Jacob black x reader

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((((A/n note: I don't own the quote, this quote belongs to Edna St. Vincent Millay.
It's in both the breaking dawn movie and in the first page of the book if your intreseted.))))

((Another a/n not: this one shot is a cross of criminal minds.))

*requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(Y/n's intro)
Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away chlidish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.

(May's pov)

The wind beated agasint the car along with the gental pitter patter of the rainy against the roof and windows.
But I couldn't help but feel the concern and dread of a night similar to this creep back up from my chest to my throat.
I wasn't the only one that suffers from that horrible night, my daughter y/n was only 5 and she seemed to have gotten the worst of it cause somehow when we crashed I passed out and y/n must of pulled me out.
When I awaken she was huddled in a ball shacking and eyes wide open staring off into the woods.
I turned to looked at her, now 17 years old and sleep on the couch infront of the thinest window of the RV made in existence, whether it an imperfection, or on purpose, the cold sweeps in like the window is open.
But it seems to make my little girl rest easy on this trip.
Spencer, my husband held my hand and said as he knows what I'm thinking and why im looking at y/n like i used to when she sleeps before the accident.
"It wasn't your fault.
(His thumb rumbled my nuckles and he looked on the rearview mirror to see y/n asleep with speciality made ear buds for her to listen to music when she sleeps in moving vehicles, and wrapped with her once therapy dog, now her pet.
A reward for patients that need animal assistance and they got better.)
Doctor says she's gotten better and those nightmare of that night haven't came back which is a good sign".
I then whispered as i see the peacefull look on y/n's face, her eyes moving under her eye lids.
Spencer being certified to help kids with therapy watched y/n and toke doctor Linda's advice.
It may be possible that this move back to forks may bring back the nightmare, so y/n's got to wear the ear buds, music keeps the person aware that they are asleep.
Distinguish reality from REM sleep.
"But she's those ear buds Spencer, you know what Linda said that it could mean if the nightmares come back".
He nodded as he pulled off the road to be infront of forks sign.
We promised y/n to wake her up so she doesn't miss it.
Her excitement both makes us proud of the brave girl she is, and affriad.
She's like her father that way, handling her own problems, and slowly learning to ask others for help with her troubles lile Spencer did.
She looks more like him than me, though Spencer disagreed until y/n needed reading glasses.
She has his chestnut brown hair and she has the rarest eye color we didn't know was possible, her eyes were purple.
He sighed and said as he looked at her.
"That there's something more to that moment you and her were pulled out by the big wolf"?
I looked at him and he pulled out y/n sketch pad.
And began flipping through it, making sure i saw what y/n drew.
Not only was i amazed at y/n's skill in drawling, i was surprised at the detail and memory that went into each piece.
Spencer then said and he held my hand.
"I noticed y/n drawing again, and when she noticed i was there she didn't flinch or panic.
She told me that there was someone else there.
I thought it was a person.
But this,
(He tapped the wolf, carefull not to smudge it.)
Wolf, helped get you out.
The size and intelligence must of spooked her when the adrenaline wore off".
I looked at y/n and i said.
"Then why wasn't she spooked and traumatised when she choose Josephine"?
Josephine having heared her name growled on alert, i smiled as i stood up and she relaxed.
I pet her and said.
"It's okay Josephine, y/n's not in danger".
An old habit Josephine is trying to shack, as y/n's therpay dog, Josephine had to make sure that people gave y/n her space in case she got a panic attack.
Another thing about sweet josephine, she's a demotivated wolf that went into a therpay program.

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