Kaname Kuran x (Salior Moon) Reader part 1

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*Requested by DreamyKawaii*

(Y/n's pov)

'It'll be an adventure' my sister said,
'You'll have fun' my sister said,
'You'll make some friends' my sister said.
Yeah right, Usagis, you forgot to mention that my extra special assignment would involving screaming girls.
I cringed at the Day class girls literally screaming in my ear.
I then toke and breath and said at the top of my lungs.
"Okay listen up I have had it to here with girls screaming in my ear, so pipe down or I swear that Ill make your lives a living hell.
(Theu back up from me in fear as I gave them my steelly ice gaze.)
Do you understand me".
'Watch your temper Y/n'.
I saw they were shivering, since I'm used to the cold my powers brought I hadn't noticed that it began to snow.
I relaxed best I could but I had to keep the snow coming.
If it suddenly stopped that not only will these girls notice something is up, the Night Class will defiantly know something freaky was going on.
I then said guestering to the snow.
"See, your noreven perpared for the surprise snow fall.
(They nodded and i looked to them all and rubbed my eyes and turned my backs to them.)
Im going to let you guys off the hook just once, if you go back to the dorms to warm up.
But if I see any one of you when Im done rubbing my eyes I'll put you on cleaning duty, of the restrooms.
1, 2,
(They zipped away and I looked to see it was just me, Yuki and Zero infront of the Moon dorm gate.)
Well that's a new record".

Zero smirked as he said.
"For you or the Day class students"?
I shrugged my shoulders and said honestly.
"Alittle bit of both.
I usually lose my temper in a few weeks.
It's been 5 months and now three days".
Zero clapped and I sticked my tounge at him with a smile on my face.
'Well you were right about one thing Usagis, I did make a few friends'.

Zero and Yuki.
The gates began openeing and I quickly added the other two the moment i could see them.
'Can't forget about Ruka and Aido, even though they are vampires'.
Hanabussa can be funny when he wants to be and Ruka really is sweet behind that slack jaw gaze.
Hanabussa began to sing and twilled around.
"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back any more".
I giggled and singed.
"Let it go, let it go and we'll rise like the break of dawn".
Hanabussa bowed and said.
"Still beautifull singing voice as always Y/n".
I then said.
"Right back at you Elsa".
We laughed at our little inside joke, since we both have ice powers it was easy to tease one another.
Well easy to tease him since he doesn't know I have ice powers to.
He laughed and said.
"For you Y/n ill be your ice prince".
He began walking and once Ruka was beside me I started walking besides her.
She said.
"I don't know how you find the most oddest similarities, but it is quite amusing".
We snickered and I said.
"Its easy ice after all".
We laughed and I said stopping by the Night class entrance to campus.
"Well you guys have a nice night".
Ruka then said.
"You to y/n".
They walked onto campus and I planed to walk to Yuki and Zero to start our patrol.
But I bumped into one of the night class students.
I stumbled and the person I bumped into caught me.
"Are you alright Y/n"?
The moment I heared his voice not only did I have to keep a lid on my powers, but also control on what I thought.
He then said moving a piece of hair off my forehead.
"Wouldn't want a scratch on that beautiful face of yours".
I then said as I stood up and he let go.
"I can handle a scratch, if I couldn't I wouldn't be a guardian if I was afriad of getting hurt.
Thank you Kaname for catching me though".
He then said.
"Ill always catch you when you fall y/n".
He walked away and it toke everything to not let how fast my heart is beating effect my expression.
Blush colored my cheeks and for a moment, I slipped.
'He talked to me'.
I then smacked my cheek and shook my head and said.
"Get it together Y/n, your a salior moon guardian, hour here for only one thing and one thing only.
(I looked at the Campus and saddness overwhelmed me.)
To protect Cross Academy and the students and staff inside.
Nothing else".
And that's been my problem, I take everything to seriously.
I was only ever involved in my duties as a salior moon guardian, that I never toke the time in my life to be a kid.
Go out, have fun, and maybe have a relashionship.
'Maybe my sister was right, maybe I should loosen up'.
I then said outloud as I went to join Yuki and Zero, who were to busy arguing to notice I was approaching them.
"But life isn't easy,
(I looked at Yuki and I can tell right away why these two were arguing.
It will be Saint Chocolatos Day the day after tommorrow.
And Yuki wants to give Kaname chocolate.)
Nor is it fair".

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