New Moon

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*Edward Cullen, Jacob, Sam x reader part 6*

(Y/n's pov)
I woke before the sun rose to turn the sky gray.
I got on my hiking boots and weather gear.
Sherlock woke up early and we drove to Seattle to get Sherlock the gear he needs.
By the time i got back in the car with what we need jacob texted me.

🐺'meet you at the path'🐺.
I texted back saying im on my way.
When i looked up again i saw Carlisle car.
Across the street from the pet store.
I then pulled out and watch the rear view mirror.
Carlisle followed me and i arrived back in forks washington.
I could see Carlisle car, the windows were tinted, but for some reason i can see two maybe 4 people in it.
I found the trail path before jacob and Bella were said to arrive.
I got out and said to sherlock.
"Okay Sherlock, i could just be seeing things but i think we're being followed".
He growled and i pet him as i said.
"Like i said, i could be just my imagination.
We're waiting for bella and Jake okay".
He licked his lips and i grabbed him his treat and poured a bowl of water.
I then said as he drank.
"Drink up, something tells me we might not get to were Bella wants to go".
He barked and i said putting on the leash, him jumping out when we heared Jake and Bella arrive in her truck.
I could hear it a mile out, 2 maybe.
The books described that sound but nothing could prepare any human being for that ungodly noise.
I covered my ears and so did Sherlock.
I then said.
"For the love of all that is good and descent".
I didn't seen them pull up, it was a few more mintues before they did.
Jacob then said seeing my expression.
"You okay y/n".
I then said.
"Yeah, what was that noise"?
Bella then said seeing sherlock on the ground.
"What noise"?
I then said slowly uncovering my ears seeing if it was safe.
"It sounded like a animal being mangualed in a vehicle".
Jacob then said.
" what ever caused it, it must be gone now".
I then said pulling out honey jars.
"I got the honey".
Bella then said.
"How many did you bring"?
I then said.
"I learned quick that you have to buy in bulk, otherwise what you need is gone before you enter the store".
Jacob then said.
"That will definatly stall the grizzly long enough to get away".
I then said.
"Okay, where do we start"?
Sherlock came over and jacob said.
"Oh wow look at you Sherlock, all perparer for the hike buddy"?
Sherlock barked and Bella then said as we began walking down the path.
"Okay, we start this way".
I then said walking beside her.
"Do you have anything on you that you touched.
Kept that came from the area"?
Bella then said.
"Sherlock can find an area"?
I then said.
"He found you in the woods in the pouring rain.
All we need was the right object.
Which was your truck ".
Jacob then said slowing doen for us tp catch up to him.
Bella then said.
I then said.
"You were outdoors Bella.
Forks Washington is cloudy with a 100 percent chance of rain and rare sunny days.
Your truck has your scent mixed with the rain.
Sherlock could find you in the rain forest cause your scent was mixed with the water.
He wouldn't lose track of you even if you tried".
Bella then said as we toke a break.
"I don't, the outfit i had on won't work i washed it.
I don't have a keep sack".
I then said seeing the sky darkened.
"It's geting dark out".
Jacob then said.
"Yeah i can see it to".
Bella squinted her eyes and said.
"How can you see the sky threw these trees"?
I then said as sherlock looked to where we came from.
He's looking the way we came.
He knows when it gets dark cause he trained to know.
Some preditore are night owls".
An owl hoot on que and i said pointed at the tree it was at.
"Not pun intended, but case in point.
Sherlock is trained to now when the preditores come out and to watch out for them.
You have no idea how many pets were found in the woods.
How rare we found their remains when we were on the job.
We have to go back".
Bella and Jacob followed me back to the cars and i said to bella.
"Maybe we try again soon earlier in the day ".
Jacob then said.
"Y/n the movie is on Friday next week".
I then said smiling.
"Okay ill be there".
He smiled and I followed Bella.
I pulled up and Charlie said seeing me.
"Hey kiddo how are you"?
I then said.
(I then said)
Charlie, i know what you found".
He paused and i said.
"You hired me for my skills.
And i need to tell you, an animal didn't do this.
It's a serial killer that desgines his kills in mauling like fashion.
Those prints you found with blood in them are because animals can smell blood, more specifically preditores and omnivores.
Wolf attacks are rare, specially if it's done without a reason".
Charlie then said.
"Okay, thank you y/n.
But i want you to take the time off regardless".
I was about to protest but he held my arms and said.
"Y/n listen to me, Bella came to relie on you.
She trust you, you saved her with sherlock.
If anything happened to you she'll be broken beyond repair.
Take the time, your paid for it".
I nodded and i then said when sherlock waged his tail, happy to go home.
I can't believe I become a paranoid person.
"What to go on an adventure"?
He barked and i said getting in.
"Here we go".
I drove to McDonald's and order food.
I pulled up in the parking lot and picked it up.
I came back home and looked out to the woods.
I rubbed my neck when i felt eyes on me.
I shivered and said.
"Uh this feel creepy".
I called Sherlock to go with me into the hallway.
I grabbed my labtop and i said walking down the hall.
"Okay let's watch our movie here buddy".
We sat in the hall way to watch our movie and eat.
I pet sherlock as he fell asleep.
I then closed my eyes and opened my mind to be heared.
'If you can hear me, I'm helping Bella, but i can't do that if I'm tired and exhausted.
I will not have any of you watch me sleep'.

(Edwards pov)
My family returned early cause Alice could no longer see part of my future or y/n's.
Y/n looked out to the woods and rubbed her neck.
She called her dog to come with her and I can't hear her thoughts.
Until now.
'If you can hear me, I'm helping Bella, but i can't do that if I'm tired and exhausted.
I will not have any of you watch me sleep'.
Jasper then siad.
"Edward what is it"?
I then said.
"She reached out, she knows where here.
And she's helping Bella, and she said she can't do that tired and exhausted".
Alice then said.
"She thinks we're here because of Bella"?
I nodded and knowing that is what y/n thought hurt me.
I then said.
"Yeah, she does".
I then said walking away enough for y/n to feel comfertable.
"We have to talk to the wolves".
Alice then said.
"Edward i don't see-".
I then said.
"When y/n reached out she gave me her theories.
I saw her dream.
They won't attack.
We need their help, if we don't, y/n's and Bella's life is in danger.
Trust me".
We ran to the border between out land and the quillians.
Sam was there, getting ready to cross to watch over y/n.
I then said as he stayed still.
"We want the same thing Sam,
The treaty changed.
We need to talk,
(He shock out of his daze and i said.)
I know, it's confusing.
But y/n needs us, Victoria will come after Bella.
She sent Laurent, he's the one killing the hikers.
When she finds out about y/n she'll come for her instead".
Sam then thought.
'How is this possible'?
I then said.
"You, jacob, y/n and me together".
Sam then thought.
'As mates.
Okay well talk, but i need to bring this to the elders.
Everything changes'.
I then said.
"Hopefully for the good".
Sam nodded and left.
Paul came over and he thought.
'Who knew'?
I thrn said.
"Aparently y/n, but doesn't know".
Paul then thought.
'Well this is going to blow her mind'.
I nodded and i said.
"Yeah, but we can't aproch her yet".
Paul then thought.
'And when should we'.
I then said.
"I don't know".

To be contiued...

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