(Kaname's pov)
The moment I saw her before we came to class was like my heart was electrified.
She wasn't with most of the Day class girls, infact she was drawing in her sketch pad.
I don't know what over came me in that moment, but I just had to see her alittle bit closer.
She didn't respond like the other girls, infact she treated me like I was normal.
I still couldn't get her smile out of my head.
Like a wish come true I saw her near the swan fountain.
She was now apart of the disciplinary committee.
She smiled and waved before joining Yuki again.
There something about this girl that I can't quite put my finger on.
Unlike most human girls, though all humans are beautiful in their own right, she's almost inhumaliy beautiful.
Hair pure white and eyes blue as the sky is in the day.
She's not quite pale, but she sometimes has a peach color to her if she remains in the sun.
Hanabusa spoke up when he noticed i was staring.
"What's captured all your attention Lord Kaname"?
He came up and eyes widened when he saw Y/n and Yuki.
He said having not seen Y/n before.
"My looks like a new girl became apart of the disciplinary committee on her first day".
I then said eyes lightly red.
"Be very careful what you say Aido.
Y/n isn't a new student, we just never seen her before today".
Ruka said as she sees how Y/n makes the two Day class girls that snuck out relax.
"Why is she being kind to them, they looked like dress in head lights moments ago".
Akatsuki said.
"Maybe she knows what we are, that's probably why the head master put her on the disciplinary committee".
Senri said something that was key, but still I couldn't figure out the how Y/n knew this.
"We are vampires, we have a honey trap that draws human in.
Unfortunately that same lure let's the hunters know we're not human".
I then said as Y/n pats the two girls on the back and Yuki was confused for a mintue before shacking her head to follow.
"No, she's not a vampire hunter.
No hunter would let their guard down around a vampire period".
Rima, alittle intrigued by Y/n said.
"Then what is she then?
She looks human to me".
She feed Senri a poocky stick and I said turning to Saren.
"Seiren can you do me a favor"?
She said standing closer.
"Of course my Lord".
I then said.
"Watch over Y/n, I'll go to Headmaster Kaien Cross to ask how Y/n came to know vampires exist since she's never seen us,
(Y/n was laughing awkwardly to what one of the day class girls said.
And adapted a gift from her which was a white rose.
The day class girl says it's a thank you for being so understanding.)
before today".(Y/n's pov)
The girls were chatting, and so far we became fast friends.
Besides when Sara gave me the white rose as a gift and thank you for being understanding.
I placed in my uniforms jacket front pocket, like a boutonniere.
Once back at the Day class dorms Zero came out from behind me saying.
"Its all clear".
I turned at said seeing it was now midnight.
"Midnight already"?
Yuki then asked.
"Why did you want to continue patroling"?
Zero said.
"No Yuki, midnight was when she first awakened.
The air was nocked out of her lungs when she was alseep.
Since then she's always woke up before then and goes back to be after wards".
Yuki then asked.
"Why midnight"?
I then said.
"Because that's when the moon begins to set, sometimes the sun rises to met the moon and they pass one another, creating an eclipse.
Happens only once every 13 to fourteen years, some vampires in my family were born on leap years".
Yuki awwed at this new knowledge and I said.
"No other time on our birthdays to we awaken.
We are vampires of the eclipse, so it makes sense that we become a vampire at the hour the sun and moon meet".
Yuki then asked.
"I hope this isn't rude but how are you different from other vampires"?
I then said.
"Besides us being unmixed like the few remain purebloods left?
(I then said.)
My ancestor was all vampire, the one that started my family.
She fell for a human, but they couldn't really be together.
So he gave her his heart, and became one of us.
But the change, was different.
He remained human both inside and out, but he was a vampire.
He could drink blood if he wished, he also couldn't be killed by a hunters bullet or a blade.
But he lived as long as any vampire could.
When they has a children, three boys, and three girls, they were of both worlds, but more vampire than their father, but not fully vampires lile their mother.
So my family continued to grow, never tyrning anyone, or bringing anyone else into the family.
They knew that their secret must be contained but only tell the few they trusted.
And that was the few purebloods that were in the world".
Yuki then said.
"You mentioned your kind was in the Night class history books, how did that happen if your family trusted the purebloods"?
I then said.
"The very reason we went into hiding 3000 and 5 years ago.
A pureblood was after power and the eclipse purebloods are the most powerful cause we are of both worlds.
One drop can make a level E human again.
To a pureblood, our blood makes them invicable.
He couldn't get an eclipse pureblood because luckly the purebloods we trusted let us know before hand.
