Chapter 92

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Hyunjin looks at the bleach in the small plastic container. "You sure about this?" He looks unsure at Jisung, who is sitting down in front of the mirror in Hyunjin and Jeongin's bedroom. He had mentioned wanting to bleach and dye his hair to Hyunjin earlier when they were out following Chan but Hyunjin didn't think the younger was actually serious about it.

"Yes." Jisung smiles at him through the mirror, Chestnut on his lap and his phone in hand.

The older sighs, finishing mixing up the bleach. "But don't come and attack me if it looks bad okay?"

"Yes, I won't try and kill you." Jisung chuckles. "Now go do it." He whines slightly, tapping his foot a little.

Hyunjin chuckles, laying the towel over Jisung's shoulder before putting on some gloves. "It will be cold." He carefully starts applying the bleach onto Jisung's brown hair, making sure to cover each strand. "Does hyung know you're doing this?"

"Nope, it will be a surprise."

Hyunjin shakes his head, making sure everything is covered before turning on the timer. "Now we wait 40 minutes."

Jisung pouts slightly. "That's so long."

Hyunjin cleans up the bleach, nodding his head. "We can watch an episode of something while we wait?"

"I haven't been keeping up with anything."

"Lost interest?" Hyunjin frowns, sitting down on his bed.

Jisung nods, turning to Hyunjin. "Yeah, but I have been reading this book series called Shadow and Bones. I'm on book three."

The older chuckles. "When did you start reading?"

"Like two days ago?"

"You read two books in two days?"

Jisung hums, pouting a little. "Yeah, so I'm nearly done."

"Well it has a Netflix series."

After 25 minutes they wash out the bleach in Jisung's hair, Hyunjin carefully brushing through the boy's hair to be sure they got everything. He smiles at Jisung when the other's hair is fully dried. "Now you really look like a chihuahua."

Jisung looks up through his now blonde hair. "I do not."

Hyunjin chuckles, taking a picture of the younger. "You really do."

Jisung huffs, sitting back down on the chair in front of the mirror.

"What color do you even want?" Hyunjin looks through the cabinet underneath his sink, knowing Jeongin has hidden away some hair dye.

The younger shrugs. "Like a grey, blue, purple?"

"All three?"

"I don't know, just something like that."

Hyunjin sighs, grabbing two boxes of hair dye, deciding to just mix them together in the hope for something good. "I'll mix these and then dye your hair."

Jisung nods, scrolling through his phone, reading all the headlines that are going around surrounding them and the death of Seo Eun-Kwang.

Chan frowns as he looks at his phone, not expecting a phone call from anyone. "Hello?"

"So remember how I said a week?"

"Noah." Chan sighs, surprised to hear the younger boy his voice.

"Oh yeah. It's me, uh so I checked and if you want, we could do the plan tonight."

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