(Y/n's pov) The thought of being apart of Maya and the three tv show was a wish. But when one ends up injured it ain't fun, when your apart of the world it isn't fictional anymore, it's dangourse and it's real. I woke up to chapa needing on my shoulder lightly. I then said sitting up, petting his head and he purrs. "Morning chapa, (I groaned when my shoulder ached, Maya and i were learning how to fight in battle and she kicked my shoulder out. Hurt like hell.) Remind me to never challenge Maya in a fight". I got up and dressed in the dress i picked to wear for Mayas coronation. It was still night out, but it will rise in an hour and that means Mayas brothers and father will find a chicken in her place instead.
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I turned to chapa and asked as he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. I then said. "What do you think"? He yawned and went over to another dress that Mayas brother shield thought looked best.
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He put his paw on it and meowed. I then said smiling. "Yeah, i think your right ". I changed into that dress instead and said upon hearing chapa's stomic. "Oh, someone is hungry". I walked out of the room Mayas parents gave me and walked down the eerie hallways with chapa behind me. The kitchen staff were up early to prepare food for Mayas birthday and coronation. The disgused lady miche was getting fruit for Maya and i said seeing she was alone. "I never thought i meet you in person. (She stopped at turned around to look at me surprised.) Always knew you had a heart, death takes life, but gives life at the same time". She then said quietly. "How did you know it was me"? I then hummed the song I heared her sing to Maya when she visited last year. Her eyes widened and i said patting her shoulder. "She doesn't know, your secret is safe with me". Chapa was confused about the whole conversation. I grabbed a couple of apples for chapa and he eat and i asked lady miche why she's looking at me sad. "You okay"? She then came over and said. "Maya isn't my only daughter". She then said showing a mark of an owl, her animal form. "You are two. Your step father can't cross diementions. (She hugged me and said.) Stay close to your sister, use your powers to defend her and everyone against who's comeing". I then said knowing who it is. "Zats". Lady miche then said looking at my dress. "Your beautiful". She then left and Mayas dad called for chapa. I then said as i got on his back. "Lets go get my sister". (Time skip) We got to Maya before her shoulder was dislocated. I then said before Mayas dad's wife got in. "You know we have alot in common Maya. (She looled at me and i said.) When we're angry we lash out". She then said. "I don't want to rule". I then said patting her shoulder. "You want to be a warrior, becareful what you wish for sister". Maya smiled and said. "So you got the results back"? I nodded, when i got here Mayas parents thought i was lost, trying to get me home so they tested my blood. I nodded and said. "Ill always be there to help you, maybe you should relax abit who becomes queen on their birthday"? She smiled and i said leaving. "Im going for a walk, ill be back in time i promise". I left the temple, which was probably a bad idea to walk alone. Zats would stay to the shadows until it was time. I looked as hard as i could, but he could easily hide himself. But not his big skeleton puma colmillo. I picked an apple and turned my back to a big enough area for the big skeleton to hide. That's when i heared it, his purring. I turned to see the fire eyes of colmillo but i wasn't afriad. Zats would never attack someone when their back was turned. He believes it's a dishonor in combat to fight someone injured or with their back turned to him. He most definatly won't send his friend to do something he can do himself. Colmillo is his best friend, it would hurt him if colmillo got hurt or worse. I then said as he tolted his head looking at the Apple. "You want an apple"? He lifted his head in surprise, i don't blame him, people fear the supernartaul, a skeleton of a puma would definalty freak people out. I don't know if he can even digest food the same way he used to. He came closer when i held the Apple to him. I then said as he stopped. "Its okay, you can take it". He chuffed and gentally picked the Apple from my hand. I then said as i looked at the saddle. "You lost"? I looked at her name on the top and said it. "Colmillo. (I looked at him and said.) So your a boy puma, (He looked at me and sat down, i held my hand and he sniffed then began to purr rubbing into my palm.) I would of mistaken you for a girl if i didn't see your name". He let pet him and I said looking out to the woods. "Obivously your not alone so where's your friend"? He chuffed and i said looking ro the sly. "Well i got to go, stay safe colmillo". I left the forset and went back to the temple.
(Zats pov)
She didn't attack colmillo, she wasn't scared of him either. She gave him a treat to. I came out of hiding and said as colmillo meowed for the fiest time since we got here. "She's something colmillo". I couldn't help but feel protective of her. It was obvious she's a demigod cause she treated colmillo normally. He chuffed and whimpered. He didn't want to hurt her, he was curious and that was why he wounder off. I then said petting his head. "Don't worry colmillo, we won't hurt her". And no way is her step father going to get her or Maya.