Chapter 13

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Jeongin enters the office after having looked for Minho for about an hour. He had asked the other guys if they had seen him but apparently the only one that had seen him was Jisung, Jisung being the last person Jeongin came across.

"Hyung?" Jeongin knocks on the door to grab Minho's attention.

Minho looks up from the laptop, frowning. "What do you need Jeongin."

Jeongin frowns, keeping his distances from Minho. "Everything alright hyung?"

"Yes, now please leave and go do your job." Minho glares at Jeongin before turning back to the screen he was looking at before the youngest entered the office. "Jeongin I'm busy, I don't have time for whatever you want right now."

Jeongin walks back to the door, looking at Minho. "Oh uhm, I was just going to ask..."

"Jeongin, leave now!" Minho slams the notebook next to him close, making Jeongin flinch.

"I'm sorry." Jeongin quickly leaves the office, closing the door behind him.

"Everything okay?"

Jeongin quickly turns around, hearing someone speak behind him. Behind him is Jisung, holding an ice Americano.

"Did you see a ghost or something?"

"Uh no? Just Minho hyung acting weird?"

Jisung raises an eyebrow. "Minho hyung acting weird? Isn't that the normal."

Jeongin pouts, shaking his head. "Not his normal weird. He was just rude and told me to leave. He seems angry."

Jisung shrugs. "He seemed fine this morning? Said he had to do some work, maybe he is just stressing because of that?"

"Hyung he yelled at me."

"He yelled at you?" Jisung takes a sip of his ice Americano.

Jeongin nods, looking back at the office door. Slightly scared that Minho would just come out and yell at them for talking about him in the hallway.

"He is probably just stressed Innie. Bin told me yesterday hyung had a tiny breakdown. He has been taking care of everything as Chan hyung has been lacking in taking care of us because of the wedding. Why were you looking for hyung anyway? I forgot to ask earlier."

"I realized you and I don't have suits for the wedding."

Jisung's eyes widen. "Do the others have suits?"

Jeongin nods. "Chan and Minho hyung bought a new pair for themselves, Changbin hyung has his event suit. Seungmin hyung was rich and just took all that stuff with him. Felix hyung and Hyunjin hyung have the one they once used for a mission."

"And we don't?"

Jeongin shakes his head. "Yours got ruined with blood that we couldn't get out and mine is too small."

"Well shit, the wedding is like tomorrow." Jisung runs a hand through his hair, taking another sip of his ice Americano. "Can't we borrow something from the others? I don't think hyungs will let us go out to buy new suits."

Jeongin shakes his head again. "You're too small for any of the spare suits..."

"Yah! I'm not small, I'm just short."

"Yeah sure, but you won't fit any of the spare suits as they are Seungmin hyungs."

"And you? Aren't you and Seungmin around the same height?"

"I tried but they don't fit me either. Hyunjin hyung told me to ask Minho hyung if we could go out because Changbin hyung and Chan hyung aren't home but hyung is in a bad mood." Jeongin pouts, not sure what to do now.

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