(🦇 Y/n's Dream🦇)
It was dark and cloudy.
I was just seperated from my mother and now, im afriad that i can't find my way back home.
But i wasn't alone, i saw a little girl in a black cape, pale makeup, with fake fangs.
But no fack blood.
She was looking into her candy bag and crying.
I then said recognising her.
"Wait, is that me"?
She was calling out for mom.
I then said siting beside her.
"Hey every thing will be-".
Then a twing snapped, we both looked up in the direction of the noise, and i saw it.
Red eyes.
I got up and said scared beyond.
It showed it's face and then a roar came before the werewolf was pulled back.
Then his voice came.
"Hey it's okay,
The werewolf is gone".
He came out and the younger me looked at Markus, tears streaming and she huddled in on herself.
She said.
"I want to go home".
He placed a hand on her back and said.
"I know, my name's Markus, what's yours".
I then said at the same time as my younger self.
Then something happened, a purple ring appeared in his eye, and mine.
I didn't remember this.
I Then said as Markus toke little me back home.
"What was that"?
Then a cat yowl broke threw the air and that woke me up.
(End of dream)
I shot up from the chair to find c/n hissing at the flight attendant.
A zombie.
Who looked at me for help.
I then said picking up c/n.
"C/n stop, it's just the flight attendant".
The zombie grumbled his thanks and pointed out the window.
I had them rolled down so it be easier for me to sleep.
I checked my phone, I feel alseep all day yester day and it said it was 9 p.m.
I then said opening the blinds.
"Wow, have i really slept a whole 24 hours along with twelve more"?
My cat meowed her answer.
I got back to my seat and held c/n to me as we landed.
I then said as i put c/n in her cage.
"We're here".
I got off first and i looked at the hotel.
The sight of a castle made me step back feeling dizzy.
I then said holding my head.
"Wow, it's bigger in person".
C/n meowed and i looked to the sky.
Dark out still, but in a few more hours it be day light.
I got inside, the zombies past me to get to the plan.
I got in the lobby and the monsters in it stared.
I just waved and i went to the desk and said.
"Hi, im y/n I'm moving in".
The zombie then talked, well i wouldnt call it talking but luckly I toke a crash course.
'Here you go miss y/n Dracula requested an apartment be made for you'.
I then said.
"Thank you.
Tell Dracula i arrived okay".
The zombie nodded
I looked at the key for a number as i walked to the elevator.
I then said the number aloud as i pressed the button.
"Okay, apartment suite 120".
The elevator was fast, i didn't expect it to take off like a rocket.
I fell and hit the wall.
(I hit my head and i head it staying still)
Ah, ow".
It stopped and i said picking up c/n, crawling out of the elevator once it opened.
"Next time, im taking the stairs".
I layed on the floor and c/n meow laying on the floor of her cage.
I then said patting it.
"I know".
I got up and said seeing doors without numbers.
I then said looking at the number on a wall next to me.
I opened a door and it was a broom closet.
I then said opening another room, a bedroom, but not for one person.
I then said looking down the hall.
Who else lives on this floor"?
Went in and I said openeing c/n's cage.
"Well, i guess we'll find out who it is when they come back".She went to one of the two coffins.
I then said when she sat on one.
"Im guessing this is ours"?
She meowed at me and then layed down.
I sat on the floor and pet her.
I then said.
"Yeah a nap sounds like a good idea".
I pulled out a picture and said holding it to me.
"Im back Markus.
Im back".
I then said picking up c/n and opening the coffin.
"Okay, let's try this out".
I left it open cause I didn't want accidently trap c/n.
I then said puting on my mask.
"Really cozy.
(I pulled the blanket inside to cover me and i felt sleepy.)
Mabey just alittle nap".I then passed out.
I woke up to a flutter like nock on the window.
I moved c/n to be beside me and i sat up.
I yawned and looked to the source of the noise.
To a normal human being it was a bat, but i knew the truth.
I then said getting up.
"What do you want?
I was taking a nap".
I opened the window and he flew in.
Turned into his vampire form and i said seeing him.
He hugged me to him and he said.
"i missed".
I looked him in the eye and said.
"I missed you too mark.
(He held my cheek and i recognised the look.
He thought i forgot about him.)
How can i forgot the vampire that saved me".
He hugged me to him and he asked holding me.
"When did you get here"?
I then said.
"As soon as my mom found out the hotel was real, she finally believed me about the vampire that saved me and I decided to move here".
Mark is held me away at arms length and said smiling.
"Your here to stay?
(I nodded and he hugged me to him again.)
im not letting you go ever again".
He spinned me around and then he kissed me.
I kissed him back and he said running his thumb across my cheek and said.
"Never again".
Thee end.

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