So the pureblood have to go after a child pureblood, from the family that risked everything to let us know about the coming danger.
A female so I heared, I was only five when my family said we were moving so my memories are alittle bit murky".
Yuki hugged me and said.
"Oh Y/n".
I then said.
"Its okay Yuki, it was along time ago".
I heared rusling coming this way and it stopped.
I then said acting in different.
"Lets go inside, I know you two have classes, but I'm planing on sleeping in.
So let's get inside, the wind sound likes its picking up".I gave Zero a side look as I walked pass him with Yuki.
He nodded and went into the forest.
A vampire from the Night class was close enough to hear me, and if my secret is out.
Then I'm no longer safe on cross Academy.(Zero's pov)
I said once in the trees.
"Come out, i know your in here, i could smell you from the campus".
Seiren landed infront of me and said.
"I mean no harm to you or your human friends".
I internally relaxed, thankfull that Y/n's secret will remain a secret for however long as possible.
I then said.
"Then why are you out of class Seiren"?
She then said.
"Lord Kaname asked me to watch over Y/n, he seems to have grown quite fond of her".
I narrowed my eyes and said.
"Tell your Lord Y/n can take care of herself.
She's apart of the disciplinary committee and she has us to protect her if she's in a real pickle she can't handle".
Seiren stepped forward and said.
"I'm well aware she's now a guardian. Thats not what has Lord Kaname so taken to her.
How is it she's now apart of the disciplinary committee when she's never seen us before"?
'If Kaname finds out he'll ask the head master to transfer Y/n into the night class.
If they know Y/n's a vampires she's no longer safe'.
I then said after huffing.
"Y/n's are best friend, she's a bit of an avid reader, especially on supernatrual fiction.
Besides, you gave yourselves away by only being awake at night, and being inhumaliy beautiful".
Seiren blushed and I turned to look away.
I thought I hated all vampires for the longest time.
Turns out I was only pi**** off at the pureblood that bit me.
When I saw Y/n that first day of school i could tell she wasn't human.
But something inside me last year was telling me to trust her.(Flash back)
It was early in the morning and approaching noon.
I then said putting my hand above my eyes to look down the road.
"First headmaster wakes up up at the crack of dawn and now we have to wait for this new transfer on a Saturday".
Yuki then said wagging her finger.
"Zero you know not everyone is brave as you.
This new transfer hasn't been away from their family before.
Their probably making sure they have everything before leaveing as a way to no waste gas".
Thats when Y/n appeared as she said geting out of the limo that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Your half right.
(The butler's got her stuff and she said stepping forward.)
This is my first time living on campus, but I did live five months without my family since I ran away.
But living here until I graduate is kind of scary to be honest".
'Shes a vampire, but she's also human'.
Yuki then said.
"No need to worry, I'm Yuki Cross daughter of the headmaster Kaien Cross,
(Yuki turned to me and said.)
And this is Zero Kiryu, we are the disciplinary committee and guardians of Cross Academy.
If you need anything else please let us know".
Y/n smiled kindly and said.
"Thanks I'll remeber that".
She came over to me and said.
"Its nice to meet you both".
In that moment I decided against calling her out.
She looked human, her heart though beated irregularly, but she was human.
She just had the equipment of a vampire.
I saw no origin bite marks, so that ment only one thing, she was born this way and from the tired look in her eyes when she mentioned runing away from her family told me she didn't choose this life either.
I smiled and said.
"Nice to meet you to miss-".
Y/n smiled and said lighting up, it reached her eyes.
"Oh right i forgot to twll you guys my name.
(She held her hand out and said.)
I forgot my manners for a moment.
Im Y/n.
(I shock her hand as she contiued.)
Y/n L/n".(End of flash back)
Ever since that day Y/n has become like a little sister to me.
I grew less and less angry about vampires and myself as the days passed for the first year she was here at Cross Academy.
I then said to Seiren.
"If Kaname sent you because he was wondering how your secret got out you have no worry.
Y/n's just really a smart girl".
Seiren nodded and said staying.
"I understand, but he didn't ask me to watch over Y/n because he's suspicious.
He asked because he seems to genuinely care about this girl.
It's like she captured his attention the moment he saw her earlier today".
I then said before turning my back to her.
"Yeah, it happens to everyone that she meets.
Her smile is infectious".
When Y/n found something hilarious, everyone joins the laughter whether they resist or not, they smile instead of laughing.
I turned to Seiren and said.
"Well you coming or what"?To be contiued...

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