Edward Cullen And Jacob Black x (Witch)reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
The moment I met Isabella swan, all I could see was my sister.
Who gave up magic to live a normal life like the people in our little village in Salem.
Her husband, was surprisingly a witch supporter.
It was rare in those days for people to protect another instead of covering their asses and accuse inoccent people that did nothing wrong to another person because they had an extra sense like knowing when an animal is truley sick.
My sister kept me hidden with the little magic she had.
A cloaking spell, her specialty, she had a daughter at the end of the trials.
But let me make it clear the witches didn't start the trials, human women who tried to practice the more arcane forms of magic, the forms us real witches didn't care or dream to touch.
Cause that magic staints the soul, litteraly.
When I didn't age like my sister, she gave me an old spell book which was also a journal, not hers since she's the kind of girl that remembers everything that happens.
It was our mothers book, she died after our father did, a non magic.
Which was what witches called humans.

She always promised that the journal would be ours when we were older, or when she was no longer around to protect us

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She always promised that the journal would be ours when we were older, or when she was no longer around to protect us.
When she came to me with the book I imeadtily knew the tone the converstation we were going to have was going to take.

(Flash back)

Elizabeth, white hair replacing her black long curls came over and i said seeing the book.
"I haven't seen that thing for a decade".
Her quiet voice then said.
"And there's something in it you need to see.
(She handed it to me as far as she could.)
It's a message,
(I brushed the dust off with my hand over the gems and they glowed.)
From mom".
I then said when I opened it a found it.
"My dearest y/n if your reading this then this only means one thing.
I'm gone and you haven't age a day since turning 17.
There's no reason for you to be alarmed.
It'll make a whole lot of sense when you met the one.
Every witch has a soulmate.
Mostly human, which is why we witches age and live like regular people.
But if you haven't aged, then that could only mean one thing, your soulmate is an immortal, until you meet him what he can be is only up for speculation.
Magic is funny when it comes to these things.
Your soulmate couldn't be born yet, and magic knows that he'll become an immortal.
I know you'll feel alone, but you have family, if your sister has a child she'll need you to watch over her.
Live your life, the world will be changing.
I promise sweety, me and your father will always be with you.
Your sister and niece will to, generations of your future family will be with you in the veil if their soulmates are mortals.
These gems that you looked at in wonder will be a help if you want to communicate.
Each one can reach up to 20 people in the supernatural plain.
If my vision of the modern word will be any comparison, these gems will be like buttons on a cell phone.
When you find out what it is let me know, the gem to reach me is the green one.
Your sister and niece and other members with be the blue gem.
I love you y/n and we'll always be here for you".

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