Chapter 69

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"Hyung? Is Minho hyung coming back soon?" Jeongin looks over at Chan while placing the last plate into the dishwasher. It had been two weeks since the fight between Chan and Minho and Minho still hadn't returned back to the mansion.

Chan bites his lip. "Not sure Innie, he said to be back by Christmas I guess."

"What about the gifts we bought him?" Jeongin jumps onto the counter, watching Chan clean the kitchen.

"We will give them to him when he comes back."

"So where do we put the gifts? Like do we just give them to everyone?"

"We put them under the tree. Most presents are currently in Minho's room though."

"Why?" Jeongin tilts his head to the side.

"Keeping them safe till Christmas." Chan shrugs, closing the cupboard.

"But that's tomorrow?"

"I know Innie." Chan chuckles, looking up at the younger. "Just hand me what you got the others and I will make sure it all gets where it was to be."

Jeongin frowns but jumps off the counter. "I haven't wrapped it yet."

"I will come by and help in like 10 minutes okay?"

Jeongin nods, running up the stairs.

"Hi." Chan wraps his arms around Changbin, who is sitting at Chan's work desk.

Changbin leans back. "Hi."

Chan frowns, kissing Changbin's cheek. "What's wrong love?"

Changbin sighs. "Just trying to work somethings out." He moves closer to the laptop in front of him, trying to read the screen.

"Love, is this the paperwork for the new weapons?" Chan leans in closer as well, looking at what Changbin is doing.

Changbin just hums, typing something down.

"Doesn't Minho do this?"

Changbin hums again. "He is gone and we need to sign these papers before the new year or Ateez aren't going to agree with our terms."

Chan sighs, leaving a little kiss on Changbin's neck. "I'm sorry, I can finish this for you later? So you can go and relax?"

"Nah it's fine." Changbin looks up at Chan. "I'm nearly finished anyway." He smiles as the older kisses him.

"I will go help Jeongin wrap his Christmas presents, I'll come check in a bit." Chan lets go off Changbin, sighing as he leaves his office to go and find the youngest member.

Chan frowns when he hears giggling coming from Changbin and Jisung's bedroom, wondering what is going on. He quietly opens the door, not wanting to ruin what the kids where doing. A smile appears on his face as he sees Jisung laying on his bed while Hyunjin is attempting the braid the younger's hair. Felix is just watching them with Stay on his lap.

He slowly closes the door again, not wanting to bother them as he makes his way to Hyunjin and Jeongin's bedroom. He laughs the moment he opens the door, seeing Jeongin's bed covered in wrapping paper while the boy looks at it with a big pout on his face.

"Hyung help." Jeongin looks over at Chan, pointing to his bed. "I don't know how that happened."

Chan walks over to the boy, trying to stop laughing. "It will be okay Innie."

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