(Y/n's intro)
I was born with this curse, but I never felt like I was, until tonight.
But the real curse wasn't that I could become a werewolf, no the real curse was knowing that the one may I love, was my natural enemy, and he would never love me like I love him.
(End of intro)(Y/n's pov)
How it got to me lying in a hospital was pretty easy, I was a werewolf that suffered an encounter with vampire.
But not just any vampire, a Cullen, one I had the luck of falling in love with when he moved back here.It was infact hard to breath because i suffered a punch near my heart on the left side of my rib cage and my ankles grabbed but I got away without scratching him with my claws.
I closed my eyes to be spared from the blinding brightness and cleanness from the hospital when I was wheeled in on a stretcher, with Charlie and Bella coaching me to stay awake.
I then said feeling the head ache as i held my conjured side.
"Im not falling asleep, the hospital,
(I groaned.)
It's just to bright".
I held my head and groaned, turning to my uninjured right side.
Every sound slowly became a blur, all i could smell was my own blood, and all i could feel was pain and wetness on my left side.That's when Carlisle came running in greens asking Bella what happened since Charlie has gone a few mintues agp to right a report of my supposed attack from a robber.
Bella was the only friend that knew my secret, that knew the truth.
She became like a big sister to me, toke me under her wing even thought we're the same age when my parents died.
"What happened"?
Bella spoke rushed and worried, an didnt like that i had to rebreak the rib bone that didn't heel right when i got back home in my werewolf form
"Y/n heared an intruder, she came down with her bat to scare them away, but he punched her and pushed her down her stairs and he got out before we got there when we heared her scream".
I then said as the pain and pressure made me feel so dizzy and tired.
"I can't stay awake".I blacked out and I could feel I was going to be fine.
Carlisle knew to, but Bella had her part to play so he and the other vampires didn't know what i am.
Werewolves and vampires were natural enemies, so I'm not taking the chance of being exposed.But i did already take the risk.
For Bella i wouldn't change what i did, though i wished i been more carefull.(Flash back)
I was walking home on the trail that lead from work back to my place.
I replied the perfume i made myself so my scent didn't give me away.
That's when i came across Bella and a man, who wouldn't take no for an answer.I shifted right then and there and rammed the guy into the bushes, roared in his face, scareing him so much.
He ran into a tree head on.
Bella laughed as i turned to her laughing to, well sort of like a bark.
She said coming closer.
"Did you see his face, oh my god"!
I laughed even more, that's when i heared it, a twig snapped and then i was attacked from my left when i went infront of Bella to investigate.
I yelped and layed on my left side, i couldn't push up.
I looked up to see it was Edward Cullen who attacked me.
He heared my thought since i taken to disgueing my thoughts inner voice when I'm in my werewolf form, he didn't know it was me.
"How do you know me!?
Why are you in forks!
Where's y/n"?!
A tear escaped my eye and i looked at bella and shook my head.
She wanted to get inbetween us, but she would get hurt.
He tthrew me by my hind leg ankles.
I yelled again, but i didn't fight back, i couldn't, some werewolf i was.
I then found the last bit of strength in me to run to the cliffs of la push where i was welcomed by the protectors since i help anyway i could in either forms.
They knew i was a werewolf because billy is who i get some of the ingerdiantes i need for my perfume.
Jacob is the actualy chief since he shifted.
Just as Bella grabbed Edward from behind was when I planned to run.
That's what I did, i made it to the cliffs and jumped.
Luckily people of la push that didn't know the legends were real were asleep.
I got into the water, thankfully swimming wasn't as painfull as running was earlier.
I doggy paddled to the beach and rub back to my house, water making my very short fur completely wet covered my scent so that when i get home i have to reaplie the perfume again.
I shifted back into my human form and entered my house through the back, which faces the woods.
Luckly while in my werewolf form i healed greatly.
But i still felt a Sharpe pain in my left side.
I said sharply after i got my comfertable pjs on.
"Damit, a rib didn't heal properly".
That could only mean one thing that o had to do.
And it will hurt alot.
That's when i had an idea, i left the back door open.
So it would be easy for to scream and Charlie and Bella would come to see the place trashed.
I then said looking at my family pictures.
"Forgive me mom and dad".
I made it look like a struggle and i grabbed my bat hitting random spit and then I tripped and re twisted my ankles.

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