(Y/n's pov) *time skip to February*
How Bella survived those four month alone with the wolve's protecting her, the town of Forks along and 7their own lands was a relief to say the least.
It made it easier to sleep at night these past two months.
I never been able to fully let my guard down in forks, only on the reservation when I'm around Jacob.
Speaking of Jacob, Casper just let me know we arrived by neighing so loud he also let Jacob know were here.
I got off easily, Bella, not so much.
She then said after I helped he steady.
"You weren't kidding when you said getting off a horse is harder than it looks".
I then said grabbing the chocolates for Jacob.
"Why do you think I stretch before and after getting off the saddle"?
I did just that and I said feeling better.
"Riding a horse is alot different than driving a car that's for dang sure".
Casper neighed and I said petting him, giving him a carrot.
"But I rather ride a horse than inside a possible death trap waiting to happen".
Bella then said.
"Isn't a motorcycle the same thing as the possible death trap you love to drive when you want"?
I then said.
"Sure motorcycles indeed have more risk of getting into an accident because of the nonexistent protection, but it's more like a mechanical horse than a car, easier to move".
Jacob came out with two different things of chocalte and I said coming over to him.
"Hey Jake.
(I showed him the chocaltes I got him.)
Happy Valentine's day".
He smiled and said giving me the Ferro Rochers.
"I remembered you said these were your favorites after I asked why you by only these in the store".
When ever we needed more snacks then we got, I volunteer to do a milk run.
Jacob sometimes came with me since I offer to get his and billy's favorite foods along with some of the food they need incase they ran low.
I sometimes got myself some of the Rochers when I see them.
I then said hugging him, I ignored the mental note on how his arms seemed to fit around me, but I couldn't ignore that somthing was missing, or someone.
"Thank you".
He gave Bella her chocaltes and Jacob said telling us to cover our eye's.
"But I also got a surprise for you both.
(He covered my eyes and said once we are in his garage.)
Okay, keep then closed".
I nodded and once he got Bella in he said.
"Okay, open them".
I opened my eyes surprised, shocked to see my Y/n name on a tag with a big red bow over the bright shiny red Harley.
Jacob then said as he saw my look.
"So what do you like"?
I theb said smiling as I touched it.
"I love it.
You are a genius,
(I checked it over and saw all the fixings.)
You completely restored them".
Bella then said wondering when we can ride them.
"So when should we ride these gorgoues beasts"?
I then said correcting her.
"We have to get them out without Billy noticing first.
(I went over to jacob and hugged him.)
Thank you,
You have a real gift".
He smiled, I could feel it, I also noticed that he was really really warm.
I just brushed it off as him being inside the garage.
But I shouldn't of, because when Bella offered to take us to a movie, I had a bad feeling somthing was going to change.
Jacob noticed I was alittle bit off, but he was worried that I thought I would be sick when I see fist punch.
He asked.
"Hey you okay?
(He felt my forehead and said since he was probably feeling his head coming from his hand but he thought I might be growing a fever.)
Your alittle warm".
I then said touching his hand and I said looking at him, Bella was probably outside checking on Casper.
"Jacob I'm fine, I'm still getitng used to be back".
He looked at my hand and he said as he rubbed my hand.
"Why didn't you say anything"?
He was refuring to my cold hands
I then said.
"I got used to my hands freezing alittle bit due to the Washington atmosphere.
It's normal for me".
He then said hugging me and rubbed my back.
"I know, you just scared me there for a second.
(I looked at him and he said.)
Y/n I'll always be here for you,
(He then added.)
I noticed you only ever let your guard down around me, I promise I'll always protect you".
Bella came in and said.
"Caspers getting alittle cranky".
I then said walking away.
"He just wants to run,
(I looked to Bella and Jacob.)
I dont have any home work to do so I'm going to do another milk run, any requests"?
Bella then said smiling.
I then asked Jacob.
"What about you Jake, pizza sound good"?

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