Chapter 99

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An agonizing monotone beep fills the room.

Nayeon starts doing chest compressions again even though she knows it's useless, she knows the boy is gone, that there is no way to bring him back.

Changbin's eyes widen. "No..."

Jeongin slowly turns his head, looking up at the monitor before his eyes wander over to Jisung's peaceful body.

"He's gone..." Chan mumbles, tears falling down his face as he stares at his boyfriend.

"No..." Jeongin whispers with a shaky breath.

Seungmin turns off the defibrillator as Nayeon finally stops the chest compressions.

"No! Don't stop! Keep trying! Turn that machine back on! You have to keep trying! He can't die! NO!" Jeongin sobs. "You have to! Don't let him die like this!"

Chan hugs Jeongin tightly. "I'm sorry Innie."

Changbin finally is able to move, stepping closer to the bed, looking at Jisung. "He's in a better place..."

Jeongin snaps his head toward Changbin, pushing Chan away as he stands up. "Why the fuck would you say that?! He's not in a better place. That stupid better place is here, with us! How can you say that about him? Did you not love him?!" He yells at the older, tears falling down his face.

"Of course, I fucking love him! That's why I fucking know he is happy!"

Seungmin walks out of the room, not wanting to break down in front of the others.

Nayeon starts cleaning up everything, knowing she will have to make some calls to prepare Jisung's body for the potential funeral.

Chan stays quiet, looking at Jisung.

"He's dead! There is no happy place since we're still alive! He won't even go to fucking heaven." Jeongin just screams at Changbin, not understanding how he could say something like that.

"He never wanted to live. You and I both know that. It fucking hurts he is gone but nothing we do, is going to change that."

"Of course it fucking hurts! And your first comment is, he's in a happy place? We both know it's a fucking lie." Jeongin yells before running out of the room.

"Innie..." Chan mumbles, getting up from the seat, pulling Changbin into a tight hug.

Changbin lets out a sob, hiding his face in Chan's shoulder as they both cry.

Seungmin hurries out of the medical room, hoping to make it to his room before he breaks down. Tears are already streaming down his face while his breathing is quickening. He can't believe Jisung is dead. He's gone. And the last thing he said to him was that Jisung ruined his life.

Minho freezes when he sees Seungmin, standing in the hallway leading the to medical room, crying. "Minnie?" He slowly walks over, not wanting to scare the younger.

Seungmin looks at Minho, almost throwing himself in the older one's embrace. "He's- I'm so sorry...." He bites his lip to prevent himself from sobbing.

Minho holds the boy tightly, clenching his teeth to not let his own tears fall. He will have to stay strong, for the kids, to be there for them. "It's not your fault."

"I should've tried more."

"You did everything you could. Minnie, it's not your fault." Minho rubs the younger boy's back, feeling bad for the boy, knowing how hard he tried.

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