(Y/n's pov)
'Hello y/n'.
I woke up to that voice, that fimilar voice I lifted my head and looked around.
But finding no one there.
I then sat up, but imeaditly regretted it.
"Ahh, ow, ow, ow.
(I looked to the area where i seemed to have left an imprint, and there was snow on the floor, so it was pretty obvious where i landed.)
Ah now i know how stuntmen feel when hiting the mats for saftey".
I grimaced and i stood up and it hurt for a bit.
'You need to be carefull there'.
I turned imeaditly to find who said that.
I then yelled looking around but finding no sign of people.
"Who's out there?
Come out!
Come out right now or I'll come over there"!
The voice laughed and said.
'I think your going to find that pretty difficult miss avenger'.
I then said know that i don't go out enough for someone to find out the nick name my dad gave me.
"How, how did you know that nickname?
And where the hell are you"!?
The voice said.
'Easy, look up'.
I did and gasped seeing the moon, the man in the moon and i said realizing where i was.
"You got to be freaking kidding me"!
He laughed and said.
'No, no im not kidding you here'.
I then said.
"Then how do i get out, im not-'.
He then cut me off.
'supposed to be here, on the contrary miss y/n, you do.
If you didn't you wouldn't be here right now'.
I clenched my fists, but my powers didn't seem to work.
Manny laughed and said.
'Im afriad your powers won't work for a little while.
But I can tell you what can be done'.
I then said sarcastly.
"Really and what is that, help the last unicorn find others like her, sure where do i start"?
The moon laughed again and said.
'You are really funny, now do you want to know what you can do, or do you want to find out the hard way'?
I quieted down, if I learned the hard way i might mess up, i might change the story, and that can never happen.
I then said looking up to him.
"Okay what do i do manny"?
He then said.
'Help the guardians defeat pitch black, once and for all'.
I then said when i looked down to find a trail, which seemed to lead somewhere.
"How am i going to do something completely impossible"?
Then the moon replied.
'Only you will know'.
Then he was gone.
I walked the trail to the town of Burgess the town where jack frost came from 300 years ago.
I understand why jack was so upset with Manny not talking to him.
Manny didn't really give much of anything, just vague notions.
Only I would know?
Sounds like somthing from the cheeiset hero movie of all time.
But i can't complain, I just can't.
I'm an avenger, i protect, help and serve.
I'm just going to have to find a way to do that here i guess.Once i arrived in the town limits, the sun started to rise.
The town was just barely waking up ready to start the day, that's when i noticed.
I was wearing the wrong kind of cloths for this kind of weather.
I shivered and saw the cloths left in a box that said 'donated'.
I grabbed a thick jacket that was blue and winter boots.
Once they were on, I felt much better.
I started my journey again and came across Jamie and his friends having a snow ball fight.
I smiled and watched.
But when jack raised the steaks, that's when i imeaditly moved into action.
I ran and followed these two trouble makers.
Once Jamie was back where his friends were, that's when i jumped to absorb the blow from the couch that fell out of a moving truck that jack and Jamie past.
I groaned and said seeing Jamie was tossed a few inches away since my body hit his.
"Oh god that hurt like-.
(I realised kids were a round, but covered what i was going to say perfectly.)
Like I being punched in the gut by a boxer.
(I sat up and groaned in pain.
The impact displaced one of my ribs.)
In some cases it is".
I place my hand where the displace rib is and then popped it back into place and groaned instead of scream since this feeling of pain was fimailr and it dulls every time i feel it.
That was when jack said to lighten the mood in the funny way.
I then said as a replie looking at him getting up.
"Oops is right ".
He was shocked, but i turned my attention to Jamie who got up.
I then said to him.
"Are you okay kiddo"?
Jamie then said standing up still.
"Yeah, im fine thanks".
Then he coughed and then he coughed out one of his teeth.
I grimaced and said.
"Oh, wow, that's one way to lose a tooth.
Looks like someone is getting a visit from the tooth fairy.
Got to thank jack for that".
Jamie then said picking up his tooth.
"Jack, who's jack"?
I then said confused .
"You don't know jack frost.
(Jamie tilted his said.)
Father of winter?
Spirit of fun"?
Jamie then said.
"Do you know him miss, miss"?
I then siad holding my hand out.
"Y/n, y/n Rogers, it's nice to meet you-".
Jamie then smiled and said.
"Jamie Bennett its nice to meet you miss Y/n Rogers".
I then said.
"Just call me y/n please.
And yes, I know of him, not know him.
There's difference.
Any way are you sure nothing hurts, no broken or hurt limbs"?
