(Y/n's pov)
How it got to this moment was simple really, my step brother had a crush on our freaky neighbor.
Who turned out to be the famous horror writer R.L. Stine.
My heart was racing in fear as i3 held my hand up to the others who are behind me in the isle of the empty Wal-Mart in Madison Delaware.
Zach was going to whisper but I zipped my lips and then went to the middle of the isle and then pulled out my marker pen and wrote it down.
'Werewolf ahead'.
Zach then whispered looking at me.
"What y/n there's no one-".
I looked at them and R.L. Stine said passing me.
"Oh for Pete sack let's just-".
He stopped and hid in the isle as me, zach and Hannah joined him leaving champ behind whp was to bussy trying to open his soda.
I then said with a dead pan look.
"I told you I smelled a dog, and i told you i saw him".
Zach then said as champ reached us.
"That you did y/n".
I looked just in time to stop champ but as i said.
"Champ no"!
The lid of the soda broke, realsing a small hissing noise.
The sound of the werewolfs commotion stopped and I said pushing champ as the others followed my example.
I went to be under the produce of limes and R.L. Stine picked the same one .
I then said looking at him.
"I told you we might run into a monster here".
He then said sarcastically .
"Yes you did miss know it all".
I then said slapping his arm
"Hey i read your books buster, seems you need a crash course.
Every moment in quiet empty places is where your hero's meet the monster"!
Will Blake entered the area and i put my finger on my lips as R.L Stine and I were silent.
As Will Blake was on top of us, i couldn't help but think of when me, my step mom and brother moved here with my dad.(Flash back)
I was re-reading the werewolf of fever swamp to pass the time since the drive to Madison was a long one.
I had my ear buds in so I didn't hear my step brother complain to my step mom about any other place to move.
Being an army brat i was used to this, but Zach seeming to be bored pulled my ear bud out so i could hear him.
I turned and he said.
"Why do you re-read that book over and over"?
Dad then said leaning back.
"I got that for her after coming back from my deployment.
Werewolves are her favorite monster".
Zach rolled an eye when dad was back sitting up and said having read the book once when he was bored in the beginning of the journey zaid.
"And the fact it has a little hint of romance has nothing to do with it".
Dad having heared zach and knowing me better than anyone said exhausted.
"I tried to spare you".
I tapped Zachs arm and said looking Zach in the eye.
"Ill take you complaining zach, but never complain about my taste in books.
R.L. Stine is a genius.
I think werewolf of fever swamp is the best because the monster in the end is a good guy who can't control the beast.
Plus it's the only one where i wish R.L. Stine wrote a happy ending where Will met his mate".(End of flash back)
If this was any other moment were I would met my fictional crush, i would be jumping with glee.
But since slappy released every single monster, i doubt i would live to even think the dangers of Will seeing me.
During my reminisce drool hit R.L. Stines nose.
I tried to flick it but R.L. Stine gave us away, luckly after Zach threw a toy away from us and Will went to investigate.
Will turned and i said pushing R.L. Stine.
"Run"!Zach, Hannah, champ and R.L Stine ran but I tripped.
Zach got to me and said pulling me along.
"I got you".
Will Blake was ontop of an isle and as i looked at him I couldn't help but feel safe.
He was staring at me, R.L. Stine was hesitant to explain when i asled him why he was staring at me after i growled at him in the car on the way to the school.
I had two pieces of the puzzle that didn't make sense, but if i do this maybe ill get my answer and by some more time.
I had a determined look on my face and said to the others as i ran the other way and pulled away from Zach.
"Its me he wants.
(I ran the other way and said running as fast as i can as i heared a crash.)
Go ill meet you at the school, write the book but leave him out of it"!
I heared the spumd of scratching and loud hurried steps following me.
I didn't turn back, knowing if I did I would stop.
I have to give the others time to get to the exit.
But one wrong step and the muscle in my ankle flexing at the wrong time, it hurt.
I fell and groaned as i felt the abnormal angle my ankle was in.
I huddled on my side and into a ball.
I turned to see Will caught up to me but stopped 6 feet behind me.
I held my ankle as I closed my eyes.
He came closer and i looked at him, a tear from the pain falling down my cheek.
I then said quietly.
"Please don't go after them, please".
His eyes softened and he moved to be right beside me and said pulling me to him.
He said, well the best he could.
"Not leaving mate in pain".
Then it hit me, the two pieces of the puzzle finally made sense.
R.L. Stine knew cause he wrote the story, Will's mate was still out there but he didn't find her, only he would know if he did.
My heart beated happily, then sadly when I remebered they'll probably write Will into the book.
More tears began to fall and he held me to him, he was shifting back and i said.
"I want to stop slappy, but i dont want R.L. Stine to write you in the book".
Will human again rubbed my arm and said after saying ssshhh.
"Itll be okay, he's a good man, maybe he'll leave me out".
I looked at Will and i saw a handsome brunette that strangle looked like Rhydain Morris, minus the blond hair.
He then said wiping away a stray tear.
"But if he doesn't, ill go back happy knowing I met you".
He leaned forward and his lips met mine.
There was the spark i kept reading about in those cheesy romance novels.
I closed my eyes and kissed back.
He held me and once we pulled away, he said helping me up.
"For how ever short our time may be ill spend it all with you, now let's go stop slappy.
Ill have to shift so we can get to the type writer.
(He looked at my ankle and said having better eye sight than me.)
But first let's wrap up your ankle".
I stopped him and said.
"No time, ill be fine.
(I had an idea.)
How fast can you run on two legs"?
He eyes brighten at the idea and said picking me up bridle style.
"Pretty fast".
He shifted and then began runinng once we got outside.
The warmth comeing off him was welcoming since it was cold out.
I huddled into him and I could hear his heart beat pick up.
The sound of a boom and bright blue lights were fading when we arrived at the source since by the time we got to the school it was empty so Will had to track R.L. Stine.
Champ screamed since he could only see Will at first.
R.L. Stine said shocked and looked at my brother.
Hannah was beside Zach and i said finally grtting why her name sounded fimilar.
"He did it because he loves Hannah lile he knew i love Will.
(Will having heared this seemed to make his ears perk.
He nuzzled his nose into my cheek and i hugged him and said.)you can put me down now.
(He didn't want to and he looked at me with a narrowed eye.)
I won't leave your arms Will.
(He still had a narrowed eye and i said.)
It's not that"?
He finaly spoke best he could, and only said two words.
"Hurt ankle".
I ohhed and R.L. Stine winched when he saw the bruise forming.
Will shifted and said pecking my lips.
"Plus it's cold out".
Zach then said just as Will shifts back.
"Take my jacket".
I then said huddling into will a bit more.
"Im good for now Zach".
Champ then said as Will put his head above mine and hummed, almost purred, with his eyes closed.
"I didn't know werewolves could purr".R.L. Stine then said looking at Hannah.
"I guess we'll stay, your right hannah.
(He shook Zach's hand and said.)
Thank you for doing this".
Zach then said.
"For writing Hannah out and making her human"?
Stone then said smiling at both his daughter and son, who are know happy with their significant others.
"For giving both my son and daughter happiness".
Will howled and then began to give me kisses on the cheek.
Sure it was a goose bumps story's, as spooky as it was, i couldn't help but feel happy to have Will Blake in my life forever.

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