Edward Cullen and Jacob Black and Sam Ulley x reader part 6

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(Y/n's pov) *a couple days*

Things have gotten stranger and stranger as the days passed by for Bella and me
As I looked at Bella sitting on the couch not really watching the movie, that's when I had a sick gut feeling.
I could see that she was deciding something.
I wasn't likeing where this day will end once she made up her mind.
I was wasn't paying attention to her non verbal silence and her unmoving figure.
I was paying attention to her thoughts.
'She's running through the past three days for any clue something was hinky'.

(((A/n: Bat emoji is for Bella's thoughts .)))

The first day, when Bella was sick she asked me to call Jacob to check up on him.
Praying that he didn't get the flu because of her and Mike.
But that's wasn't what was strange to her, what was strange was what I told her when I called.
🦇'Y/n said when Billy picked up he told her Jacob caught mono.
But something doesn't seem right'🦇.
I sighed to myself as I toke a breath, I closed my eyes and thought before she got up.
'Here we go'.
I looked at her and asked.
She said smiling to me.
"I'm going to be right back, I'm going to see Jacob".
I narrowed my eye at her, thought I knew Billy was lieing when I knew Jacob was one of the shapeshifters, but from the look on Bella's face she wasn't close to grasping that Jacob was apart of the supernatrul world.
She then said.
"I'm just going to say hi".
I then said letting go.
(I looked at her and thought.
'She'll need you when she comes back'.)
Drive sage okay, it's going to rain harder than usual".
Bella nodded and said.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine".
I then said as I know she's thinking about when Edward stopped Taylor's van from crushing me after I pushed her away.
"I know".
Most residence's in Washington know how to drive in the rain, but it's always a trick of the tires with the chains wrapped around properly so it doesn't break the axis and the person driving the car when it comes to back ice.
The chains will make the scid more jagged if they hit the ice wrong and the end result is the victim of not just being killed, but every limb broken.
The moment the door closed, my mind was litteraly playing the incident like it was yesterday.

(Flash back)

Bella had her ear buds in, and walked right past me as I sat on the stairs waiting for her, because I wanted to apologize for Edwards harsh behavior.
But I didn't get up right away because I had a flash of something go through my head.
'Talyors van,
(I then saw Bella's face.)
Oh no'.
I got up and ran to catch up with her.
I called out her name and that's what confused her when she removed her ear buds once she reached her truck.
She turned when I called out again.
"Bella wait up".
My behavior was what tipped Edward off, at the time, Edward couldn't fully read my mind, only partly because Jasper saw that I wanted my privacy, so he slowly followed me.
Slower than he was used to.
She stopped and I said stopping.
"I just want to say I'm sorry for Edwards moods swings".
She then said.
"It's fine.
(She looked at me and saw I was fiddling with my thumbs.)
That's only part why you were here".
I was about the speak, but a skreech of talyors tires made me turn my head.
Bella looked up and she froze when she saw Taylor's van.
I then did probably the most rudest thing under different circumstances.
I pushed her hard and stepped back and looked at the van.
Edward then sprang into action, he got me down from the force of his speed and kept the van from crushing me.
He stopped it from comeing back and that's when I fully relaxed after Taylor van gave up its assault.
I layed against the cold ground because I'm human and not used to vampires speed.
That's when Rose yelled running at human speed, Emmet was ahead of her because she was wearing the purple sparkly heels I bought her as a surprise, and human girls don't run in their favorite heels fearing they'll break them and twist their ankles.

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