Chapter 98

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A week has passed since the Txt mission, as far as they know the two boys got to Yeonjun safely. Chan hadn't bothered replying to any messages that were sent by Chicory, too angry and worried to care about what happened to their team.

Minho had locked himself in his room, trying to find information about them, clearly planning something that would possibly cause a war between districts.

Changbin spend his time training, trying to take his mind off his potential dying boyfriend. Overworking himself to the point of passing out multiple times before Chan dragged him out of the training room, forcing him to take a break.

Hyunjin also spend his time working out. Training in the training room together with Changbin, going for a run, just everything to try and get his mind to stop replying the scene that happened right in front of him. He could barely sleep, not able to close his eyes for longer than a few minutes before the picture of Jisung falling to the ground pops up in his head.

Felix spend most of the time in his bedroom, staring at the wall in front of him or down in the basement with Lia. Chan decided it was okay for him to go down there, trusting the boy enough to not let Lia escape again, he knew Felix could use her comfort to deal with what is going on at the moment. He barely slept, not able to get rid of the nightmares that haunt him ever since the mission happened.

Seungmin worked, he just worked. Every day he helped Nayeon take care of Jisung. Taking his vitals, changing the bandages, just taking care of the other, hoping he will wake up one day.

Jeongin hasn't moved from Jisung's side, staying seated right next to the bed. Holding Jisung's hand as he watches the older one's chest rise and fall slowly. He hadn't moved, besides going to the bathroom. He didn't want to miss the moment that Jisung would wake up.

"You have to shower Jeongin." Nayeon looks over at the younger boy sadly.

Jeongin shakes his head, his eyes not leaving Jisung's body. "I'm not leaving hyung."

Nayeon sighs. "He isn't going anywhere. He would want you to take care of yourself."

"I'm not leaving him." The boy raises his voice, glaring at her.

"Jeongin." Nayeon walks over to the boy. "Just one shower, please. You will get sick like this."


Nayeon sighs, giving up for now. She walks back to the desk, grabbing her notebook to do a check-up on Jisung. It pains her to see him like that, pale and barely breathing. She knows the chances of him waking up are very slim but she can't tell any of them that, it would break them. "Has he moved?"

Jeongin shakes his head. "No."

Nayeon notes it down, checking Jisung's vitals. She frowns when looking at his heartbeat, noticing it spiked a little. "You sure he hasn't moved?"

"He hasn't. You think I wouldn't know sitting here all day watching him. He hasn't moved."

Nayeon's frown deepens, looking back at her notes to make sure she isn't missing something. "Weird." She mutters, lifting up the blanket to make sure the stitches aren't getting infected. "Jeongin, get Chan."

"Why?" The boy frowns, looking up at Nayeon.

"Now, Jeongin." Nayeon puts her notebook down, grabbing a pair of gloves.

Jeongin recognizes her serious tone of voice, quickly getting up to get Chan.

Nayeon pull the blanket off fully once Jeongin is out of the room, pressing a towel against the bleeding wound. She has no idea how he is bleeding again but they need to stop it quickly.

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