Josf Kostan x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I don't know what went wrong after Josf gave me his blood after draining me of mine.
When your unconscious you can't really tell what time it is.
But when I am consciously aware, i try, boy do i try to move every time I feel awake enough to open my eyes.
I could hear all that goes on around me, the beeping of the machine to keep track of my undead vittles gets annoying real quick.
Finally, I got my whole hand to move, well punch and break that dam machine, when the woman who goes by the name Paula when she was in the room
Paula takes care of me said when Josf, who i knew as Charles before he told me the truth, came in.
"And one thing sure, she broke the machine".
Josf looked at Paula and said with hope in his voice.
"She Broke it"?
I tried to move, to wake up, i was almost there.
Josf held my hand and said as i heared a nock.
"Ill be right back y/n i promise".
He left and i almost stopped, almost.
I clenched my hand and Josf came and saix.
"Mick Beth, this is y/n witly".
Beth then said .
"What's wrong with her"?
Josf then said.
"Some how she slipped into a coma.
I drained her and feed her my blood but something went wrong".
I moved my hand and mick said pointing.
I moved my hand again and Josf toke hold of it and asked.
"Y/n, y/n can you hear me"?
I squeased my hand and he let and happy breath out.
That's when the sound of glass breaking made the decision i made the moment i realised I was stuck in darkness.
The man that flew in got Josf and he yelled.
"Die vampire"!
I shot up wjen josf was screaming in pain and finally i opened my eues and said roaring eyes blue and fangs out.
I shot out of the bed and got the attacker and i bit him.
I drained him completely, Josf hoped that i might still be able to hear him so he explained alot or me the first night when i was asleep.
I let go and looked at Josf, parazlied and in pain.
I ran to him and said scared.
(I wiped away the tears that spilled.)
No josf".
Mick said taking a gental hold of my arms.
"Its only parazling him, i got to get the steak out".
He did and Josf said as he sat up.
(I went to him and he did holding me, i could feel the happy tears that dripped off his face onto my probably outdated nightgown.)
Your awake, your finally awake".
I then said as my fingers ran through his hair.
"Im so sorry I toke so long".
He rocked back and fourth with me on his lap and said holding my necklace he gave me.
"Its okay, I'm just so happy i didn't lose you".
He put my necklace on for me and i said.
"The moment i realised i was stuck, i tried every time i was consciously awake to move my hands or wake up".
Josf and said holding my cheek wiping the dried blood off the edge of my mouth.
"I know Paula told me you broke the montier.
I then said as i remebered that dam beeping.
"That machine annoyed the hell out of me.
Beep, beep beep.
I couldnt take it anymore".
Josf laughed and said so happy i could see it in his eyes.
I looked at the wound and asked Mick.
"I heared gun shots".
Mick nodded and said.
"Don't worry ill help remove them.
(He turned to beth and said.)
Beth, since y/n just woke up maybe you like to take her shopping".
He must of seen how i looked at be the cloths.
Beth said happy when she saw my fasination.
"Of course, i did bring some extra cash-".
Josf said.
"No i had alot of money stashed here just in cash,
(He called for paula.)
(Paula came and smiled happily seeing me, she was the little sister of my best friend.)
Can you pull the cash from the safe, beth is going to introduce y/n to today's fashion".

Paula then said coming over hugging me.
"Of course,
Welcome back".
I then said.
"Thank you paula".
She came back with a change of clothes and cash.
I then said pecking Josf lips.
"Ill be right back i promise".
He then said wanting to kiss me some more, but mick had his hand on Josf's shoulder, firmly keeping him seated .
"Don't take to long".
Mick teased Josf before we left.
"Okay take it easy lover boy".

As we are at the place called a mall i then said seeing the sandwich with a tasty looking chicken.
"What's that"?
Beth then said confused.
"That's the chich king, i thought vampries can't eat human food"?
I then said looking at her.
"Yeah, but i don't know, it smells good to me and it makes me hungry".
Beth and i got the sandwich and i said tasting it.
"Oh my God that's a good bird".
Beth then said seeing me eat like I haven't eat in years, which she's right, but she happy.
"Well you must be really lucky,
(She patted my shoulder and said.)
Im going to let mick know okay, then we can go by hot topic some cool stuff you might like".
I nodded, didn't speal though since my mouth was full.
Beth got what was called a combo meal for me.
Who knew potatoes tasted this good?
Beth came back and said seeing i was finished.
I nodded and we went into hot topic, and i got alot of stuff, as the people say now a days, i made out like a pack rat.
When we got back Josf was all better.
He speed run to me and kissed me, i kissed him back and he said smiling.
"Did you have fun"?
I nodded and beth said.
"She's surpringly adaptive to 2022.
And really great taste in cloths, got some collectibles to.
(Beth thrn said)
Luckily all this stuff was on sale or clearance".
Josf smiled and said staring at me proud.
"That's amazing.
(He saw all the bags and said.)
Can't wait to see.
I know ypu always wanted to travel, i live in L.A. now, so would you like to move in with me"?
I nodded and said.
He kissed me again and i kissed him back then after we pulled away he got on one neek and said.
"I promise when we get home ill get you a ring, but i ask you, will you marry me"?
I nodded and said with a happy tear coming down.
"Yes, yes ill marry you".

He smiled and kissed me again.
I looked to beth and Paula and said.
"I got you guys something to,
(I got the bags of stuff i got for them and said.)
As a thank you".
Beth smiled and Paula said smiling seeing the pony corn plushie and blind box.
"Sweet as i remember".
I then said looking at Josf.
"Paulas coming with us right"?
Paula then said.
"I live here, but ill happily come to visit".
I then said.
"You and your family are invitied of course.
(I looked at beth and said.)
And you to".
Beth smiled and Josf patting Mick said.
"And you better be there to".
To be awake, and to be with Josf again made me so happy i couldn't believe it's real.
Now I'm marrying the vampire i love and to be with him forever.

Thee end.

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