Chapter 81

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"Last night, a warehouse on the outskirts of Seoul was set on fire. It is currently unknown if people are still inside the building but police assume this is caused by two mafia gangs fighting. They currently can't say which groups are involved but rumor has it Stray Kids burned down the building."

Chan huffs, turning off the television and throwing the controller on the coffee table next to him. Jeongin's eyes widen as he moves closer to Felix, scared of what Chan might do in his anger. He hadn't seen Chan this annoyed and angry often, especially not when neither Changbin nor Minho was around. The other two older boy's were busy dealing with explaining what happened to a few of their allies while Hyunjin and Jisung were both injured and being treated by Seungmin.

"Hyung?" He looks up at the older.

Chan turns around, glaring at the younger boy. "What."

Jeongin bites his lip, cowering into the blond boy next to him feeling extremely small under Chan's harsh glare. "What, what are we going to do with, with noona?" He whispers quietly as he doesn't want to upset Chan more than he already is.

"How the hell should I know?!" Chan steps closer to the boys on the couch, not noticing the scared look on Jeongin's face.

Jeongin stays quiet, making himself as small as possible while Felix wraps an arm around him protectively.

"I don't fucking know! I'm legally bound to her." Chan punches the lamp that stands next to the couch, making it fall down.

Jeongin lets out a whimper as he flinches, making Felix pull the boy even closer.

"Hyung. Stop it."

Chan's eyes widen, turning to the boys sitting on the couch finally snapping out of his anger. "I'm so sorry Innie." He kneels down in front of them. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Jeongin gives Chan a small smile. "It's fine..."

"So when are you going to tell him?" Hyunjin looks over at Jisung, who is sipping his ice americano.

The younger shrugs. "When time seems right, I guess." He pushes himself off the wall he was leaning against as he watches his boyfriend comfort Jeongin. "There is no reason for him to know right now."

Hyunjin watches as Jisung winces in pain from the bruised ribs he has, shaking his head. "You sure you're good to be walking around?"

Jisung chuckles. "I'm not, I just didn't want to stay in bed."

The older rolls his eyes. "Please go lay down, we can't have you hurt worse."

"Yeah, yeah." Jisung smiles. "I'm going."

Hyunjin shakes his head, making his way back to his own bedroom to get some more rest. He doesn't want Seungmin nagging him more than the other is already doing so.

Lia frowns when Minho drives her somewhere without saying a word, she has tried talking with him but he has been ignoring her for the past 20 minutes. "Where are we going?"

Minho rolls his eyes, parking the car on some random street. "Just get out."

Lia frowns, quickly getting out of the car and looking around. She doesn't recognize the street and it didn't seem to be a pleasant neighborhood to be around. "Minho?"

"Shut up and walk."

The girl quickly follows Minho, not wanting to be left behind. She can feel eyes on her as they walk through the neighborhood, making shivers run down her spine. Trying to stay close to Minho, her eyes widen when he is holding the gun he got from Jisung and Jeongin at Christmas. "Minho?"

Minho roughly turns around, pointing the gun right at Lia's head. "Shut the fuck up woman or I will fucking end you."

Lia freezes, staring at Minho in shock.

Minho rolls his eyes, dropping the gun as he continues walking. Lia quickly follows him, looking confused when he suddenly opens a door to a garage. She couldn't read the place's name as she was too focused on keeping her eyes on Minho to not lose him or get shot out of nowhere.


Lia's eyes widen as a small body crashes into her legs, making her crouch down immediately. "Minjun?"

Minjun wraps his arms around his sister's neck. "Missed you so much."

Lia wraps her arms around the boy, tears slowly falling down her face. "I missed you too Minnie. So so much." She can hear footsteps approaching them and looks up, seeing June and Han-Sol standing in front of her. June had his arm wrapped around Minho, giving him a soft kiss. Lia gets up when she notices the bruise on Han-Sol's cheek. "What happened? Who hurt you? Are you okay?" She carefully takes her brother's face in her hands, looking at the bruise.

Han-Sol chuckles, not planning on telling Lia who caused the fading bruise on his face. "I should be asking you, you're the one that got kidnapped."

"I'm fine, truly. Nothing really happened and they saved me." Lia smiles, pulling Han-Sol into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Han-Sol carefully wraps an arm around his sister's waist. "I'm glad they got you back."

"You nearly shot her." June chuckles, carrying two drinks. Minho is seated on his desk, reading some papers he probably shouldn't be reading. "Was she that annoying?"

Minho looks up, a paper in his hand. "Not really, I would rather just get rid of her though. Would make my job easier." He takes the drink June hands him.

June sits down in his chair, taking a sip of his drink. "Too bad I can't allow that Moon. Soul needs his older sister."

Minho turns slightly, frowning at his boyfriend. "Does he though? He doesn't really seem to care?"

The older chuckles. "He might not but leaving him with just his father and younger brother? I will not allow it."

Minho pouts, throwing his drink back like it's nothing. "So what's this?" He waves a paper in front of June.

June rolls his eyes, grabbing the paper from Minho. "You shouldn't be going through my paperwork, Moon. These are just some papers I have to sign to keep running the garage."

"Boring." Minho jumps off the desk, walking around the office. "You're so boring sometimes."

June just laughs. "Sorry, I'm not a killer love. But paperwork is part of the job, you do it too."

"True." Minho laughs, getting himself another drink. "Got I want to get wasted." He mumbles.

June gets up, walking over to Minho. "Moon? What's going on?"

"Just stressed, don't want to drink in front of the kids as both J and I.N get triggered by it." Minho shrugs, filling yet another glass. June watches his boyfriend, not going to stop him this time.

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