Edward Cullen x (vampire) reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I always wondered what it would of been like if i stayed in high school, remained a teenager with my mother and brother.
Waking up to hear my mother's voice as she talked to our cats who yowed like they thought they were starving.
B/n was playing with d/n our dog who was growing into a tiny guard dog.
I slept most of the day while i went to school at night in c/n community college.

One night while my mother decided to take me to school to meet my friends along with my brother and pets, we were t boned.
They died while i someone how still breathed when Edwards dad Carlisle pulled over to save me.

A tear escaped my eye as i kept them closed.
The sound of the human teenagers around me was what made me alittle sadder.
I out lived my family, and my friends.
They would of still been alive if i didn't want to go hang out with my friends on campus for an event.
I would of still been human.
Jasper, who sat beside me placed a hand on my back.
His gifts didn't really work on me, but the thought was what counted.
Alice then said pushing the plate full of food i didn't need to eat toward me.
"It wasn't your fault".
I looked up at her and my abnormal bright green eyes looked back at her.
Alice was the only one of the cullens that approached me when i sat alone on campus under my favorite tree while the other students hangout in the quad.
I then said.
"If i didn't ask my mother if she could drop me off, they would still be alive.
My mother would probably have grandchildren.
My brother would be working at game stop as the CEO like he always wanted.
I would probably be married and have furry babies.
A term used by my generation for pets we love like family before the years passed and the term died out".
My mother's stuff remained in a storage garage esme made for me to go to whenever i wanted outside our house.
B/n's were given to my half step brothers sb/n and sb/n2.
But i kept the pops i gave him.
I looked to the empty seat beside me and rolled my eyes.
I looked to see Bella swan enter the room with Edward beside her.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed an apple.
Im the only vampire in the room that can eat human food and sleep.
The scent of lavender and fressia entered my nose and i felt sick.
Now I understood why my mother hated scents that had flowers like daisy or lavender in perfumes.
It was overwhelming.
Rose held my hand and i thought in her head.
'I don't care that she knows rose.
I just don't see what's so interesting'.
She patted my hand and replied.
'Shes got nothing on you'.
I looked at her confused and thought.
'Why would i compare myself to a emo depressed teenager who seems to not want to hang out and cares what she wants not caring about others, who could possibly choose the other guy instead of someone who loves her for her'?
She nodded as she tilted her head and she smiled as she thought.
'Because  your way better, you are better than her when you were human, your better than her now'.
Edward sat with Bella alone and i then said.
As i hear her ask certain questions about vampires.
"Really, we're out in the day, im even out when the sun's out when you guys are home".
Emment then said.
"Your the only one of us that don't sparkle.
(He threw an lushie snowball at me.)
Second you are the only one of us that keep these locals from suspecting were different".
I then said as i got up.
"Aparently not from someone from Phoenix".
I then left the cafeteria so i could get to my car.
The Volvo became a bit cramp when i decided to go to school with my brothers and sisters.
So Carlisle and esme fixed my mother's old SUV, with a few upgrades and design changes.
She called her clover since we are Irish.
My vibrant red hair became bronze like Edwards, similar to the way my mother's was when she was alive.
My eyes were blue before i was turned, when i woke up they were vibrant green like my father's who died years ago.
Since my hair was similar to Edwards, our identys were Carlisles son and daughter from his previous wife that died when we were born.
That forged identiy to keep our secret was the last straw.
I was Edwards sick cousin that was home schooled when my sibilings brought friends over.
Esmes daughter in Canada.
Since i been turned, my relationship with Edward was distant at best.
When i got in my car I drove to Seattle to relax.
I shop to calm down.
I held onto my purse as i went into the mall.
Usually Alice joins me after an hour school get out.
I entered hot topic and gotten half of the blind box stock of pony corns.
