Chapter 78

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Chan and Minho make their way to the front door, not expecting the mess that is inside.

Minho lets his bag fall onto the ground when he steps into the kitchen, his eyes widen as he looks at the mess that is in front of him.

"Holy fuck." Chan stops right behind Minho, not able to believe his eyes.

Jeongin turns around, completely covered in some kind of flour. A cheeky smile on his face as he faces his hyung's. "Hi, how was the mission?"

Chan and Minho stare at the 18-year-old boy in front of them, trying to figure out an appropriate way to approach the situation.

Jeongin tilts his head to the side, wondering why they aren't answering his question. "Hyung's?"

Chan blinks. "Uhm, it went well? Uh Innie?"

"Yes?" The big smile never leaves Jeongin's face.

"What the hell happened?" Minho walks over to the boy.

Jeongin rubs the back of his neck. "Oh! I tried to make dinner..."

Minho takes a deep breath, grabbing a towel. "You tried what?"

"To make dinner, everyone is busy so I thought I would be helpful and make dinner. I might have made a mess." Jeongin chuckles, realizing now that the whole kitchen is covered with pancake flour.

Chan smiles, ruffling Jeongin's hair. "Thank you Innie. Go take a shower while we finish making it."

Jeongin pouts. "But I wanted to do it."

"Jeongin, that's really sweet but get out." Minho smiles at the younger one while pointing at the door.

"We will make dinner Innie, go get cleaned up."

Jeongin sighs but listens to the older two. He quickly runs out of the kitchen and to his room to take a shower.

"He tried to make pancakes?" Minho looks up at Chan while the two of them clean the kitchen.

Chan hums, standing back up. "I guess so. It's cute he wanted to help out."

Minho smiles. "Definitely but he is still a kid."

"18 now..." Chan bites the inside of his cheek. "We watched him grow up."

Minho sighs. "We watched half of them grow up Chan." He lays down the towel. "You raised him and Jisung."

"So did you."

"Did I though? Just taught them how to fight and kill." Minho walks over to the stove, turning it on.

Chan sighs, grabbing two pans from one of the cabinets. "You did. They learned a lot more from you than just the fighting and killing part, I mean look at Innie trying to cook."

Minho rolls his eyes, adding olio to the pan. "Keyword trying."

Chan chuckles, helping Minho make the pancakes before going to tell the other boys dinner is ready.

Chan counts heads, realizing he is missing two. "Where are Changbin and Jisung?" He raises an eyebrow.

Seungmin shrugs. "Jisung left about 30 minutes ago, haven't seen him since."

"Probably making out somewhere." Hyunjin mutters.

Minho sighs, placing the plate with pancakes down on the table. "Too bad for them. Spare them some boys, enjoy." He smiles at Jeongin and Seungmin both quickly grab a pancake. Hyunjin places one down on Felix's plate before grabbing one himself. "Hyung?"

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