Chapter 77

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"How did it go?" Changbin looks up from his desk as Jisung enters the office. The younger drops the school bag on the ground, walking over to Changbin.

"It was fine, Lix is acting weird though."

Changbin moves back a little, letting Jisung sit down on his lap. "How so?"

Jisung shrugs, back leaning against Changbin. "I don't know, maybe the guy flirting with him scared him."

"Someone flirted with him?"

Jisung nods his head, looking at his slightly bruised hand. "Punched the guy, so we're not allowed to go back."

Changbin sighs. "Baby, why?"

"The guy didn't take no for an answer."

"Damn, did you get the information you needed though?"

Jisung nods, a smirk appearing on his face. "Me and the kid that shot me had a talk."

Changbin's eyes widen. "What?"

"He is the son of Eun Kwang. So we definitely know that Btob has Lia, no clue why they're using her though, or where they are but I put a tracker on the kid's phone so hopefully we will have some info later." Jisung stands up from Changbin's lap. "Where are Chan and Minho hyung?"

"Mission, they should be back soon." Changbin turns back to the paperwork on his desk. "Seungmin found some information about Btob, I also asked Shiba if they knew anything as they have warned us before."

Jisung nods, picking up his bag. "Alright, I will go check with him. See if we can locate them within a day or two, we shouldn't wait too long or Lia is a goner now that Park isn't able to do much."

Changbin nods, watching Jisung leave the office before going back to doing his work.

Felix sighs, letting himself fall onto his bed with the envelope in his hands. He carefully opens the envelope, taking out the piece of paper that is inside of it. He pushes himself up, leaning against his headboard as he unfolds the paper with shaky hands. Looking at the letters on the papers, he isn't sure if he should read them, scared to know what is written down.

'I know you have been looking for information about what happened to your father, I have the answers you have been looking for. I do have to warn you that you're being tricked, neither CB97 nor LeeKnow know what happened. They have been lying to you from the start, they don't know anything.'

Felix's eyes widen as he rereads the words for the fourth time, not sure if he should even consider believing the words that are written down. Kijung was their enemy, why would he tell Felix he has been lied to if not to mess up the trust within the group yet somewhere inside he feels as if the letter is telling the truth.

"Hey Sunshine." Hyunjin knocks on the open door before he enters the bedroom. "Everything okay? Jisung said he punched someone."

Felix quickly hides the letter underneath his pillow. "Yeah, everything is fine..."

Hyunjin frowns, sitting down next to Felix. "You sure?"

"Yeah..." Felix bites his lip, shaking his head. "Actually no."

"What's wrong love?" Hyunjin pulls Felix onto his lap, hugging the younger closely.

"Just shaken up, I guess." Felix decides he should talk with Minho first before telling his boyfriend what is going on, no need to make the other worry for hopefully nothing.

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