*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*
(Y/n's pov)
Entering campus for the first time had a bit of a powerfull feeling.
Finally I get to hang out with people my own age, hang out with friends during lunch.
My transfer from being homeschooled to public education was delayed because my mom, dispite letting the Zombies be educated, didn't want me to go.
It toke alot of insightfull responses and convincing for her to even remotely think what I believe with my heart is true, that Zombies are not monsters.
But her mothering instinct kicked in at the end when she finally allowed me to go.
'I'll let you go on one condition, you run and hide when you hear the Z alarm go off do you understand'?
I smiled and decided to use my first couple of free periods to memorize the school layout.
When I see the gate seperating the human students and Zombies at the school entrance I felt that horrible feeling at the pit of my stomic.
'They may be Zombies mother but they are people to.
They didn't ask for the plant to explode, their kids didn't ask to be born this way either.
Why can't you see what I do'?
I walked up the steps and I heared a female Zombie say to another happily.
"Zed you are a rising star on the football team, you proving that we aren't monsters, ignore those pasty cheerleaders".
I then said smiling at them.
"What do they know anyway?
Though I love my sister Addy and her best friend bree, her teammates are to preppy, and bratty.
(The three Zombies looked at me shocked and I said.)
Your friend is right".
I walked into campuses and looked at the gym.
My sister wants me to join, but to be quite honest I rather join the track team.
Since I'm ahead of my peers thanks to my brain, I can take only electives this year .
Ill only be taking three classes, art, gym and theater aka drama.
Addison saw my the moment I exited fourth period which was my art class.
She said running over smiling.
"Y/n there you are.
So you want to try out for the team"?
I then said smiling.
"Twin sister I love you but cheer is not my thing, not anymore.
Besides you and Bree will make your make easier without me their".
We passed a picture hall of fame and paused.
I was 8 when that picture was taken, holding the cheerleading trophy for first place.
But an accident happened a month after that made me fear getting on the matt ever again.
Addison then said rubbing my shoulder.
"I know, I just wish to have my big sister out there with me cheering our sports team to victory".
I then said patting her back as we walked away.
"Believe me I wish that to".
'If you or I were captain of the cheer team instead of our cousin Bucky I cheer again in a heart beat'.
We entered the cafiteria and the room seemed to go quiet.
I then said hand on my right hip.
"Take a picture it'll last longer".
Not only did I have a bit of a popularity, my fashion taste's vastly contrast the multiple shades of pink and blue.
I grabbed my food and I decided to sit on a table that seemed to be apart of the line of unused tables that seem to separate humans from the Zombies.
Being respectfull of their space, but also curious to see such intreseting people that don't dress like my class mates.After I eat my lunch I pulled out my sketch pad.
When the bell rang I put it away.
My next class was gym where I planned to tall to the coach about joining the female track team.
But before I even got there, the Z alarm went off.
I could see Addison calming down Bree who was freaking out.
I started walking towards them to help, and then usher them to safty when something green dashing into another room caught my eye.
I raised my eye brow and thought seeing the title on the big white door.
'Zombie proof safty room'.
I then went in and the lights were off.
I then said.
"Hello, I saw you come in here and wondering if you were okay".
The voice sounded fimilar but since I only heared it once I put a name and a face to it yet.
"Yeah I'm fine.
That alarm is pretty terrifying".
I then said rubbing my ears as I sat on one of the unused beds.
"Yeah I know, I'm going to be hearing that for a week.
Hope the Zombie is okay".
The bed dipped and the voice said.
"Your not worried about the Zombie your worried for him or her"?
I then said turning to him.
"Zombies are people to.
It's not their fault that the plant exploded.
Just because their different doesn't mean they should be shunned".
The voice said surprised, but I could here the smile in his voice.
"I agree, your the only one that seems to believe they aren't monsters.
I then said looking around pretending people where here as I moved closer to him.
"I let you on a little secret, I feel like I don't belong with the normal kids.
Probably because they think my white hair is dye rather than my narrul hair color".
The voice said surprised and held a strand up to see be her, he must have already adjusted to the lack of light, or he seen my hair before.
"Your hair color is real, that's so cool.
(I blushed and he said.)
I seen your picture on the wall of fame.
What happened"?
I sighed and said.
"I got hurt,
(I felt my right leg and rubbed it subconsciously where the bone broke through my skin.)
My bone broke through my skin and muscle when I was pushed off by a rival cheerleading groups team member.
I healed, before they would of said I would never cheer again.
But it was a mirical, but I never set foot on the matt again".
The owner of the voice grabbed my hand and said.
"Im so sorry that happened to you.
But maybe you should cheer again?
(I looked at him, my eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness but not much.
I could only tell his hair was a dark color and he was pale.)
You seemed so happy on that picture.
Your sister will probably be overjoyed to cheer with you".
I then said looking away.
"But what if I get hurt, or Addison.
I dont think ill be able to go through that".
The voice said fighting his grip on my hand.
"You'll probably think Im being to forward or this is to fast.
But I think you are the strongest, bravest, smart and beautiful woman I ever seen.
(He turned away and said.)
Down right hot that I can't look away.
Not even when you walked into campus".
He then said.
"I fallen for you and all I want to do is follow you like a lost puppy that's found home".
I then moved to feel his chin, then hold his cheek.
He smiled and said.
"Can't see me well without the lights hu"?
I nodded and said.
