Bruce Wayne( Batman):
His favorite color is black, but another color was added when he met you.
You often wear blue when you wear black outfits.
How you met, you met him when he came to the police station as Batman.
You met him again as Bruce when batman wanted, no wanted would be a stretch, he needed to get to know you.
You walked to the manor when you where mailed an address.
His favoirte place to kiss you is the lips, when he gets he would which is rare but when it was around male cops, one the rare days Bruce visits you at work, he kisses your neck.
You knew why, and he knew you recognised him when you met him as Bruce, you voiced it.
Bruce was surprised you knew it wad him.Barry allen:
His favorite color is red.
How you met is when you were in college and went to meet your room mate.
Which turned out to be Barry, there was an odd number of girls in the science dorms and you met barry.
His favorite place to kiss you when you guys started dareing after a couple of years from graduation and you working together, and finding out he's the flash, he hisses you on the lips, cheeks and forehead.Edward cullen:
How you met, you were a human that transferred from the United States, California to be specific cause you knew you need to go.
You heared Edwards thoughts and he looked right at you surprised when you asked in your head.
'Can you hear me'?
He told his family and when they watched you move things with your mind he knew not only were you special, and that you were his.His favorite color is blue, which is what you often wear.
His favoirte place to kiss you, would be the lips and forehead.
If rose is in the room, he kisses your neck.
Your the only other blond in the room, rose is peaved that your what Edward wants.Jacob black:
His favorite color is green, which is what your eyes flash to when your peaved or unamused.
He seen the change in action when paul made a rude comment.
Scared paul when he didn't see the happy blue eyes, but forest green eyes that scare them.
How you met was when jacob was still new to the life of a shapeshifter, you were on the beach when you stopped the soccer ball from hitting you.
Jacob imprinted on you and he hanged out with you more than Bella and that pissed the b hole off.
Jacob cut her out of his life and when you learned his secret, you didn't freak out, scream or run, you stayed and looked at him amazed.
He was beyond relived and happy.
His favorite place tp kiss you is the lips.
Second is the forehead since you are short compared to him.Sam ulley:
His favorite color is purple, it also is your eye color, they flash brightly when you use magic.
Yep your a witch.
How you met was you were protecting yourself against a vampire that wants to be the one of the few vampires that drinks witches.
Sam got the vampire and when he checked to see if your okay then leave, he imprinted on you.
He recognised you from the third wife legend, the one where a witch helped taha Aki survive a vampire attack.
And bring the third wide back, but in a mother's body that showed up a few years later.He knew he couldn't leave you, infact he didn't want to.
He layed down and looked you in the eye.
He knew witches weren't normal humans, but rumers floated that they, or a small few, he didn't know for sure, can understand animals.
And, that they are immortal, well that part is true cause you were forever 20.
And you said.
"You want me to get on your back"?
He nodded and you said.
His favorite place to kiss you is the lips.

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