(Young justice) Nightwing x reader part 1

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(Y/n's intro)
They say when you lose someone you love you mourn.
But can you still mourn someone, when you don't remember them, or your life before the memory loss for that matter?
The answer is yes, cause you don't remember if you have a family, you don't remember your mother, your father, if you have any sibilings, or friends.
Life became even more confusing when i noticed that i didn't age like the people around me.
Until i met Asteria.

(Y/n's pov)

I was waiting for my aunt Asteria to come back from her mission.
I imagened how life must be like outside the comfert and safety of the walls i called home for the past 5 years.
But something imeaditly changed, the air went cold and fear engulfed me.
I looked around, it was aunty Asteria, but she wasn't in the house.
I then got a head ache, and my vision went blurry until I saw people comeing toward aunty, bad people
Aunty voice rose in volume.
I looked to the armour Astiera made for me, she told me one day ill join her on her adventures.
Fight crime and save people, but until i felt comfertable, or i get my memories back would i put on my new armour.
I then said getting up.
"No one left behind".
I put it on and then went outside.
I then jumped, but didn't fall back to the ground, the sensation of it was fimilar that i tapped into it, and a memory flashed, a woman.

(Flash back)
I looked to the woman beside me, she had black hair like aunty Asteria. But her eyes were blue, not green.
Her suit to was different in color.
Red top, blue short skirt, with red boots with a golden stripe in the middle, and a head band.
She said looking at me.
"Your doing it honey, your flying like mommy".
I looked around me and saw now ground, i paniced and mom floated below me.
She said keeping her hands up.
"Its okay honey im right here, mommy won't let you fall.
Just fouces on the feeling of flying like your father taught me in mommy's invisible plane".
(End of flash back)

