(Bruce/Batman's pov)
Hellhound toke off to the now former mayor's home the moment the elevator doors opened again when we were back on the ground.
Gordan spoke looking at where she was going then back at me.
"Is there something I'm missing here?
You two were just fine like,
(He remebered the exact amount of time he last seen us together.)
Seven months ago".
I then said.
"Riddler was her case, not mine.
She might believe that somehow it's her fault that he's back out in the streets".
Gordan then said as i noticed he was hesitating.
"The card he left her is love letter sized Batman.
(My fist clenched and Gordan continued.)
Im afriad that if she works this case it will consume her".
I then said shacking my head.
"Ill be by her side to make sure he doesn't get to her.
She's my,
(I wanted to say my girl aloud, to let everyone know that this amazing women who hides herself from the world she now comes to call home that she was my girl and I love her.
I didn't love her for her skill or the mask, just her.
But the moment I asked if i could see her true self, she closed herself off from me.
That was around the same time as when she worked the case of the Riddler before he even got on my radar.
'It was something I had to take care of on my own'.
That was what she said, the moment I heared those words I wanted to argue, I wanted to tell her my feelings, but she pointed out that Gordan was calling us so I didn't get a word in edge wise.)
My partner".
Gordan then said before getting in his police cruiser.
"She's more than a partner to you.
I don't need to be a rock scientist to know the look a man has when he's in love.
(He looked at me before he pulled out to drive.)
You need to tell her, sooner rather than later or otherwise it be to late.
I never thought during my time working with you would I see the Batman in love".
'Shes the only one that makes me feel love and happiness besides anger and grief.
I wish I can keep her off this case, but I learned one thing from my time with hell hound is that she'll never give up.
'A marine never backs down from a fight, and neither do I'.
Was what she said the first time I tried to keep her off any case where I feared for her safety.I got on my bike and followed Gordan and paused seeing Hellhound motorcycle.
'No, ill try to convince her that it's okay for her to trust me with her Identiy, before I even think about putting a trader on her motorcycle'.I walked in with Gordon, hellhound was already sniffing for clues besides what the Riddler left behind.
It was one of the reason I love her, she knew that even the smallest difference can lead to us solving the case.
But it wasn't just the way she thought that made the dominions fall to me feeling like a love sick puppy.
She was honest, straight up when we first met, she knew who I was under the mask.
I was shocked how someone that I never met could find out so fast, until she explained that it's becasue she's not from my world.
I vowed then to protect her.
But as I watch her anayliz the crime scene, I wish I can do not just as batman but as Bruce to if she just trusts me with her identiy.(Y/n's pov)
'What does a man still do after death'?
I sighed as i knew the answer.
'He lies still'.
'Same riddle he used before I got here',
I stood up and went to where the Riddler stood watching the mayor before he striked.
I pulled out my flashlight and said shining it over where Edward left foot print dents in the carpet.
"Male adult size 12, ruffly 18 to 25 years old. Average weight up to 197.9 pounds".
Gordan then asked looking at me.
"We didn't find any signs of forced entry,
(He looked around again to see if he missed something.)
How did he get in and how did the mayor not see him"?
I then said walking back to the living room.
"Because he wasn't in the house while the mayor's wife and son where here.
(I looked to the cop next to me and said.)
Can you go to the building across the street theb shine your flash light please"?
The officer nodded and left and we waited.
That's when Gordan put it together when the officer shined his flashight

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