(Y/n's intro)
To find out that everything you knew, everything that you been told was a lie was like you lost a part of you that you never knew existed.
To know that your whole world has been turned inside out and upside down in the blink of an eye is the worst pain in the world.
But to know that the people you trust with your life knew that you aren't what you thought you were from the day you were born and lied was probably the most painfull thing of all.
Now I finally understood what others ment when they said they been stabbed in the back by one they trusted with their life.
I may not have been born human, but I lived like one for 14 years before it was my turn to become what my family says calls the first vampires
We are neither vampires of the night, neither are we humans of the day.
We are the first vampires, we are children of the eclipse, the beings of the inbetween, we are the eclipse purebloods.(Y/n's pov)
The teacher was drowning on about our lesson as the students work on their work sheets.
I was finished since I done math like this before, many, many times.
I kept my eyes closed and my arms remaining crossed across my chest, but my left eye brow twitched.
'If you want the students to focus and do the work, stop saying the same thing over and over and blabber it'.
Zero nudged my elbow with his and i opened my left eye looking at him and he was lightly smiling.
He side nodded and then went back to the last problem on his worksheet.
Me and zero had a language of our own when in the classroom.
We had one thing in common, we hated being vampires.
He knew if I had a choice my awakening wouldn't happen, I remain human.
Luckly like most vampire family, I wasn't bitten to be a vampire, nor did I need to be bitten for my awakening either.
Your probably wondering why I'm in the Day class instead of the Night class.
To simply put it, I didn't give off that charm of a vampire like the others do.
It's what draws the humans in, it what gets them close enough for a vampire to drink their preys blood.
A honey trap, just like the saying 'You catch more flies with honey instead of vinegar'.
The hunters, like Zero was training to be before he became what he hunts most, can't tell who's human and who's a vampire because of our honey trap.
Because my are good looks give us away.
But not my family, we aren't vampires, but neither are we humans.
We look human, but have charm like a vampire and we drink blood.
But all vampires can eat people food to, the only drinking blood thing is just a rumor and myth created by the hunters so the unsuspecting humans don't go into a panic.The end of class bell rang and I looked to see that the sun was setting, turning the pretty blue sky orange with purple in the edges of the sky.
I said to Zero as he put his guardian band on.
"Have fun Zero".
He then said as I gathered my things.
"You know you can ask the headmaster if you can join the Disciplinary Committee".
I then said after I sighed.
"You know he'll only say no, if he finds out he'll transfer me to the Night class".
Yuki must of heared cause she gasped and almost yelled aloud but she caught herself after the first word.
(I jumped and looked at her and she whispered the rest with a serious voice.)
Your a vampire!
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you tell the headmaster when you arrived at cross academy"?
Zero then said.
"Because she doesn't view herself as a vampire".
I then said explaining part of the why.
"I wasn't always a vampire, I wasn't bitten either.
But I'm neither human or vampire, that's why Zero didn't call me out when I first met you guys".
Yuki looked at Zero, to see if this was the truth, before I met Zero, he was grumpy, angry and antisocial.
He hatred for vampires was profound, so Yuki tells me.
I said to Yuki feeling tired, and defeated.
"I figured you find out and tell your dad, but I just want to say one thing before you go to report to him before your patrol.
I have to much humanity left in me to be a beast you fear in your nightmares.
But my kind, my family aren't creatures of the Night, but we aren't people of the Day.
We are eclipse bloods, no one was bitten and turned.
Unmixed you would learn what it mean when in the night class.
But my kind of vampire has been in hiding for 3,000 and 15 years.
(I lowered my head and sighed.)
I understand you'll want me to come with you and take me to the headmaster.
I wouldn't expect anything else".
Zero held my right shoulder and he must be looking at Yuki.
Yuki said lightly as she lifted my chin and a tear escaped eye before I noticed her kind smile.
"I should be saying go to the headmaster, for I'm a guardian of cross Academy.
