Arthur pendragon x reader

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(Y/n's intro)
What makes a story a legend is the line between myth and history about a person who inspires others to do good and truly make a difference.
My favorite legend is the one of the one true King, Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.
The king who's sister was the evil witch Morgana.
But what happened in the time of the Knights of the round table is now sadly discredited as a story and a story alone.
That the time King Arthur was supposedly around was called the dark ages for a reason.
Nothing can be verified and the timeline or plot of events are scattered.
No one can put them together in order.
But this legend more that intreseted me, I was determined to figure out what happened, to prove that Camelot and Arthur and his great friend merlin were real.
To answer the questions that fasinated me to find out the answers, some of them.
What was Arthur like before he became King?, Why did Morgana turn evil?, why did Gwen cheat on the greatest guy in the world?, What happened to Merlin after Arthur was buried, awaiting to awaken to protect Avalon when it needed?
If he was real how can this his fate be changed if I was there to help him?
(End of intro)

(Y/n's pov)
Which what leads me to Wales in Scotland for my community colleges history class feild trip.
My mother saved money for my college fund for my future career.
Since I was young I always wanted to study history.
I wasn't like all the other girls, i dressed up as a knight for Halloween every year.
The only thing that probably made it close for me to even be girly was embroidery, painting, singing, playing a violin and piano.
I made a lot of money by performing part time, and selling my art.
My college fund was my mother's 21st birthday gift to me.
The fund accumulated to more than 3,000 dollars.
The money I made from my hobbies was half of it.
Right now the buss driving us to a hotel that was once a half way travel house that supposedly remained standing since the time of Camelot.
My bestie Sarah who strangely looks like Dove Cameron shook my shoulder so I didn't miss the entrance to the town that was rumored to be merlin who town.
But it was named a historical sight none the less.
I lifted my head and i said eyes wide dispite being tired and i held my camera up.
"Did i miss it"?
Sarah laughed and said her Welsh accent coming through since her family possibly came from merlin himself.
"No old friend you didn't miss it".
She pointed ahead and I lowered the window and toke A couple of pictures.
The bus stop before we passed through.
Our teacher t/n said.
"Welcome to the home town of Merlin everyone, if there is anyone of you that like to take a selfie or take a picture you may step off the bus at this time then get back on so we can get to the hotel".
Me and Sarah got off first and i toke her picture first before i toke a picture of the entrance.
The sound off an man asking for help made me turn.
"Please, spare some change"?
I turned to see a man, frial but something told me never to believe in his appearance to be defenseless.
I then said knowing that he was hungry and i had alot on me that i can spare.
"Sure of course.
(I pulled out enough for him to get a nice tent to sleep in, food and warm clothes since Wales was pretty cold this time of year.)
He then said lightly bowing his head.
"Your to kind my lady".
I lightly blushed at the title he called me and i said.
"Um thank you for the compliment.
(I looked around to see if he was with anybody and i turned to sarah.)
You think t/n will let us give him a ride".
Sarah came over and that's when i noticed something between them.
Theirs eyes are the same, blue green with a ring of gold around the risis.
She then said.
"Of course he would, if he didn't he have you to deal with".
I nodded and i said looking at him.
"That okay with you"?
He nodded and said as he toke a gental hold of my hands as i guided him to the bus.
"You are a selfless and generous soul miss".
I then said as we got on.
"Call me y/n".
He smiled and said.
"Call me M".
I nodded and said.
"You can have my seat m".
Sarah then said.
"Your too selfless".
I then said as i got toke hold of the hand rail.
"Its what Arthur would do".
M looked up at the mention of Arthur's name.
He then said smiling.
"So you like the Legend of Arthur"?
I then aaid.
"Read every single one i could find, i just wish that people believed he was once here ".
M then said.
"Trust me when i say this, he was".
Sarah then said as the bus stopped.
"Looks like we're at the hotel".
I then said as i moved to let m get out first.
"I hope they didn't change anything".
M then asked as we walked inside and t/n resisted the agenda to students who usualy fall asleep in the classroom.
"Why is that".
I then said as i went over to one wall.
"Cause this was rumored to be merlin home.
Part of this hotel was built beside it connect through the back.
(I traced my finger over his name and said.)
The workers said it was like magic rhat kept anyone from even thinking about destroying or changing anything.
When they saw this they called the historian in America to make sure that nothing was alerted while they made this hotel".
M then said smiling at me.
"Your right this was his home".
T/n then said holding my key.
"Apparently the room you were supposed to get is booked.
But they made up for the incovience by giving you the key to this room".
I then said as my hand slightly shacked as Sarah stood beside me.
"Sarah, this is the key to your ancestors room".
M then asked.
"Whos your ancestor"?
Sarah then said.
"My mother said our family on her said came from Merlin on her side.
That those said to inherit magic have his eyes".
I then said looking at m.
"Sarah, i think you an m might be related".
Sarah then said seeing what i did.
"Wow, your probably right".
M then said.
"Enjoy your stay Sarah, and y/n".
He shook my hand and i felt a shook of something but couldn't place it.
It's almost the same like when Sarah and i shook hands.
I then said.
"Stay safe M".
He did the marin salute and i had a wave of deja vu.
Like I did it to him before we even meet but we did in some way.
Sarah then said.
"Hey you okay"?
I then said as we began walking to our rooms to settle in.
"Yeah, you felt that to right"?
She nodded and said.
"Yeah, but let's settle in first before we speculate".
I nodded and i went into the room i be calling home for a week.
I couldn't help but geek out and feel like im walking in the room that had an energy in the that felt like magic.
I then said sitting down.
"I can't believe im actually here,
(That's when i heared somthing pop up.)
What the"?
I got off and looked under to see a book under a slid of wood that must of popped up cause of the pressure i pressed to the floor as i sat on the bed. up.
I got the book and gasped seeing it.
I then said as i opened it.
"This can't be,
(I then said as i was shocked.)
It's is merlin spell book".

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