At the check out a child whimpered and said when she pointed to an empty stand of pony corns.
"Mommy their all gone".
I looked at her, she looked like me when i was a kid.
The women that comferted her looked like m/n, a dead ringer.
The baby boy in the stroller was holding a charizard.
I then said as i held a small bag.
They looked at me and i said as i gave her the ten pony corns in the bag.
"Here, you need them more than me".
The mother then said.
"Thank you.
(She placed a hand on her kid and said.)
My daughter loves to collect them.
(She pulled out her wallet and asked.)
Let me pay you back".
I raised my hand and said.
"No you keep it, think of them as a gift.
(I then walked out with my new purses, clothes, collectibles and shoes.)
Have a nice day ".
I went to Charlie's collectibles and saw the four atrocirapitres.
My brother and i love dinosaurs.
Jurassic park were our favorite movies to bond over.
I set the four of them on the counter.
"I like to check these out please".
The attendant at the counter was shocked at seeing me and he said leaning against it smiling.
"Wow, your a Jurassic World dominion fan to"?
I then said smiling.
"My brother and i would bond over Jurassic Park.
(I was then saddened, he should be here with me, he love this figurenes.)
Before he died".
The attendant then said sad for me.
"Oh my im so sorry".
I then said.
"Its okay, thats life.
(I then asked about the Cheshire cat funko pop.)
Can i also have that Cheshire cat"?
He smiled and said.
"Of course,
(As he sat it down he said.)
On the house".
He rang it up and i said.
"Your to kind,
(I said his name.)
He then said.
"Its part of the sale going on.
Good choices you made".
I then said.
"Thank you".
He then said.
"So what's your name pretty lady"?
I blushed and said.
"Y/n, your kind andy but-".
Edwards came in and said standing beside me.
"But she's with me".
I looked at him and i said.
"I was going to say that he has an admire that deserves him more than i do".
Andy blushed and i said taking hold of the bag to edward.
"Let's go now,
(I looked at Edward and said.)
As we left to another store i kept quiet.
On the way to my car, i then said.
"What happened to Alice"?
Edward then said asking.
"Why are you angry at me"?
I then said hissing below audible human vollume.
"You said im with you, but we're not Edward".
He then said.
"Why does that upset you when it's true"!?
He was trying not to get pissed.
I then said yelling like a human since the parking lot was empty.
"Because you were with her, but before that you avoid even looking and speaking to me!
(I looked away from him.)
What is it Edward, that im not a brunette!?
That im not emo and depressed like Isabella swan"!?
He hissed at me and i was hurt by that action.
I then said lowly when he realised what he's down.
"See, when i start showing intreset you get upset.
When you do and i don't say anything about it then i just bring it up you get angry.
(I then said.)
You have no right to do what you did when we aren't even together.
(I then said.)
When i found out you were wau differnet to how Bella found out.
We were diffenret when i was human.
We were friends that could of been more if i didn't get my family murdered!
(I cried and said rubbing my eyes.)
I don't care that she knows,
All i care about is that you don't abanded her when she needs you when she close to her death bed".
I got in my car and drove home.
On the way i stopped and pulled over and got out.
I then roared to the open air as i cried.
I fell to the ground and let it go.
I pulled out my family's picture and i said looking at them.
"Im so sorry, im so sorry".
I stood up and then stepp forward as i punched empty air with the force of a vampire.
That unbalanced me and i fell forward.
I tumbled, the small injures i received were minor scratches from branches and broken twigs.
The blow my head recover was from a rock the temporary parazlied me and i looked up at the night sky.
But then I felt it, the loss of blood.
I felt the back of my head and I said sadly wishing I didn't leave Edward the way I did.
"I'm sorry".
I layed my head back down as i looked at the sky.
I was so angry that Edward wasn't there when i woke up.
That he didn't get to met my mother and brother.
Carlisle said he tired to save them but they refused.
They died seeing me in pain and i never got to say good bye.
It wasn't anyone's fault but my own.
I hope that they forgive me if i dont leave these woods.
I closed my eyes and said as i thought of my family and then of Edward.
"I love you".
I past out from the loss of blood, the next time i opened my eyes was the dream.

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