(I was confused and she continued with her friendly smile.)
And I protect the students of the Day class and the Night class.
(I stood up as she said.)
You may only be beings of the inbetween, but your my friend.
How about this, i help present your case to my father and see if we can get you on the disciplinary committee instead of being transferred"?
I then sighed lightly looking at her shocked.
"You breal protocol for me"?
She nodded and hugged me as Zero saod happily.
"Your our friend Y/n, of course we'll break protocol".
Yuki then used her serious voice, but it's the one were she really isn't feeling serious.
"But you have to come with us and stay within our line of sight until we're done keeping the day class girls from getting to close to the Night class, understood"?
I smiled nodded happily as I wipped away my happy tears.
We began walking to the Night class entrance gate to the road that leads to Cross Academy main campus across the way from the Night class dorms.
The night and day dorms were separated about a few feet from each other, two different worlds coming to the same place for classes.
The heaasters dre was for the war between vampires and humans to end, so that we can learn to coexist.
But sadly there are still vampires that attack humans, that's why the disciplinary committee was formed.
They are the guardians of both worlds, and protect other students from one another and those within both dorms.
I stopped by the tree and they continued to the gate.
The say class girls, and the few day class boys that came were in aww when they saw me.
When I came they acted like I was a celebrity, I had enough charm to draw attention.
But what made me even more popular beside me beautiful human like looks was that I never ever in my time of being enrolled in Cross Academy did I come to see the Night class students.
I leaned against the tree and pulled out my sketch book, I love to draw and paint when I had the time.
Now looks like good of time as any as I wait for Zero and Yuki to finish up hear.
They told me the Day class girls were loud, but I never really thought that they be this loud.
The moment the gate doors opened I flinched and cringed.
I didn't bother to see what got them so railed cause it became to much.
I dropped my sketch pad and covered my ears.
'For the love of all that's good and decent'!
They stopped, but I could still hear their screams.
That's when i noticed someone was infront of me, holding my sketch book out to me.
"Are you alright"?
I looked to see Kaname Kuran, Night class president, and one of the last pureblood vampire left.
How wrong the vampire community is if they knew the truth.
My female class mates description's do him no justice, he was way hotter in person.
I then said as I lightly toke hold of my sketch book.
"Yeah, I'm fine.
(I rubbed my ears and said.)
I just never heared so many people scream so loud before".
Kaname lightly smiled and said.
"You'll get used to it,
(He held his hand out and said.)
I'm Kaname Kuran, you must be new here".
I then said lightly smiling rubbing my neck.
"Oh, im not new, I just never came here before now so you never seen me here".
I could still here the screams so I rubbed my ears again and said once I felt better.
"I heared about you from my classmates, more so from Yuki, she's told me you saved her life from a really bad man wheb she was five".
He then said.
"That is true,
(He saw that the night class were waiting for him, a group of aristocrat's, waiting for him.)
Well I hope to see you again,
(He lightly smiled as he realised he forgot to ask me my name.)
Sorry lost my manners for a mintue".
I then said shacking his hand.
"Y/n, y/n l/n".
We let go, but he toke my hand and kissed it and said before rejoining his classmates.
"Nice to finally meet you miss Y/n".
They all walked to class and the day class girls went bacl to their dorms with a frightening look from Zero sent their way when they refused.
I couldn't look away from where I last saw the Night class.
My mother said when she met my father she felt the bond of soulmates before and after their hands touched.
I still felt that feeling in my finger tips, but i had to shack it away when Zero asked.
"You okay Y/n"?
I then said as i looked at them.
"I'm fine,
(I rubbed my ears as we walked to the direction of the headmaster's office.)
You guys weren't kidding about the day class girls when it comes to the Night class".
Zero then said.
"Its worse for us because we are vampires.
But you'll get used to it".
I then said before we entered the headmaster office.
"Please let it be so, cause I dont know how I would take anymore yelling".To be continued...

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