(Y/n's intro)
The idea of living forever always sounds good in the beginning, the journey and search for it always seems worth it.
But you learn quickly that you have became blind to what life offers you, what makes life truley worth living.
What makes it specail that nothing can even compare to it.
When your imortal, the repetition of what goes on around you and you knowing you can't have it anymore can make you wish you never thought of living that life..
But an immortal life is worth living when you have something to live for.
For me that is the man i love and being with my family, life's pleasures and material objects didn't matter to me.
Until Edward left and i went to find him.
But no matter how hard I looked, i couldn't find him.
I tried going back to my father Carlisle and Esme, my mother in this imortal life.
When i did, they were gone.
I was alone.
So i turned to the only thing i brought with me from my human life.
My magic.(Y/n's pov)
Life may have been dull in the 1300s, but the changes to society since then have made my immortal life both painful and exilirating.
When your a vampire, there's things you'll imeaditly miss.
The ability to taste food, sleep and socialization with the outside world.
The secret that vampires exist needed to be kept that way, a secret.
When i turned to my magic 600 and 20 years ago, I dedicated my time to finding a way to perminalty or temporally turn me human.
I finally discovered a potion that made me human for a couple of months at a time.
As long as i toke it regularly like medicin I remain human.
But i never gave up on finding my parents or finding Edward.
I got up and went to my cauldron.
I snapped my fingers, flames from the candles lit up the room of my rustic, modern home that reminded me of my youth in London.
I grabbed a spoon and gathered the potion and divided it up and put it in viles.
Even after i made enough to last me 3 maybe four years, I collect ingreditens.
Which now that the world changed, those ingreditens have increasingly became harder and harder to gather without drawing attention.
I then said after my all black border collie bane barked to get my attention as i look at my supplie.
"I know,
(He whimpered and i said petting him.)
I know i don't like moving around either, but no human should ever know what i am.
And i want to keep you safe from myself".
He whimpered and i said petting him.
"I know, i miss our friends to.
(I went over to the map and said in Latin.)
Spiritus naturae me ducunt, ostende mihi locum, locum habenti quod quaero"!(((Translation: spirits of nature guide me, show me a place with, a place that has what i seek.)))
Light circled the map and then stopped in one place.
I then said confused.
"Forks Washington?
(Bane squeaked and tilted his head.)
But some of the supplies i need don't grow there".
I put my hands on my hips and said after looking at the map, remembering what my biological mother always said to me when no one was around.
"Magic doesn't make mistakes".
The ingredients i need may not have been growning in washington the last time i was there, but maybe that changed.
The world is a mysterious and complicated planet, changes could mean what I seen in one place isn't the same.
I then said to bane.
"Okay, I guess we're going to washington".
I went to the kitchen, i grabbed banes food and he eat as i cooked my own breakfast.
I then went to my computer, well i guess it wouldn't be called a computer since it wasn't technology, but a witchy version of it.
A mirror with a small crystal ball attached to it with unicorn hair like a cable.
I then said as my search bar showed up.
"School enrollment".
The mirror clouded and then it showed forks high.
I scrolled threw the activities, and then the pictures and stopped when i saw a glimpse of the one person i thoughti never see again.
I then said after rubbing my eyes.
"It can't be".
I then said in latin.
"Da mihi claritatem visus vampire".(((Translation: Give me clarity of vampire sight.)))
My eyes flashed black, it's been almost 2 years since i drank animal blood, i stopped when i found bane in a cardboard box, abandoned by people who couldn't or wouldn't take responsibility of him.
He was so innocent to what happened to him, innocent to the world around him, yet he was scared and lonley, wanting the comfert of a family.
Just like me.
So i toke my potion then and toke him with me.
Since then i was never off the potion.
I gasped seeing it was indeed Edward.
I then said the counter spell.
"singularem aspectum aufer et oculos humanos reddite".

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