The past few months me and Bella hanged out. Well it would also be called guarding her. Since i started working with Charlie it feels like i had another father figure. I then said seeing my shift is over. "Looks like our shift is over Sherlock". He barked and slumped back in his bed. I let him saying. "I know, your bored. Why don't we go pick up Bella"? He sat up sticking his tounge out barking. Charlie then said. "How you guys doing"? I then said standing up with Sherlock beside me. "Going to pick up Bella from work. Maybe talk to Mike, he says that some hikers been seeing something big. Might as well kill two birds with two stones". Charlie then said. "Good idea, dinner at the dinner"? I then said. "Maybe, i have to go grocery shopping later". He nodded and he said. "You do a great job, you don't even take time off". I then said. "That a bad thing"? He then said. "Your still a teenager, take the time off. Which is totalled to 5 weeks. Okay. Im going to check the missing hikers". I then said curious. "Missing, how long"? Charlie then said. "Nothing probably lost. You go okay". I nodded and sherlock and i left the station and into my Lamborghini. I removed the police headlights and stopped at Newton's sports store. I thrn got into the store and i said seeing only mike. "Hey mike". He freaked for a bit before acting cool. Leaning against the counter smiling. He then said. "Hey officer l/n what can i do you for"? Sherlock barked and he corrected himself. "And sherlock". I then said. "You called saying some customers been telling tails of a giant greesly. Can you tell me anything else". He then said. "They said it was bigger than a greesly and that it isn't a greesly. And it was black". I stiffened but quickly recovered and i said. "Um new animals are being discovered everyday, did they tell you what they think it is"? He then said. "A wolf i think". I then said. "Okay, ill have to tell Charlie, anyway is Bella still here"? He then said. "No she left a few mintues ago". I then said. "Thank you mike". I left and said as sherlock got in the passenger seat. "I think i know where she'll be". I drove to billy's, thankfully Charlie gave me directions incase i wanted to pick up the RV. I pulled up to the house and Bella came out of the garage and she said seeing me. "Y/n Hey what are you doing here"? I then said parking. "I came to pick you up from work, but you weren't there. I just guess you be here, I also came by to see if it was a good time to meet Billy. Why are you here"? She then said telling me the truth. "Please don't tell Charlie, but i found these motorcycles and i brought them over to jacob to see if he can fix them". I sighed and said. "You know how dangourse those things can be if you don't know what your doing"? Jacob came out and he said. "Well you must be y/n". Sherlock humped out of the car and ran to jacob and i said. "Sherlock"! He jumped Jacob and Jacob caught him. He was laughing cause sherlock was licking him. I then said. "Im so sorry jacob, Sherlock likes meeting people". Jacob laughed and said. "It's okay officer, i love dogs". I then said . "Please call me y/n, (I turned to bella.) Mike called me officer and it just felt wrong". Jacob then said. "Really? (I nodded and he looked up after putting sherlock down.) You must be really good at. (He looked at me and paused.) Reading people". I then said rubbing my neck. "That and he pretty much layed it on thick that he's interested. (I saw the tool in his hand and said) Oh you were working on something before i got here". He then said smiling snaping out of his daze. "Yeah, good eye. You like to look"? I nodded and said seeing the rabbit, smiling big. "Wow, this that. (I walked around it.) It is. This is a 1986 Volkswagon Rabbit. How did you find this"? Jacob then said smiling looking at it. "You be surprised what people throw away". I gasped and said looking at it. "No way the nerve". Jacob then said smiling. "I like you, say that luxury Lamborghini yours"? I then said. "Yep, my second favoirte, my dream car is a Austin, hard to find one at a good price". Jacob smiled wider and he said throwing his fist into the air. "Yes another person that understands cars". I looled at the three bikes Bella brought in. In the books she found two, i guess things change. I then said looking them over. "Wait a minute, i think two of these are Harley sprints". Jacob came over and said confirming it. "Yes y/n your right. You ride"? I then said remembering how my adopted father died. "My father did. He had a bike just like the Harley. I don't remember it clearly cause I was so upset i suppressed it. But these amazing piece of machine kind of make me think he's still around". Jacob then said infront of me. "Tell you what you keep the other one. Ill help teach you how to ride it. (Sherlock barked and Jacob said smiling petting Sherlock.) Of course make a side car for your partner". Sherlock smiled and sat proud. I then said. "How much"? Jacob then said smiling. "Nothing, just know someone knows so much about cars like me is payment enough". I then said. "At least let me help pay for the parts you might need". Jacob then said holding his hand out. "Okay, you have a deal officer". Bella then said smiling. "If i knew you guys had so much incommon I ask you come with me y/n". I then said. "You can make it up to me by not getting yourself into trouble. If Charlie knew i be skinned, then he take my badge". Jacob then said. "He won't know". Bella then said. "And i won't get hurt". I raised my eyebrow. I read she was the clumsiest person ever and a danger prone magnet. Bella then said. "If it makes you feel better, you can watch me on my motorcycle". I then said. "Okay". I heared Billy, we all did. Jacob hide the bikes and Bella and i went out. Billy then said. "Oh hi Bella, and who is- (He paused seeing me. 