I could only remember a picture of my father and a watch i seen her wear in our first flying lesson.
I then toke off, foucesed on the feeling of the wind in my hair.
And the feeling of freedom like the American eagle.
My anger seemed to be reciprocated by the clouds around me.
Lighting and thunder began to chime like a drum as i got closer to my aunt.
Her voice in my head got louder.
My vision blurred and i saw people, in weird cloths, some were wearing masks, others didn't have suit three people had green skin and one of them had red eyes.
He looked alittle bit like the swamp creature from the blue lagoon.
My aunty was away alot, but she always came back with something for me to enjoy.
Something to look forward too, help get my memorys back.
I guessed i was right on top of her and the bad people when her tone changed.
My vision went back to normal and i flew down to the ground.
When I landed, i connected my arms like an x, only touching at my arm cuffs.
A field of energy eminated like a pulse and formed away from me like a bubble.
I ran at full speed while the bad men where disoriented.
I got there weapons, which Asteria told me were guns.
I bend them to the point where they became unusable.
I then punched them them, neeked them in the stomic and used a rope to grab the stragglers.
They past out to fear and shock.
I toke a few breaths and i said to them
"No one messes with my aunt".
Once everyone of the bad guys was tied up.
I turned to my aunt, i didn't care for the people behind her.
Im greatfull they came to help my aunt but i don't know them.
She then said.
I ran to her and hugged her, i then said.
"I was so scared".
She patted my back and pet my hair, she then said.
"Im okay now my brave Jupiter".
The women that i saw in my memory said.
I looked at her cause her voice was fimilar.
Asteria then said looking to the women i remember to be my mom.
"It was the only thing she said when i found her.
I thought it was her name until I asked her if it was her name.
I could only get her to remember her name and age, but what she was or her parents and family were blank.
You must be Wonder Woman, princess of Themyscira".
Wonder Woman stepped forward and said.
"Yes, and your Astiera.
(I looked at her, surprised she hasn't changed.
Wonder woman looked at me and said.)
Jupiter you don't remember me do you"?
I then said looking to Asteira.
"When I heared you call out aunty, I remembered when i learned to fly.
(I looked back to my mother.)
She was there and I was kid.
Promised i wouldn't fall cause mommy was there to catch me".
Wonder Woman smiled and walked forward holding her arms out.
I then went to her and she hugged me.
She then said as she rubbed my back and shoulders.
"That's right honey".
I looked around and said not seeing dad.
"Where's dad"?
Mom looked at me and said.
"You don't remember?
(I shook my head and she said as aunty caught up to us and mom lead us to a ship.
The people that came with her followed on.)
Honey, you never met your dad, he passed before you were born".
I then said as i sat down.
"That's why i only remember the picture of him, and a watch".
She nodded and said looking me over.
"You grown up to be a beautiful charming young women".
Astiera then said.
"Just like her mother.
She was confused why she didn't age like the others".
I then said.
"Aunty Asteria told me it was becasue im an Amazon".
There was a beeping in the ship, mom looled up and said looking at me.
"We got alot to catch up on honey, but me and aunty need to talk to mommy's friend in the justice league.
When we arrive at the cave, we can go shopping".
I tilted my head and said.
Astiera explained.
"Its like when i bring back momentos for you.
You are in a place getting movies, food, cloths in person".
I nodded and mom turned to a guy that looked similar to my age.
"Can you stay with her night wing"?
Night wing nodded and said smiling.
"No problem ".
He toke the see my mother and aunt used to occupy.
He then said holding his hand out.
"Im night wing, you must be y/n.
(I toke his hand and he said.)
Or do you perfer i call you Jupiter"?
I then said looking around to the other people.
"Im fine with both".
Nightwing then said when i looked back at him.
"Believe it or not i remeber what it's like when you don't remember your life.
It can get pretty whelming when your around people you don't know".
I then said looking at him.
"Whelming, like whelmed?
The inbetween of overwhelmed and underwhelmed"?
Nightwing smiled and said.
"Finally someone gets it,
(Nightwing then asked.)
Would you like to meet everyone"?
My eyes widened and nightwing then said tapping my hands.
"It's okay, we'll take it slow out.
You hungry, or thirsty"?
I then said.
"Little bit".
Nightwing then said.
"Come with me".
I toke his hand and we went to what i think is the food bay.
I saw a big wolf and nightwing must of mistake my shock for fear.
Nightwing got infront of me when the wolf got closer.
"Wolf no".
I then said getting around him.
"The wolf's name is wolf.
He's beautiful".
Wolf licked my cheek and i pet him smiling.
Nightwing then said as he pet wolf with me.
"You never seen a wolf before hu"?
I then said.
"Only small ones on a tv screen.
Do they grow to be as big as wolf"?
Nightwing then said.
"No, bot wolf, but some do.
He got this big cause of a chemical mixture of bane serum and 3 b".
I then said as i knew what nightwing met.
"You mean he was experimented on?
(I looked at wolf.)
What monster would do this"?
Nightwing then said.
"A brain, and you'd right, it's wrong.
But wolf is safe with us at Mount justice.
Thats where most of my team lives".
A guy wearing a yellow and red suit said seeing us.
"Oh hello, You must be Jupiter".
I then said looking at the guy.
"Y/n is fine-".
The guy said cheerfully.
"Kid flash, but call me wally".
Wally walked past us to the table and said.
"Looks like wolf likes you, normally he doesn't like people that aren't Conner of Megan petting him".
I then said confused as i look at wolf.
"This sweet guy, aggressive really"?
Wally laughed and said.
"Like you wouldn't believe.
But he likes you so it's cool.
(Wally looked to nightwing and said realizing why we're here.)
Oh your here for some food.
May i recommend my turkey cheese melt sandwich".
I nodded and wally then said.
"Out ill be right back".
Nightwing then said as he sat beside me.
"Your aura must be infectious, wally never shares his food, much less give away his famous sandwich".
I then said.
"My aura"?
Nightwing smiled and patted my shoulder.
"It's what gravitas people to others.
Pulls them in".
I then said looking at wolf.
"Like what wally said about wolf"?
Nightwing nodded and said.
"Wolf wouldn't let anyone but Conner and Megan, ill introduce them to you at the cave.
You'll like them.
Cause he trusts them.
He believes strangers, or other people are a threat so he's semi aggressive.
He left his pack.
So he views Conner and Megan as his pack".
I then said as i scratched under wolf's chin.
Nightwing saw how the word saddened me.
Nightwing then pulled me over and gave me a hug.
He then said.
"Ill be there for you y/n i promise".
I then said once we pulled away.
"The eagle".
Nightwing looked at the bird on his chest and he smiled.
"I guess one can see it as an eagle".
I then said smiling.
"And it's blue, blues my favoirte color".
Nightwing smiled and said.
"Really, most girls like pink".
I then said scratching the left side of my heads temple.
"I might have when i was younger".
Nightwing then said.
"I learned talking about what you learned can help bring back memorys, so what did Asteria teach you"?
I then said remembering.
"I learned that im half Amazon, and Amazon's don't age.
My father is human, Asteria heared of my mother.
She said all amazons except herself live in themyscira.
And it's hard to find.
My grandma is there along with my other family members".
Nightwing then said.
"You heared of your grandma"?
I then said.
"That she's the queen of the Amazon's.
That she lead the Amazon's to themyscira, an island my grandfather Zeus made to protect them.
I learned that Jupiter is Zeus other name in Roman".
Nightwing then said smiling.
"Do you remember why your mom and aunty call you Jupiter"?
I then said.
"It's fuzzy.
But i think it's because i can see the things i made invisible.
I guess it's because I'm more similar to Zeus in powers".
Nightwing then said.
"Wait so if you see Wonder Woman's plane, you can see it"?
I nodded and said.
"Yeah, infact if I tried i can find my family in themyscira".
Nightwing then said.
"I bet you can".
Wally came back and said.
"Come and get it while it's hot".
I looked up and wally said with a small chunk of Turkey.
"And a piece of Turkey for wolf".
Wolf went up to wally and wally handed me a sandwhich and one to night wing as wolf to the turkey chunk.
I saw the stare off nightwing and wally were having.
I was confused but didn't press it.
I'll just ask later.
To be contiued...

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