Chapter 31

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Felix stops himself from entering the bedroom, hearing the conversation between Chan and Hyunjin. He turns back around, angrily making his way to Changbin and Jisung's bedroom knowing that Jisung and Seungmin went there.

"Why the fuck would you poison Hyunjin?! Are you fucking mental?!" He walks over to Jisung, who just gives him a confused look.


"Oh come on, don't play dumb now. You put the poison in Hyunjin's water, didn't you? Why would you poison your own teammate?! The fuck is wrong with you?"

Jisung takes a step back, not used to Felix getting angry. "I didn't do shit."

Felix rolls his eyes, balling his hands into fists. "Why do you hate him so much?! He is our member, our brother. Don't you see that?!"

Jisung huffs.

"He is the same as us."

"He is not, he fucking chose to ruin his life. Ours got ruined by others."

Felix punches Jisung, taking a step back after seeing as he didn't mean to hit the other. Sure he was angry with Jisung but he didn't want to hurt him. "I fucking chose to leave, so did Seungmin. Hell, even Chan hyung chose to leave. All of us chose this life!"

Jisung blinks a few times, trying to keep calm and not get angry with Felix. He carefully rubs his cheek, knowing for a fact that it will leave a bruise. "Whatever." Jisung walks passed Felix, bumping shoulders with him. He needs to leave the room before he attacks Felix and he really didn't want to hurt him.

"Wow..." Seungmin runs a hand through his hair, not sure what to do.

Felix turns around, glaring at him. "Oh no, I'm also pissed at you. Why would you join him? Letting him poison Hyunjin? What is wrong with you?"

"It was Hyunjin or noona."

"So you rather hurt Hyunjin?"

"He can take it."

Felix chuckles, not believing Seungmin right now. "He can take it?! Yeah, maybe physically but how do you think he feels about you and Jisung poisoning him every single time?"

Seungmin bites his lip, never having thought about it like that.

"Un fucking believable." Felix leaves the room, slamming the door shut.

"You okay?" Felix gives Hyunjin a small smile while entering the bedroom after Chan and Jeongin left.

"I'm fine, Innie said it would take another 30 minutes before I have full control back over my muscles though."

Felix hums, sitting down next to Hyunjin on the bed. "Thank god, I can't believe they would poison you."

"I can." Hyunjin chuckles, trying to cover up the hurt he is feeling.

"I punched Hannie." Felix blurs out after a minute of silence between himself and Hyunjin.

"YOU DID WHAT NOW?!" Hyunjin turns to Felix shocked.

"I punched Hannie..."

Hyunjin quickly looks Felix over, trying to see if he got hurt.

Felix chuckles, shaking his head. "He didn't do anything. He just said whatever and walked out."

Hyunjin frowns. "He just walked out?"

Felix nods. "It was weird, I really thought he was going to punch me back."

Hyunjin hums, smiling when Felix lays his head on his shoulder.

"They think you don't get bothered by these kinds of things... You should tell them how you feel Hyunjinnie."

"No, it's okay Lix. I can take it, rather me than anyone else on the team."

"Jinnie." Felix looks up. "Your feelings matter and they shouldn't be doing that against you."

"Just let it go Lix." Hyunjin pulls Felix down with him, cuddling up to him. "Let's just take a nap and forget this happened."

Felix sighs, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's waist. "Fine."

Jisung wipes the sweat off his face, taking a deep breath before going back to punching the punching bag. He ignores the burning feeling in his hand, continuing to punch the bag.

"Everything okay?" Lia enters the training room, holding a water bottle and a towel. She had heard Felix yelling at him as she came home, so she wanted to check up on Jisung.

"Fuck off." He continues punching, ignoring Lia. His punches get more and more uncontrolled, worrying Lia that he is going to hurt himself.

"You should take a break. You're going to hurt yourself."

"And you should mind your own business."

Lia sighs, placing the bottle and the towel on the ground. "I'll go get Changbin. Don't hurt yourself please."

"Just leave me alone." Jisung mumbles, breathing heavily.

Lia turns around, leaving the room to get Changbin.

Jisung walks over to the water bottle, picking it up to take a sip. "Thanks." He sits down on the ground, pulling his knees to his chest.


Jisung looks up, seeing a worried-looking Changbin making his way over to him. He smiles slightly, standing up. "Hey, Bin."

Changbin cups Jisung's face, making him look him in the eyes. "You okay? Why is your cheek bruised?"

"Felix punched me."

Changbin frowns, running his fingers over Jisung's cheek, watching his boyfriend try and move away from the touch. "Why did he punch you?"

Jisung shrugs. "We had a disagreement and he got angry."

"Did you punch him back?"

Jisung shakes his head, surprising Changbin. "I just left and came here to let my anger out. Didn't want to hurt Lixie."

"Show me your hands." Changbin takes a step back, taking Jisung's hands in his own. He checks them over, making sure Jisung didn't hurt himself. Luckily they are only a bit red and not bleeding yet. "Let's go and watch a movie after you showered." Changbin pulls Jisung with him, knowing the younger will continue if he doesn't force him to do something else.

"Okay." Jisung bites his lip, following Changbin to their bedroom.

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