're?
Edward looked at me and he said.
"I dont want you to have my life y/n, but it's your choose, Alice sees it".
I then said hugging him.
"I choose you Edward, always".
He hugged me back and then kissed me.
We pulled away cause my horse wanted attention.
Edward smiled and said as he pet my horse.
"You protect her major, ill be right back with the cookies".
Jasper nieghed and sat still and watched me.
I giggled and pet him.
I got Jasper onto my lap and i paused the movie.
Edward came back and he said.
"Esme made both peanut and choclate chip.
Since Jasper likes peanut butter".
I smiled seeing the peanut butter shapped like a shoes shoe.
I looked at Edward and thought.
'Is it okay if i go down to thank esme'?
Edward smiled and said.
"She already knows".
I gave the cookie to Jasper and Edward played the movie.
I fellasleep near the end.
My parents said it was okay for me to stay with them when Carlisle told them someone broke into the house trying to hurt me.
The cullens got our stuff out and my parents decided to stay in Texas.
Victoria came back but got killed by the wolves.
Now I'm resting with Edward there.
This is a dream come true, the end result is a dream.
Thee end.

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