Edward cullen and Jacob x reader part 1

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(Y/n's intro)
Like all good things in this world, they eventually come to an end.
No one understood that better, or more profoundly than Shake Spear himself.
'These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume'.
Romeo and Juliet, act 2 scene 6.
A tale of star crossed lovers that don't get their happily ever after.
A romance doomed to end terribly from the start the moment Romeo layed his eyes on Juliet.

(Y/n's pov)
I always thought Shake Spear was a bit eccentric, that he never understood romance can overcome the obstacles of hatred and avoid the outcome of death.
But things were different in the 1500's, and now I finally see what he means.
Only my story didn't start with meeting me and my soulmate getting together the moment we saw one another.
My Romeo was with his Rosaline, and that Rosaline in my story was my half sister Isabella
Did I forget to mention that my Romeo was a vampire?

I looked from my perfial vision to see the empty table that the Cullen family used to sit.
Thought the cafiteria was crowded like it always was during the schools lunch break, no body but me or Bella sat at that table.
It was like there was a force keeping everyone but me and my younger half sister from sitting there.
Only I stopped sitting there long before Bella decided to get out of her depression/pity party of one.
But it didn't end with her staying in forks.
When my mom Rene came to forks to take her to Jackson.
The tantrum she threw was one of the ages, and it truley made me scared of her, rather than worry for her health and state of mind.
Cause in the middle of that tantrum I got hurt.

(Flash back)
Bella was finally speaking again, after all these months she was finally talking.
I just got home from my dog walking to commotion in Bella's room.
I didn't think i just went up the stairs.
I opened the door when i heared.
"Im not going to jackson and that's it"!
I raised my eyebrow and said as i opened the door.
"Whats go-",
Bella threw something and the room went quiet.
My eyes widened before whatever she threw hit me.
It nocked my glasses off my face and it dogged into the skin below my eye but alittle above my cheek bone.
I stumbled back and my mother yelled the moment I landed on the hallway floor.
Charlie moved across the room like a bat that escaped the belfry.
I groaned and I tried to ger myself on my own.
But the moment my hand left my left eye the pain was unimaginable.
I cried out in pain and mom said after she gasped.
"Charlie call an ambulance"!
Dad then said to mom.
"Close Bella's door now rene"!
Bella tried to get by but mom said angerly.
"You are grounded young lady, im taking you to jackson to get help whether you like it or not!
But you never ever hurt your sister"!
She slammed the door shut.
Mom then said as i looked at my hand, shacking when i saw blood, alot of it.
"Honey don't look at it look at me".
I loooed at her but the pain made my vision blurry and I could see red in one eye.
I leaned into her as she held me, than I looked at my blood stained hand.
Then I looked at the rug and moved away from my mother and towards to wall a puddle of blood, big as my fist, a puddle of my blood was staining the rug.
Dad then said taking the outer shirt mom bought to keep her warm.
"Its going to need stitches honey".
He gave me the shirt and I pressed it below my eye as I lightly cryed the tears stung the moment they came into contact with the cut below my eye.
Mom then said as she held the phone.
"The ambulance is on its way honey".
I cried and dad said as I looked at him.
"I got you sweet heart.
(He held my hand rubbing my shoulder as I leaned against the wall.
The moment the sound of the ambulance reached us, did we looked down the stair case to see the lights flashing below us. It alerted my parents that they arrived.)
Their here now let's go.
(They helped me up while mom kept the cloth over my eye.)
Everything will be okay".

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