My phone was what woke me up earlier than my internal alarm clock. I groaned as I looked at my phone. 'Heaven forbid Mars and Mercury not call me this bloody early in the morning for a check in'. I then grabbed it and said answering the phone tired. "Mars, Mercury what a pleasant surprise". 'Not'. Mars said answering first. "Hey y/n we didn't wake you up did we"? I thrn said. "No not really I was waking up, I'm going to get chocaltes for my class mates. These girls seem to only give chocaltes to the Night class boys". Mercury then asled teasingly. "Speaking of boys, did any of them strike your fancy"? They giggled and I said. "Im here to protect Cross Academy and those who reside in it. Not looking for future mister L/n guys" They then pouted and said as I stood up. "But come on y/n live alittle. We know you, we know that you someday want to walk through the door of your home to see the man You love waiting for you. (I rolled my eyes and smiled, yeah they know me better than my sister and it drives her mad.) But geez you have no sense of humor". I then said confused. "Hey, I am to humorous. When I want to be. (I looked at the clock and said.) Guys I got to go and get ready, I want to at least get to the store early and get enough chocaltes for the day class boys. Call you back". They said. "Have a nice day y/n". We both hanged up at the same time and I said seeing the sun rise and I smile, thankfully I don't have classes today. "Time to get up and greet the day". I went to my closet and looked at the clock and said seeing my options layed out before hand. "Humm I got a few mintues to kill, (I then said seeing the other options beside the one I already pre-planed to wear yesterday.) Though I'm still on this. (
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.) Maybe Usagis is right, live alittle change a few things. (I theb shook my head and said.) What am I think? Im not a blushing school girl, Im a salior moon guaridan for crying out loud. (I felt sad and said being honest.) I'm not even a normal girl to begin with, with and with out my magic wand and magic uniform".
I then shook my head and said. "Enough with the sad stuff. (I looked in the mirror with my full outfit on and saw myself.) I'm a guaridan of Cross Academy, I'm a salior moon protected of humanity and magic, and I'm not normal. (I smiled looking at my self agreeing, and litteraly glowing, seeing what my sister sees.) I'm unique". I then grabbed my purse with my extra change and said exiting my dorm . "If I go now I'll make it to the store and beat traffic". Both car's and people, you have no idea how visious these day class girls can be when it comes to chocolates. Yeesh.
Once I exited the grounds of the campus, and away from the window view of the students I pulled out my Salior moon wand. I then said. "Why not? (I hide in in my jackets inside pocket for easier access.) I might need it incase I come across a Level E. (I remembered Zero is a vampire that was once human. Slowly becomeing a Level E, or at least he was before we became friends. The moment his hunger striked when we were patroling I had my wand with me, he was in so much pain that I couldn't stand there and not help him. My blood to these vampires is more rare than purebloods. That's why my secret has to remain that way above all else. Zero was now stable, for good, he won't be falling into level E status. Of my blood can do that to a vampire who was once human, imagine what it would do to an aristocrat, to a pureblood. Thought I love Kaname, I can't take the risk that he might get hurt because of me.) Well Level E's that aren't Zero, thankfully he won't be one, ever". 'I don't know what I would do if I had to put Zero out of his misery'. I made it to the store within 20 mintues, since I walked this way before it made my time of travel shorter and shorter every time. I then said placing myself for what's to come. "You can do this, you saved the world. You can definalty face vicious girls who rip your arms off if you get the same chocolates they are". 'God help me now'. I closed my eyes and entered the store and peaked and relaxed. 'Oh im the only one in here besides a few adults with the associate cashier'. I then grabbed a cart and said going to the clearance and see some good deals. "Well I might just get this done in a mater of 10 mintues". I got a few of eveything, I then said looking at the isle. "Can't forget aido, Akatsuki, takuma, and senri". I then wiped my brow as i saw the cart was full. I then said. "Wow, good thing i brought, (I whispered wand before saying instead.) My car". I then went to the cashier and said pulling out the right about of cash. "Bussy day hu"? She then said looking at my hull. "Wow, Saint Chocolato shopping miss"? I then said rubbing my neck. "Yeah, some of my class mates don't get chocolates so I figure I get them some". She then said. "Pardon the pun but your very sweet. It's a very nice thing". She then said after everything was bagged. "You want me to call a cab back to campus"? I then said. "Thank you for the offer, but it can't hurt to exercise the arm muscles". I then said exiting. "Ill be right back to return the cart". She then said smiling. "I was just going to offer that, you some kind of mind reader"? I laughed and said. "I wish, if I was then I wouldn't be wondering if the guy I like feels the same way as I do". She then said nodding. "I hear you, well have a happy Saint chocolato's day miss". I waved and pushed the cart to be in an alley, not really a safe option because of the vampires, but thankfully no vampires were around this early. I then pulled out my wand and said. "Okay, let go home". I reappeared in my dorm room and said after getting all the chocaltes on my bed. "Well it might take awhile to get these all wrapped up, but It'll be worth it".