Chapter 25

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Minho: LeeKnow/Lino
Jisung: J.One/Peter
Seong-hwa: Mars


Lia walks around the house, looking for Jisung. Knowing that he took her laptop out of her room earlier this morning. She didn’t know why he had taken her laptop. “Hey, have you seen Jisung?”

Hyunjin frowns, stopping to look at Lia. “Yes? Why?”

“Oh well he took my laptop and I kind of need it for school.”

Hyunjin looks confused. “You go to school?”

Lia nods. “I go to college? I’m currently studying business.”

Hyunjin just stares at her, confused and shocked to just find out that Lia goes to school.
“So have you seen him?”

“Oh uhm yeah, he isn’t home though.” Hyunjin runs a hand through his hair, trying to remember where Jisung went.

“Do you know when he will be back?”

Hyunjin shakes his head. “He went out with Minho hyung, so that can take forever. They may not even come home today.”

“Oh…” Lia looks at the ground, she really needs her laptop as she has an essay to finish. Seeing as spring break is ending, she needs to go back to school on monday.

“Maybe he left it in the house though? We can go look around for it? You told me to look for things first before blaming someone.” Hyunjin smiles at Lia.

“Yeah you’re right, although I’m pretty sure he took it. As he left me a message stating he took my laptop.” Lia smiles at Hyunjin as well. “So any idea where he could have put it?”

Hyunjin bites his lip, thinking hard about where Lia her laptop could be. “Either his bedroom, the control room or the computer room. Those are the three places he spends most of his time, that and maybe the training room but I don't know why he would take your laptop there.”

“Alright, let's go look for it.”

Hyunjin nods, following Lia around. Helping her find the rooms she is looking for, seeing as she still hasn’t fully figured out where what was even if she had been living there now for a month.

The door to the training room opens, making Chan look away for a second to see who is coming in. This causes Jeongin to punch the older in the face, as he hadn’t realized Chan wasn’t paying attention.

“Are you okay hyung?”

Chan rubs his cheek, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m good Innie.”

Hyunjin chuckles as he guides Lia down the steps. “Nice punch Innie.”

Both Chan and Jeongin look up at him, Jeongin smiling at the compliment he had gotten. Sure Jeongin is one of the members that has been with the group the longest but he only started learning how to fight about the time that Seungmin joined and not even on a daily basis. Chan only let Jeongin join the group because he didn’t want the boy to suffer at home anymore, they were lucky to figure out he had a talent and interest in medicine so that was what they made him focus on instead of fighting and killing.

“What are you two doing here?” Chan picks up his water bottle taking a few sips.

“I lost my laptop, well Jisung took it and now I can’t find it but I really need it for my school work. I have an essay to turn in next friday.” Lia sighs, almost giving up on finding her laptop. Hyunjin and she had been looking around the house for nearly an hour now and still weren’t able to find it.

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