Wyatt x (The Alpha) Reader part 5 final.

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(Y/n's pov)

When I woke up again Wyatt came back and saying when he sat down again holding a vile.
"How do you feel"?
I then sat up and looked at him and the smell coming from the tube in his hand.
I covered my nose and I said.
He held the vile to me and I said as i notice Wyatt was staring.
"Um why are you staring"?
I swallowed the purple liqued and it actually tasted like grape.
He then said.
"I cant help it, your just.
(He sighed and i looked at him and then said.)
I was shocked to hearing him say that.
He then said mention me to follow him.
"Follow me, there's something you got to see".
I did and he pointed to the panel of glass.
He then said as i looked at the pack members that are sick.
"Like all legends they are based on truth.
(I looked to the mirror and saw blurry features of me as a werewolf and a human girl.)
Ever since the moonstone was lost the elders asled the spirits who would helps us get it back.
And they said the great alpha.
(He guestered to everyone in the den who gathered.)
That's you, your the only one that fully shifts".
I then said.
"Did the elders tell you that there's a possibly I could hurt someone?
Or was it lost in translation"?
He placed a hand on my shoulder and said.
"No, trust me you can control yourself".
I then said shrugging my shoulders.
"How can I when part of me keeps fighting to breach the surface"?
Wyatt then said guiding me to a mirror.
"Tell me what do you see"?
I then said.
Wyatt then said.
"I see an amazing girl who's scared of letting herself loss".
I turned to him and said seeing the smirk.
"Are you applying that i have no fun"?
He then said smiling.
"Maybe what you going to do about it"?

(Time skip)

The wolf's were having a dance off and i felt like i was accepted.
That was until i was reminded i wasn't like them.
There was a rupter and we all got out side to see the school.
I then said seeing that the factory was in a straight line across from the school.
"I think we'll finally get back the moonstone".
I then ran to it, it felt like home.
I paused after i dug down and saw it.
It was calling me.

Addison then said somehow coming here with Elizabeth, Bonzo, Zed and the werewolves.
"Y/n You found it".
I then said eyes closed to keep myself from touching it.
(I began to walk away.)
Let's get it back to where it belongs".
The moonstone glowed brightly after every werewolf charged their necklaces.
Wyatt stopped me and saod.
"Y/n Wait".
He placed a box in my hand and said.
"This belongs to you,
(I opened it and saw the note.)
Your father was the alpha before he died".

I then said shocked.
"Wait you knew".
Willa then said.
"We weren't sure, don't blame him, it was me that suspected D/n was your father.
You have his brown eyes".
I then asked looking at them.
"Do you know who my mother was"?
Wyatt then held my hand and said as i held the alpha moonstone.
"White hair like yours, we were infants when we first met".
I then said seeing after reading the note.
"So this is why you didn't touch it.
(I showed it to everyone.)
My dad knew cause he was the only other werewolf that could fully shift.
But he turned into a brown one".

I then said after putting the necklace back in its box.
"But my father knew he is, that he won't hurt anybody.
(I then said.)
I know who i am, but im not just a werewolf, im a witch.
(I then asked.)
What if i lose control, this is so much worse.
If i lose it while I have the necklace on me"?
I then said giving the box back.
"No one will be safe.
(He looked at me broken hearted.)
Im sorry but i can't risk it.
Your pack won't be safe,
I almost lost it twice when i saw you wyatt".
He then said.
"You remember".
I then said lightly smiling.
"Your a hard guy to forget.
(I listed and describe the times.)
One time i thought you were human.
The second was when you and the pack were to close for comfort with Addison".
I turn to the pack, Addison, zed and the other Zombies who looked sad.
I then said.
"Until i can truley trust myself that i won't lose control.
Im not touching that stone".
Wyatt then made me look at him and siad.
"No, you are believing you are losing control.
Remeber when you were playing with the pups in the den.
One almost fell and you acted on instinct .
You shifted.
Y/n if you believe your losing it you will.
It's cause and effect.
But when you let go, your in harmony".
I looked at him and he singed.
"I wish you can see what i see.
Though you have your scar's , your perfect just the way you are.
Your beautiful to me, your wonderful.
Even when you become scary, no matter how hairy.
Nothing can stop me, cause your perfect to me".
Zed then singed.
"You have your flaws to go with your claws, fur that shines in the moonlight when it's dark out".
Addison then singed.
"Your the bravest werewolf we ever seen, your the coolest girl on the Seabrook scene.
(She guestered to all of me.)
Don't you see what we mean".
Elizabeth then singed.
"Your the girl no one can beat, you have the brightest light we have ever seen".
Willa then singed.
"So if you lose control, we'll be there to catch you when you fall".
Ezliabeth then singed next.
"Cause your perfect just hte way you are".
Wyatt then sing putting the moonstone in my hand, syill holding my hand in his.
"I believe in you cause i love you.
(My heart picked up a beat.)
Even if you lose yourself, your still perfect to me.
(He carefully puts the moonstone on my neck.)
The moonstone doesn't bring out the wolf in you , it brings out the best part of you.
Cause all I see when i look into your eyes is you".
Addison then singed.
"We'll always be there to catch you".
Zed then said.
"Cause your perfect".
Wyatt then singed after pecking my lips.
"Cause your perfect to me".
He then said holding my cheek.
"Even if you lose control y/n it doesn't matter.
I will still love you".
I then kissed him and he held me.
Once we pulled away i then said.
"I love you to".
He then said.
"There's my girl".
I felt power and peace rush ghrough my veins and he said after my eyes turned back to normal.
"You'll always be beautiful to me".
I then said.
"And i promise ill listen to you guys".
He hugged me and said.
"And ill never let you go".

Thee end...

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