"I have a small night vision problem, I'm near sighted in the dark.
(I then felt the tips of his hair and said.)
I seen you before".
He then said.
"You did, and to be honest I'm glad you aren't scared of Zombies.
(The light came back on and he said as I stared at him unfazed.)
Because I don't know what I would do if you were".
He then said once i had my hands back to my sides.
"Let me introduce myself.
Im Zed".
He held his hand out and I said smiling, taking his hand in mine.
I then said mentioning to the back way.
"There's a secret exit to the basement".
He turned and asked looking at me.
"How do you know that"?
I then said pulling out an old blueprint mom layed put for me.
"My moms the mayor remember .
She wanted me to be prepared for my first day".
I then said looking at him.
"Though i feel the same way about ypu Zed, i don't want you to get in trouble".
He then said with a light smile.
"I know it's probably to soon, but will you go out with me"?
I then said.
"I love to".
He then said.
"Ill meet you in Zombie town at Seven tommorrow sharp".
I then said smiling before we parted ways.
"I'm looking forward to it".
I exited the room and said finding Addison and Bree.
"You guys okay"?
Addison nodded and said seeing the change of my mood.
"Y/n what happened"?
I then said ushering them to gym.
"Ill tell you when we get home, now you two got practice.
Im going to changei nto something to try out for cheerleadering".
Addison squealed so loud that everyone in the gym was quiet.
"You really mean it, you'll try out"?
I then said.
"Yes, I just needed to be reminded of the dream that oneday Ill cheer eith my baby sister".
She jumped and hugged me, luckily I was taller than her so she didn't topple me over.
Bucky came over and said to me smiling.
"Welcome back cousin".(Time skip to the day after classes end)
Addison then said as she held a few Items that I like to wear to my date.
"I'm thinking jeans and a pretty blouse with those nice shoes you bought last week".
I then said.
"I think so to".
There was a nock on my bedroom door and mom and dad said looking at us.
"We heared the commontion and was wondering what's got you two so excited".
Addison lied for me, I was never able to lie to my parents and get away with it.
I didn't care try it either.
"Y/n made it to the cheer squad.
So we are going out with Bree to celebrate".
I smiled at my parents and mom looked like she was going to cry.
Dad said smiling.
"That's great Y/n were so proud of you'.
I then said.
"I also tried put for track, lucky I got two free periods.
I can use that time to practice".
Mom then said.
"Of course honey you girls have fun".
They left and i whispered to Addison, knowing our paretns they probably have their ears close to the door.
"Why did you do that"?
She then said.
"Because I figure youll tell then on your own time.
Now go and get changed, you got a date to perpare for".(Time skip)
When I arrived at Zombie town Zed was waiting for me.
Dressed in red jeans and a black top, holding a tulip in his hands.
He then said looking at me like I'm the only girl in the world.
"Wow, you look beautiful".
I then said.
"And you look very handsome".
He then put the tulip in my hair and said taking hold of my hand.
"You ready for a night on Zombietown"?
I nodded and that's what he did.
He showed me around Zombie town and then toke me to Zombie park.
Where we had a picnic.
I then said as we watched the stars.
"I love you Zed,
(He looked shocked to hear me say it.)
This date is better that I ever dreamed off.
Your sweet, kind and loving.
I couldn't asked for anything more".
He then said holding me hand and huddling me closer to him as we looked at the stars.
"I love you to my beautiful cheer leader".It was time for me to go home and he said as we stood up.
"Let me walk you home, i want to be with you some more".The walk seemed to be the perfect ending to our date we were laughing at a joke he was telling me on our walk back to my place.
He then said holding my hand.
"This feels like a dream that I don't want to end".
I then said smiling laying my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah me to, we should definatly do this again".
He smiled and said as it dropped as we both looked to see my parents waiting and my sister head down.
"I don't think your parents will like it".
I then said standing infront of him looking at them.
"I don't care what they think".
They began to visibly freak out and i said speaking up.
"I love him, you can't keep me from him".
Zed held my hand and said looking at my parents who calmed down the moment my sister smiled at me.
"I love your daughter mister and misses Wells.
(I looked at him and he said holding me to him.)
I wouldn't dare harm a hair on her head, I wouldn't even dream of it.
I won't hurt anyone.
(He held my chin and said.)
I love her so much that she's like the air I breath, my heart beats only for her".
Happy tears escaped my eyes and he hugged me to him and I said.
"I love you so much Zed".
Addison came forward and said hugging us.
"I'm so happy for you guys".
Dad then said looking at us then my mom.
"Honey y/n is 15, she's old enough to make her own choices.
And look.
(I looked at my mom and she melted.)
She's really happy.
Maybe she's right".
Mom then said getting Zeds attention.
"You promise to love my daughter"?
Zed then said looking at me.
"Woth everything I have and more".
Mom then said.
"Then starting tommorrow I remove the monster laws.
Zombies won't have to learn their education in the basement.
They'll have every oppurtiny as the other students".
I smiled and I wrapped my arms around Zeds neck as I held him to me.
He then said once I pulled away alittle bit to see him.
"I can't believe this is happening, it's almost like a dream".
I then said leaning up to have my lips closer to his.
"Let me show you it isnt".
My lips touched his and then he kissed me back.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and my foot was actually lifting up behind me.
I'm really happy, I'm back cheer leading, doing track, and now having a loving boyfriend who is A Zombie.
And I love him for it.Thee end...

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