(Y/n's pov)
Headmaster head turned imeaditly when the door opened.
He spoke cheerfully like an over excited teen.
"Yuki, Zero, how did today's guarding go-"?
He stopped midsentence when he saw me and he seemed to correct his entire sentence.
"Oh you brought in miss L/n, has she done something wrong?
she's the star pupil of the day class".
Zero said.
"No headmaster she hasent".
Headmaster visibley relaxed and said in his cheerfull voice.
"Oh good you guys had me worried for a moment.
(He disappeared and reappeared with tea in a vintage China cup and a plate of macaroons.)
Tea y/n"?
I then said as i gentaly held the cup.
"Thanl you head master".
Yuki then said as i sat down.
The headmaster seemed to cry when she called him by his title in school, or I'm here and She's just being professional.
"Please Yuki call me father".
She spoke again.
"Father y/n here has something she wants to ask you".
Headmaster then said as he grabbed his cup of tea.
"Oh, of course i love to help my students when they have a dilemma".
I then said as I toke a relaxing breath.
"Headmaster, I'm not what you thought when i was in this office before.
(He looked confused and i lowered my head.)
But im not like the others, my kind is only vagly mentioned in the history books being teached to the Night class.
(I looked up and my eyes glowed a color you only see during an eclipse.
Blinding white, almost like a star.
I paniced when I saw his expression, Zero put his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.
He nodded, urging me to continue.
He patted a few more times before removing his hand.
I toke a breath and my eyes returned to bright blue.)
I was human for 14 years of my life since the day I was born.
I thought I was human until that day of my awakening.
It started at midnight, the first hour of my birthday and I was alseep by then.
I awoken myself and my family when I felt like the air was extracted from my lungs.
I passed out after an hour of feeling pain in my gums and destroying the lights in my room with a white blinding blast.
When I awoke my mother explained everything.
My whole world was turned inside out and upside down.
(I wipped away a tear and said with a shacky breath.)
I was so scared of what I became that I ran away from home.
(Mister cross seed to be crying.)
I hid for five months, feeding only on scraps of food people gave me.
I never drank blood, I hid in a cave and only went out to get food for myself and the little critters that became my friends.
But I missed my family, and like a dream come true my mom found me and promised to never lie to me again.
That she to was scared when she was my age.
For a month, everything returned to normal.
But then we had to talk about my education and my safety if I went to Cross Academy.
I planed to come here after my 14th birthday but plans change.
(I looked at the headmaster and said.)
I understand if your angry".
He hugged me, correction, he squeased me half to death.
He said as he cried.
"Oh my poor Y/n you have suffered so much.
(I patted him and he let go and sat at his desl and said serious.)
But I'm not angry with you my child, but there is the matter about your transfer-".
Zero said stepping forward.
"She doesn't want to be transferred into the Night class".
Headmaster was confused and Yuki said.
"That's why were hear, I don't much about vampires father, but if Y/n is an eclipse blood then she won't be safe ever again.
That's why she so scared, they must of been in hiding for I don't know how long".
Zero said rubbing my arms relaxing me.
"She says she has to much humanity left in her to be a beast.
She is probably right, she more human than a vampire when she awakened.
(Zero stood up and said.)
You made me a guardian to protect the students of the Day class and the Night class.
Much to my dislike for vampires.
(Headmaster cross seemed to be like a proud father, he's smiling with proudness in his eyes as tears streamed down his face.)
And she is of both worlds, and there for the most precious.
Ill sat my case all night if possible, but i won't let you transfer her to the Night class where she is in even more danger.
She's my best friend dad, please let her stay in the Day class".
Yuki said standing by me.
"I agree with Zero father, though I see that she be in danger in the day class.
(I looled at Yuki and she spoke.)
So the best way I believe we can keep her safe is makeing her a guardian, becoming apart of the disciplinary committee, that way we can protect Cross Academy and protect Y/n from both Night and Day classes".
Headmaster sniffed and he leaped forward and hugged all of us as he said.
"You two called me father".
I looked at my friends as I rasied my eyebrow at them as they looked at me too, carefull not to spill anything on the headmaster.
'Is he always like this'?
They nodded and the head master said.
"Oh I'm so proud of you, all three of you.
(He pulled back and said holding my hands.)
Don't worry miss L/n i promise that from now on your secret is between us and nobody outside this room has to know.
You shall remain in the say class, but only if you join the disciplinary committee.
You are a great gift.
(He patted Zero.)
You helped Zero with his hatred for vampires,
(He hugged Yuki.)
and you been an amazing friend to my dear daughter.
(He came back to me amd said.)
And you are very brave to come to me with this.
(He went to his desk and pulled out a band, the same as Yuki's and Zero's.)
You can start now if you wish.
(He placed the band in my hand and said.)
I hear your ahead of your classes again, so don't worry about sleeping in tommorrow if you choose to stay awake alittle bit longer for your first patrol".
I looked at him surprised and I then hugged him and said.
"Thank you so much Headmaster".
He patted my back and said.
"Anytime my dear, now if you hurry you can finish your first patrol early".
I nodded and stood up, I didn't have to worry about my skirt bellowing in the night since I'm not wearing a skirt that short ever.
I was wearing jeans ordered in my size since Mister Cross didn't have them on hand at the time.
I put my hand around my left arm and said looking to Yuki and Zero.
"Okay, first night of patrol, can you show me the ropes, I'm only guessing what you do on patrol and im probably wrong in my assumption's".
Zero smiled amd hugged me as he said.
"You don't even have to ask, and your assumptions are correct, we minister the grounds to see if any Day class girls snuch out after curfew".
Yuki then said.
"We keep the vampires in the Night class in line incase and away from the Day class girls if they smell blood.
So it's extra important that you be careful what of you grab and where you land.
If your a pureblood, which by the way your going to have to explain more about what makes you different from other the few remaining purebloods, then you must not bleed period.
We protect Cross Academy from the chance a level E sneaks in, and we protect the Night class to".
I sighed and said.
"You two are always able to read my mind".
We walked out and on the path to the fountains.
Yuki said.
"Y/n since this is your first patrol why don't you follow me, Zero will join us once he checked his half of the campus, if your comfertable while we search you can venture alittle bit from me okay".
I nodded and I followed her until I felt that I got my bearings.
Then I did venture from her, but not to far from her eye.
I stopped by the swan fountain that was in clear view of one or two class room windows from this part of the campus.
I turned to see in was the one straight across, the second was a couple of feet away and angeled to the side give the viewer a narrow view of the beautiful fountain.
I saw a couple of Night class students sitting on the ledge on the window inside the class room.
Kaname was one of them, the other was Rima.
Who I recognised from description my class mate Jake, who has a massive crush on her, gave to me.
They looked at me and I waved at them with a smile on my face and Yuki called me over as she came with two Day class girls.
"Y/n I need a hand".
I then said jogging over.
To be continued...

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