*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*
(Y/n's pov)
'In all my life, I never I thought I see the day when Bella would wear heels'.
if Bella had her way, she would wear sneakers, her favorite sweats, and the pretty blue blouse I got her and she marry Edward through the drive through wedding in Vegas.I was there when Alice had the vision of Bella and Edward going that route, woof.
Infact the outrage from their thought of going that direction was forever ingrained in my brain.
So much so I think I have to remind myself that it was a month ago, a day before the battle with the new borns.
Infect Bella was right now trying and failing to convince Alice to get shorter heels.
I was reminiscing as I looked at my now full sketch book.
A page made me smile as I stare at it.(Flash back)
It was early in the morning, but since this was forks, early mornings ment sometimes waking up to light rain fall.
I smiled and toke a breath and said.
"I love the smell of coffee in the morning".
'Hopefully dad made enough for three people'.
I got up and went to the kitchen and saw dad sip from the best dad mug I got him from Phoenix after my visitation with mother and my step father Phil.
He then said seeing me pull out my mug with a wolf on it, and Bella's which i got it with a ganged smile.
Edward got a kick out of it, Bella alittle bit but annoyed at the irony I was pointing out when I showed her what I got her.
"Morning Y/n".
I then said.
"Morning dad,
(I saw he was in uniform.)
Another day another crime hu"?
He then said.
"This is forks, here crime sleeps.
(He rolled his eyes and said.)
But got to earn the pay check to pay the bills".
I then said getting Bella's and my favorite creamer.
"Got to catch the crocks".
He nodded and said putting his cup in the sink.
"So Bella sleeping in"?
I nodded and said.
"Its Saturday and she was up late last night sending the invits to our graduation that's coming up next week.
I'm going to place her coffee in her room if she's still asleep".
'Can you let her know im coming up so with her coffee'?
Dad then said patting my shoulder.
"I'm so proud of you, you and Bella both".
I then said.
"And we're proud of you dad".
We hugged and I said as he leaves.
"Have a good day at work dad".
He then said.
"Always will,
(He paused closing the door when the fimilar sound of a certain rabbit came up to our street.
I went to the hall leading to the door so I could see if my ears weren't playing tricks on me, I came to see dad halfway out the door way with a smile on his face.)
Looks like you and Bella have a visitor".
'Her coffee is on the end table in the livingroom'.
I placed the coffee cups down and dad let me pace him to get outside.
I then said lightly and breathlessly as Jacob got out.
He looked at me and said.
I ran to him and as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he was able to pick me up for two reason, one hes tall, and second hes strong.
He spinned me around and said after setting me down.
"How's my favorite swan doing"?
I then said.
"Great now that your here.
(He smiled and we began walking to be inside.)
I think we have enough coffee left over".
Dad then said.
"You two have fun".
Once inside I closed the door and I said seeing Edward next to the sink, close to the pot of coffee which just dinged.
"Thank you Edward".
I pulled out another mug for Jacob as Edward said.
"Your welcome".
Bella then said as I sipped, not wanting to acknowledge the reason that Edward and Jacob were getting along.
"So the wolves ready"?
Jacob then said as I handed him his cup.
"We're alittle rusty so we're training.
But we're ready".
I then said having an apifany.
"I think I have the answer".
Bella then said intreseted.
"What is it clever insightfull sister of mine"?
I made a cute face and said.
"Well in order for the newborns to not go past the feild, you need your scent trail to disappear.
(I looked at jacob and said.)
And Jacobs scent can mask yours all the way to the camp sight".
I then said putting up the bad news.
"Sadly, Edward can't be there".
Edward explained as soon as Bella's head snapped in his direction.
"Victoria would follow my scent is she doesn't see me on the feild, where ever you go ill follow.
Victoria knows this.
(Bella nodded and said.)
You know y/n will keep you informed as the battle goes on".
Jacob looked shocked, and he tried and successfully not spit his coffee.
Bad side was that coffee went down the wrong pipe.
I rubbed his back and he said looking at me.
"Your going camping with them"?
I then said.
"You know better than anyone that she'll feel alot calmer with me there while you and Edward are fighting newborns.
(I sipped my coffee and i said.)
And you know that if it came to it I'll protect Bella and defend myself".

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