'Oh i forgot he's technically the chief here, but in reality it's sam since he is an alpha and shifted before Jacob. Sam must of told the elders .) Well hello you must be y/n. Or should i call you officer"? I laughed at his jokehe smiled and i said holding my hand out. "Y/n's just fine billy. Is that okay if i call you billy"? Billy then said smiling. "More than okay. (Sherlock came over and Billy said when Sherlock stood by my side.) This must be Sherlock. He's a handsome fellow". Sherlock barked lightly as Billy pet him. I then said. "I wouldn't know what to do without him". Billy yhen said seeing Bella. "Hey Bella it's been awhile since i seen you. You hungry, i made my famous spagettie, aparently to much". I then said. "Spaghetti, that's my favorite". Billy then said smiling. "Good. (Sherlock begged and Billy looked at me.) Does he like spaghetti"? I then said . "More specifically the meat balls". Billy then said wheeling towards the house. "Ill call Charlie and some friends over". Jacob then said. "You might want to change your shirt so you don't get stains on it". I then said. "Right, sauce stains are the most difficult stains to get out". I got to my Lamborghini and pulled my black skull long sleeve shirt. It's getting cold out, but still semi warm. Once i changed my shirt, i got out and put my hair in a pony tail. Jacob seemd to be in a daze again. I then said looking at the skull. "What, something on my shirt"? Jacob then said smiling. "No, I never seen a girl where something like that". I then said. "Im not like most girls". Jacob then said with a soft tone. "Defiantly". I blushed, but snapped out of it. Sherlock barked and jumped. I caught him and said. "Okay Sherlock". Jacob got a table out. Charlie came over and a few of the auillain elders and there kids. Thrn i saw Sam, paul, hard and Collin. Sam saw me and i said to Jacob as i gave a meat ball to Sherlock. "Who are they"? Jacob then said. "Sam, paul, jard and collin. (I saw the way he looked at Jacob. Jacob turned soon and that be right around February. Bella will be heart broken.) They think they run the place". I looked at Sam and shivered when i knew he stared back. Jacob saw and asked quietly. "Hey you okay"? I then said quietly. "It's the way he's staring. Probably nothing. But for some reason it makes me shiver and twitch". Jacob then toke hold of my hand gentally and i focused on him. Jacob then said. "Everything will be okay i promise". Sherlock got between us and jacob laughed petting Sherlock and sherlock eyed the meat balls on Jacobs plate. Jacob then said give one to him. "Here you go Sherlock". I smiled and the party ended since it started raining, and not enough room in the blacks house for everyone. I then said picking up Sherlock . "Okay Sherlock, let's go home". I got to my car and drove away. Back to the cullen house and i said grabbing a towel from the back seat. "Home sweet home". I saw a package was left on the porch when me and sherlock rushed to be under the porch. I then said seeing my name on it. "What the? (I picked it up and said seeing where it came from.) Paris, but i don't know anyone from Paris, at least know i recall". I quickly dryed sherlock and let him run in. I dryed myself quickly and sat down on the mini couch i got in the living room. I then said seeing no name. "Hi, who sends a package without leaving a name"? 'Matter of fack how could it get here without the sender's information incase it didn't make it? Unless it didn't go threw the post office'. I opened the box and said seeing the coffee bag, and croissants. "Coffee and chocalte dipped croissants"? I then said after getting up to put them in the kichen. "Thanks". I then got up the stairs and sherlock followed me. I got to my room and sherlock jumped onto the bed.
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I then said getting in. "We had so much fun today hu"? He barked and I said grabbing the remote. "Lets watch a movie before going to bed". He cuddled with me as we watch a live action Scooby doo movie. Scooby doo the mystery begins, it comes before Scooby doo curse of the lake monster. Sherlock fell asleep and i said peering him. "Rest buddy, tommorrow were going to hang out together. Thank goodness I'm ahead in school work for the week. We are going to have some dog and owner time. I promise ill protect you". I then turned off the movie and closed the curtains and fell asleep.
But the dream i had was freaky.
I walked into a field, one i recognised. My dog with me and he ran out, playing in the grass. I then said smilingly. "I didn't know dogs can get hyper cause of grass". Then a voice that sound fimilar but different in person. "He's happy cause your happy". I turned to see him, Edward in the shadows and i said stepping back. "Who are you"? He then said. "You know who i am y/n". Then i heared growling, two sources of growling. I then said seeing them. "No, (I turned to sherlock.) No"! I began to run to sherlock but Edward stopped me. Edward then said as i looked at him. "He's okay, they won't hurt him". I watch. Sherlock looked up at them and the wolves began to play with him. I relaxed and i looked to Edward. "How did you-"? I then said holding a side of my head. "Wait i answered my own question". Edward went over to them and sherlock jumped to him. Edward laughed and pet Sherlock. I theb said seeing the wolves lay down beside him. "This has to be a dream, werewolves and vampires hate eachother". Edward then said. "Is it? (I was confused and Edward said.) Fighting never solves anything". I then said looking to the wolves. "Talking helps. Communication is key to sloving any arguments. Even the supernatrul kind. Fight just keeps everyone divided and farther apart". I then said as everything started to get fuzzy. "This isn't a dream, it's a vision. (I looked to the wolves and knew who they are.) Sam, Jacob. (I looked to Edward.) In reality now your enemies, but here your friends, allies. (Friends and allies seemed to be the wrong words, but i don't know what word can be best described this.) How"? Edward then said. "You know y/n, this isn't a dream".
(End of dream)
I woke up saying that it. "A vision". I sat up and thought when Bella had a dream after Jacob told her the quillain legends. Edward was cast in the classic villain light vampires were portrayed to be. And Jacob turned into a giant red wolf. I then said looking out the woods. "Humans are capable to some degree of seeing the future. If what i saw is some kind of vision, then what does it mean"?