Jamie then moved his legs, fingers, arms hands and neck.
He then said.
"All in perfect working order.
Nothing missing".
I then said.
Jamie then said.
"So y/n it's great to meet you but my mom says i really shouldn't talk to strangers thought".
I then said.
"Smart woman.
It's okay i completely understand.
I just moved to town".
Jamie then smiled.
"Well let me and my friends show you around.
After all you toke most of the blunt impact from the couch"?
We turned to look at the couch and i said moving away from it.
"Its okay Jamie, mabey next time.
I got to get to my new place anyhow.
And you guys probably want to go home before it gets dark".
Jamie then said.
"At least let me tell you where the market is, your probably hurt".
I then said.
"Im fine really, I had worse that a displaced rib.
Comes with the job".
Jamie then said.
People pay you to get hurt"?
I then siad.
"More of a voluntary line of work, but i don't always get hurt.
Besides i have a first aid kit at home".
I started walking and i said to the kids.
"Be carefull guys, and cover your noses, jack frost might nip them".
I then walked threw the town.
It gotten dark, time seemed to be different in this world.
I didn't realise jack was looking for me after his shock ran out.
I noticed him on the phone lines talking to manny.
I then said to him panicing.
(Hey looked down and i said.)
Are you flipping crazy man, you could fall get down"!
He then said floating down.
"Its you, y/n, can,
(He cleared his throat and shook his head then looked at me.)
can you really see me"?
I then said see that he was hopeing that what was happening is real.
"Yeah, I can see you, why"?
Jack then said.
"Its just, it's just been so long.
I then said.
"Cause i believe in you".
He smiled, but that smile fell off his face when a noise caught both are attention.
I then said though knowing it was probably the yeti that helped north make toys.
Bunny wouldn't be reckless to alert jack that he was here.
I then said.
"What was that"?
Jack raised his staff and got infront and he said.
"You got good ears y/n".
I rhen said following.
"Thanks, I learned from my mother".
Jack then said as we kept our eyes peeled.
"Really, what was your mother's profession"?
I then said.
"She like Mi6, FBI, but never really confirms what she is".
Jack then said looking to me.
"So your mother is a spy?
(I nodded and he smiled and fouces at the task at hand.)
I then said seeing bunny move.
"Right there"!
We ran after him to the opening of a loading dock.
Jack then siad.
"Good ears and eyes y/n you got to thank your mother for me".
I then said keeping my eyes on a dark spot bunny was hiding in.
"I didn't know the Easter bunny was shy, dosent seem to fit the whole guardian presona".
Jack looked at me and looked at the shadow and bunny came out.
Bunny then said fliddiling with his boomarangs.
"You seem to know alot about what i am for a normal human".
I then said watching him.
"I didn't grow up normal and fyi this human has a name mate.
(I used my Australian accent when i said mate and he was shocked.)
It's y/n kangaroo and it's called looking you up on the internet.
Do you know how many myths and legends of you, the tooth fairy, sand man, Santa claus, and jack frost are out there?
I got go say, i expected a cute bunny, not a gruff mean bunny warrior".
Jack was snickering at bunny being roasted.
Bunny then said towering over me.
"You got a lot of guff lass ill give ya that.
But ya aint a kid anymore how can you see me and frosty here"?
Jack then said.
I then said.
"1, i can see cause i believe, second frosty is the name for a Christmas decoration,
(I pointed to jack and said.)
His name is Jack frost".
Bunny then said.
"You got spirit kid".
I then said not noticing the yeti's sneaking up on me and Jack.
"I'm not a kid kanga".
He then smirked and said.
"Then i do apologize for this".
I turned and i helped when the yeti's pulled the big sack over us.
Jack yelled.
I then said as the yeti's tied up the sack.
"Dam it".
The space in the sack was limited to say the least.
Good thing it was dark in here cause i was blushing like crazy since I was up against jack.
Jack then said.
"You okay"?
I then said.
"Really your worried about me why?
We just,
(I sighed.)
We just met".
Jack then said.
"I know but i -".
Time really seemed to be fickle here, because it felt like only seconds ago we were in Burgess next, being dropped to the floor of the north pool.
I groaned in pain, jack was above me and i said.
The sack was untied and jack came out of it and he said to the guardians sfanding around us.
"What is going on"?
I came out and the guardians gasped and North said.
"Bunny you brought another friend"?
I then said.
"Yes, yes he did".
Tooth said.
"And she's.
She's human".
I then said.
"Last time i checked".
Jack then said.
"Thanks for the invitation but we really got to go".To be contiued.

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