(Y/n's pov)
I woke up to the light hitting my eyes, the storm ended, but the smell of the rain on the ground was heavy.
Heavy enough that I felt sick since it was all i can smell.
I crawled out of the den I found as shelter.
Then leaned against the tree roots.
My back and side hurt like crap.
The grubbling of my stomic didn't help either.
I then said quietly when i heared a twig in the distance break.
"Oh no".
I coughed as i got on my neeks and arms.
If i shifted into my wolf form then I will most likely pass out.
But it's better than my human father who has a gun and is trying to find me.
He never hurts animals.
I don't know how long I'll be in my wolf form.
Hopefull long enough to heal.
I then shifted and i tried to stay awake.
But the pressure in my head persisted.
Then i heared a voice, it wasn't my dad, it was a wolf.
He said coming into my field of vision.
"Are you okay"?
I passed out and when i woke up again it was to multiple voices.
"So you found her Garth"?
The voice i heared earlier replied.
"Yes, so sounded in pain, by the time i came over she was trying to stay awake.
I think she was attacked by rouge trying to find her way to her pack".
I opened my eyes and a little wolf pup said when he saw i was now awake.
"Mom, dad, mister garth she's awake".
I looked to see two other wolves with the one i saw earlier, who's name i now know as Garth.
The female then said.
"Hello, I'm Kate, the alpha of the pack this is my husband Humphrey.
(i looked to the black, gray and white wolf.)
The wolf that brought you here is garth.
(I looked to Garth and then Kate contiued.)
And these are claudette, runt and stinky".
I then said weakly laying my head looking at the pups.
"Hello, my name's y/n".
Runt, my guess was the small one that looked more like Humphrey.
Runt then said.
"Im an omega like my dad, my brother and sister are alphas like my mom and uncle garth".
Claudette the only other female in the room said coming over.
"Are you an alpha"?
Runt then said waging his tail.
"Or omega like our aunty lilly"?
I then said confused.
"Alpha, omega, what are you talking about"?
Humpfry then said.
"Your a wolf, surely you know"?
I then said.
"I don't, i never had a pack".
Garth then said.
"Then why were you passing threw the western region"?
I then said.
"Runing from a human with a gun".
Humphrey then asked.
"Tranqulizer gun"?
I shock my head and said.
"No, gun with bullets made to.
(I saw the pups were listening carfeull and i said looking away.)
Hurt animals pretty badly.
I was held by said human for as long as i can remember".
Garth then said laying down infront of me.
"You escaped?
But on along the way you got hurt.
(I nodded and he said.)
You have a pack now, I live in the eastern region, i came to visit Kate and Humphrey cause my brother married lilly.
As soon as you healed up you can come with me".
I then said looking at him.
"You really would take me in"?
He nodded and Kate siad.
"Of course your welcome to visit.
(She brought over some food.)
I then said still laying down.
"Alittle bit, but my side and back hurt".
Garth then said taking a small piece and placing it close to my head.
"Here, you'll need your strength".
I nodded and eat the small piece.
The wolves i met contiued the day.
I rested, the pups, from was i can tell by their parents faces, they never wanted to stay in a cave.
They kept me company.
They brought berries and asked me questions.
Do i like to hunt, explore, do i climb trees.
I then said looking to claudette.
"I don't know if i like hunting, but I guess i would have to so i can eat, i like exploring when i have the time".
Runt then asked when garth came in.
"When did you escape the human".
I then said.
"The day before yester day.
I hid in the storm.
The human decided that since i escaped, he shot me.
I only saw the inside of a human building, not allowed outside.
I have been inside that humans house since ideas young.
I don't remember anything else beside what my mother taught me before she escaped".
Stinky then asked.
"Do you know where she is"?
I shook my head and Garth said laying down beside us.
"Mabey she's in the eastern region.
Will you recognise her if you see her"?
I nodded and said.
"She said being outside was her favoirte thing before she was captured".
It was dark out and Claudette, and her brothers layed by me and i smiled.
Garth then said.
"Never in my time have i know the pups, would they stay inside for a day.
They really like you".
I then said.
"I guess,
(I looled at Garth and said.)
Will your pack except me"?
Garth then said with a small smile.
"Oh course,
(I looked to the pups.)
You can visit them, Kate said so.
I grown attached to them to".
I smiled and said as i layed my head down to rest.
"Me to.
(I closed my eyes.)
Night Garth".
He then said.
"Night y/n".To be coniuted

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