Chapter 4

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Chapter notes: Han-Sol = Soul, Chan = CB/CB97 Changbin = SpearB Jisung = J.One Minho = LeeKnow


"You know when I said you could come over whenever you want, I didn't expect you to show up at 3 am climbing through my window hyung." Han-Sol sits up in his bed, looking over at Jisung leaning against the wall next to his window.

"I had to get away from everyone." Jisung walks over to Han-Sol's desk, sitting down on the desk chair. He grabs one of the books that is laying open on the desk, going through it.

"Why? Something happen?"

"CB is getting married, I stabbed LeeKnow, CB is getting married and not to me or SpearB."

Han-Sol's eyes widen as he throws his blanket to the side.

"CB97 is getting married?"

Jisung nods, still going through the book. "In two weeks' time."

"Why? To who? If it's not you or SpearB than who is he marrying?"

"Someone named Lian or so, I wasn't really paying attention. He apparently made a deal with some older fucker that made him marry his daughter." Jisung mumbles as he grabs one of Han-Sol's pens. "Where do you have your notebook for your math homework?"

Han-Sol points to a blue notebook, standing up from his bed. "You really going to do my homework?"

Jisung just nods, writing down the answer to the first question. He had helped Han-Sol with his homework before, it helps him feel normal at times as he never really went to school. Han-Sol grabs a second chair from the other side of his room, sitting down next to Jisung.

"Hold on a minute, you stabbed LeeKnow?"

"Yeah, I was pissed and he was talking shit about something. So I stabbed him. He is fine, as far as I know it's not like he hasn't been stabbed before."

"And you got mad at me for accidentally setting someone's book on fire the other day." Han-Sol mumbles, watching as Jisung writes down more answers in his notebook.

"It wasn't an accident we both know that. And I'm trying to teach you not to do what I do."

Han-Sol rolls his eyes, knowing full well that that is a bullshit excuse. "Whatever, you better be writing down the right answers. I have a perfect score to uphold."


"People think I'm the perfect child hyung, I have to try and keep that image up."

Jisung shakes his head, knowing Han-Sol is far from the perfect child but he knows the kid is also very good at acting and lying without hesitation.

"Hyung you should probably go back."

Jisung pouts as he sits up from the bed he decided to lay on after doing Han-Sol's homework. "Why? You want to get rid of me already?"

"My dad will wake up soon." Han-Sol turns his chair so that he can look at Jisung, who is still pouting. "It's almost six o'clock."

"But I don't want to leave yet."

"And that statement might lead you to jail if you don't leave."

"Why?" Jisung throws his legs over the side of the bed, his feet barely touching the ground with how he is sitting.

"You really think my dad is going to be okay that there is an older looking guy is in his 16-years-old son's bedroom at six in the morning?"

Jisung jumps off the bed, smiling at Han-Sol. "Fair point, see you at the Rosé café in an hour?" Jisung walks to the window, ready to jump down after he gets his answer from Han-Sol.

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