Chapter 33

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"Holy fuck what happened to your face?" Minho enters the kitchen, seeing the big bruise on Jisung's cheek.

"It's nothing." Jisung turns away from Minho, pretending to check on the food that Chan is cooking.

Felix bites his lip, sending a quick glance from where he is sitting at the dinner table before going back to stare at his phone.

Minho frowns, noticing that something is off between the three of them. "Why aren't any of you talking? Like I know I have a concussion but this is weird."

"We were talking until you so ungracefully entered the kitchen." Chan doesn't even turn around, too focused on the food.

Minho raises an eyebrow. "Oh? What were you guys talking about?"



Jisung shoots Felix a glare while Felix just rolls his eyes at Jisung's lie. Both were still angry with each other, well Felix is angry while Jisung is more annoyed with how Felix has been acting.

Minho sits down at the kitchen island, looking between the two of them. "So the twins are fighting?"

"We're not fighting." Jisung turns around, facing Minho. "Felix is just throwing a tantrum over something stupid."

"And Hannie is being the most idiotic, self-centered person I have ever fucking met."

Minho's eyes widen, not expecting those words to come out of Felix's mouth. Jisung grids his teeth, trying to keep his anger in. Chan sighs, getting ready to interfere when needed.

"Why would you say that Lixie?" Minho turns to Felix, who still has his back turned to the others.

"He fucking poisoned Hyunjin and doesn't even feel remotely sorry about it."

"Again? Really?" Minho turns back to Jisung, giving him a disappointing look. They had talked about poisoning group members before and Jisung had promised not to do it without the person's permission. "Jisung we talked about this."

Jisung rolls his eyes. "It wasn't even my idea."

"Sure, you really going to blame it on Seungmin? We all know it was your idea." Felix stands up, making his way over to Jisung.

"No fighting in the kitchen." Chan places the knife he is holding down, ready to pull the two of them away from each other.

Jisung takes a few steps away from Chan, not wanting to hurt the older if he and Felix were to start fighting physically.

"You hurt Hyunjin, you haven't even apologized to him."

Jisung frowns "So what? Hyunjin and I hurt each other all the time, since when do you care so much? Do you have a crush on him or something?"

Felix blinks, shaking his head while blushing. "What? No, I don't have a crush on him. I just, uh he is our team member and we shouldn't be hurting each other."

Jisung frowns, now honestly confused as to why Felix's face suddenly turned red. Chan and Minho do their best not to start laughing, finding it cute that Felix has a little crush on Hyunjin because if they were being honest, the two of them might have been shipping them for a while now.

"I uhm am going to see if the others are ready for dinner." Felix quickly rushes out of the kitchen.

Minho raises his eyebrow again. "So Felix is the one that punched you, isn't he?"

Jisung nods his head, grabbing the plates out of the cabinet.

"Then how come he doesn't have any bruises?"

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