New Moon

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*Edward Cullen, Jacob, Sam x reader part 3*

(Y/n's pov)

It was early in the morning, it was still raining but what woke me was a feeling of being watched, but at the same time not being watched.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, i looked around but no one was there.
I then said standing up, going to the window and moved the curtain alittle bit to see.
"No wolf, but what or who could be watching and not watching at the same time"?
I then thought as I rubbed my scar.
'It be hard for an oridnary vampire to watch and not watch at the same time.
Wait a minute-'.
I then said quietly.
"Oridnary, it can't be Victoria her apeical gift is flexibility and envasion of escape.
Can't be Laurent, can't be Edward he's out of mind reading rang.
Jasper can feel what Humans feel, Emmet is strong.
Rose is beautiful.
Esme is compassion.
Carlisle doesn't know me.
Wait Alice!
Of course she can see the future, the future isn't set in stone!
She's watching but not watching cause the future is always changing.
She must still be watching over Bella".
The sun must be coming up cause Charlie was moving around in his room.
I played back down on the couch and Charlie came down.
Sherlock woke up and i sat up again.
Charlie then said.
"I have to get to work, I'll call billy to bring the RV over".
I then said.
"The RV can wait, I'll go over.
First i must unpack".
Charlie then said.
"Okay, ill see you later drive safe".
I nodded and waited for bella to wake up when Charlie left.
She woke up and i said.
"Hey sleepy head".
She then siad.
"You stayed"?
I then said
"Of course, I got to unpack at my new house, but i won't leave".
Bella then said smiling.
"Go ahead, ill be fine, we have left over pizza".
I then said.
"How about after i get at good stopping point, we'll go to the dinner.
It's a tradition I made ever since i was young, dessert in my new home.
Ill pay".
Sherlock yawned and i said picking him up.
"Of course i wouldn't forget sherlocks
Bella then said.
"Okay, i got to clean up and ill met you there".
I nodded then went to my car and drove back to the cullens old house.
I then said once inside.
"Okay, i don't have much stuff so this should be quick.
(I put Sherlock down along with his bed and said.)
You rest up Sherlock, we're up late last night".
I went back to the room i first came to.
And i said tapping my scar lightly.
"Wait, i know this room".
I touched the book shelf and said.
"Music CDs,
(I turned to the window.)
A couch with books, with tower book shelves at both ends.
And no bed".
I then said .
"This is Edwards old room".
I then sais looking out the woods.
"I got to say this is nice view.
And he was right.
This is the one place they can be free to be themselves.
(I then said looking at my reflection.)
This is the one place I can be myself.
I don't want to lie to Bella, but i can't tell her i knew, aro can't know either.
The world i come from will be in danger if they find a way to get there".
I then said opening the door.
"Okay i got this".
I brought box's in and I pulled out a mattress and then the sheets.
My blankets and my bedside table.
I unpacked my DVDs, organised them by genre and the year they were made.

I then said feeling hungry.
"Okay i think I'm at a good stopping point".
I went to the bathroom and my favorite towel with me.
Blue with the Paris Effiel tower.
I then said remembering that weird dream.
I toke a breath and I smelled coffee and choclate tipped croissants.
I then looked into the mirror and saw him.
I then said after rubbing my eyes.
"How is this possible?
(I saw my reflection instead when i looked back)
Well now i want a chocalte croissant with coffee.
But how is it possible to see where Edward is"?
I shrugged my shoulders and then said.
"Doesn't matter, Bella's probably on the way to the dinner.
My aunt and uncle probably know im going to the dinner .
Im in for a lecture if they are there to".
Got out and wrapped the towel around me, grabbing my choice of outfit.
Went back to the bathroom to change.

Once out I checked my purse for my credit card

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Once out I checked my purse for my credit card.
Once i found it and got my green purse i pulled out the cash i had in it.
Then my keys and i said picking up Sherlock in his bed.
"Olay buddy, let's get ourselves a treat".

Sherlock stretched and i placed him in the passenger seat.
I then got in and drove to the dinner.
Bella's truck just pulled up.
I then said as i put a leash on and he woke up.
"Bella hey".
Bella then said.
"How come you don't have an umbrella".
I then said the little inside joke i learned from my adopted mother.
"I wouldn't be from Washington if i minded getting wet".
She laughed and i opened the door for her.
Bella then said as we sat down.
"Thank you for helping me when you did".
I then said.
"Your welcome".
The maid of the dinner came over and i said.
"Hi, can I have a puppocinno for my dog Sherlock.
And I'll have some coffee with peach creme and croissant with chocalte sauce.
Along with eggs and bacon.
Also a slice of fairy cobbler please".
She then said smiling.
"You must be hungry y/n,
(She turned to Bella)
Anything for you Bella"?
She then said.
"Eggs and bacon please".
We waited for our orders and i saw my aunt and uncle.
I then said hitting my face.
"Oh no".
Bella looked over her shoulder and said seeing them.
"Hello mister and misses l/n".
My uncle then said.
"Hello Bella, thank goodness your okay.
(He saw me and sais.)
And you young lady".
I then said sheepishly.
"Hi uncle Danny".
He hugged me saying.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming to visit"?
I then siad.
"Actually im moving here".
My aunt then aaix.
"And you didn't tell us.
You help find Bella in the dark, hunny don't you know there are wolves out there.
You have that scar for a reason".
Bella then said looking at my scar.
"A wolf gave you that"?
I then said.
"I was pretty young.
My adopted parents found me and protected me from a wolf.
I was found in a weird cloth.
(I felt my scar.)
So that's how i got it".
My aunt then said.
"Yes, I still have thing weird cloth you were wrapped in to.
Y/n why didn't you come straight to us".
I then said.
"Sherlock got out of my car, i thought He went exploreing.
But he didn't come back and i stopped infront of chief swans house.
I didn't come straight to you guys cause I wanted to surprise you".
They hugged me and aunty said.
"Oh honey we understand.
You did go".
I then said as the food came.
"Oh aunty uncle, me and Bella just ordered food".
My uncle then said.
"We know y/n.
Your aunt and i already eat.
We just came to check on you".
I nodded and Bella said as we eat.
"What do they mean by weird fabric"?
I then said.
"I haven't seen it in years.
Since i was mabey 3 when i left it behind on one of the family trips".
Bella then said.
"Hu, so, how you settling in"?
I then said looking out.
"Like i never left".
We talked and talked as we eat.
Once we left, Bella then said.
"I think youll like it here in forks y/n".
I then said.
"Yeah I think i will".

To be contiued...

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