Michael Corvin x (hybrid) reader part 2

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(Lucian's pov)
Raze just came back with a dead commrade.
I then said not seeing michael and my daughter.
"Where are Michael and y/n"?
Raze looked down and said.
"I lost them, we were ambushed, death dealer.
Three of them".
Sonja walked threw the drapes and she fiddled with the tiny blade she found for y/n.
(((This is only a story.)))
Thinking about teaching her when she was old enough.
I then said as Sonja joined my side.
"They didn't realise you were following them"?
Raze shock his head and said.
"I don't know.
(Sonja looked up and he contiued.)
I think y/n noticed we were follwoing them.
She quickened her pace".
Sonja then said.
"She's scared for michael".
I then said looking at raze.
"That and you attacking her probably didn't settle with her well".
Sonja then said.
"Maybe i should go and get them".
I then said holding my wife's hands.
"No, ill get them.
(I looked at raze and said as i passed him.)
I'll get our daughter and her.
(I shrugged.
I just got her back and she probably has a crush on the human michael.)

(Y/n's pov)
I stopped the moment i saw the door to michaels apartment ajar.
He kept me behind him as we went inside.
I was then pinned by selene who put a gun to my head.
She said.
"What are you?!
(Her grip tightened on my throat.)
Why are the lycans after you"!
I then whispered with a tear falling from my eye.
"I don't know".
She let me go why lycans landed on the roof above us.
Michael grabbed my hand then picked me up.
He got us to the elevator and he said checking my neck.
"You okay, can you breath"?
I then said scared as i looked at my hands.
"I don't know anymore".
The doors opened and my heart quickened when i saw him, Lucian.
He said to Michael.
"Hello michael".
I yelled getting up as i heared selene run to us.
"Michael move-".
But it was to late, shots fired and Lucian fell onto Michael.
I tried to push him off but i got myself cut and i hit him on the head when michael screamed.
I got Michael up and said as i heared him groan in pain.
"Hold on Michael, we're going to the hospital.
(I got him to his car and said when i put my injured hand over his wound.)

Your going to be okay ".
I got to the drivers seat and went to put my foot on the jack when Selena slid in the back seat.
I then said flooring it.
"Need a ride"?
She looked at me shocked and i said panicing when michael lahed his head against the seat.
"What the hell is going on"!?
She then said quietly.
"You don't know your not human".
I then said shacking my head.
"Your crazy of course im human.
(I looked at my rear view mirror and said speeding up when i saw Lucian following us.)
Hold on this rides going to get bumpy".
I speed up and turned and Lucian missed the landing.
I saw the alley that can easily hide us and grimaced.
Still smells like the scrappy bathrooms in the motel i was in before arriving here.
I then said getting out and i pointed to selene.
"You talk, right now"!
She then said calmly.
"Your not human, your a vampire and lycan".
I then said surprised.
"That's impossible".
She then said hiding us behind the the car when Lucian passed by us.
"Not if you were born this way.
Your sonja's and lucians daughter".
Michael groaned and i said scared.
"I have to get him somewhere safe".
Selena then said.
"I know a place".
To be continued...

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