Chapter 28

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"Uhm hyung." Seungmin enters Chan's office, knowing the older has been here ever since they finished breakfast.

Chan looks up from his computer. "Yes Seungmin?"

"Minho hyung keeps asking for Jisung. He keeps trying to get out of the bed, we have gone through three pairs of handcuffs in the last 24 hours."

Chan frowns, trying to figure out what to do. Jisung hasn't gotten out of bed since yesterday, not feeling too well even throwing up. So they couldn't risk Minho seeing him and getting sick as well. "Maybe we could invite June to distract him?"

"June? Why would we invite him?" Seungmin looks at Chan confused.

"He is Minho's boyfriend? At least I think he is?"

"Oh than yes, I will have Hyunjin meet him and take him here."

Chan nods, giving Seungmin the okay to order Hyunjin to do so.

Hyunjin enters the SiX garage, really hoping that June is working at the moment because he wouldn't know where else he would find the older male.

"Prince? What are you doing here?" Sangwoo walks up to Hyunjin, confused what he is doing at the garage when there are no races this or next week.

"CB97 invited June to our house, for some private business. Is he here?"

Sangwoo raises an eyebrow but nods. "Yeah, he is in the back. I will let him know you're here."

"Thanks." Hyunjin watches as Sangwoo walks into the back. He looks around the store noticing a new bike standing in the garage. He walks over to the bike, checking it out. He hadn't seen one like this before, so maybe there is going to be a new racer next race.

"Like what you're seeing?"

Hyunjin quickly turns around, surprised by the voice behind him. A boy around his age is standing behind him, with his earphones now hanging from his tank top.

"It's my bike you looking at." The guy raises an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, I never seen a bike like this. Did you make it yourself?"

"Nah, a friend of mine made it. Gave it to me as a present." The guy runs a hand through his hair. "You race?"

Hyunjin nods. "Yeah, I'm one of the best drivers in this district."

The guy chuckles. "Sure dude, that's what they all say."

"He really is Lex, one of the best. He got second twice in a row on the last races." June enters the garage, smiling at the two boys. "So Prince what can I do for you? Light told me you had an invite for me?"

"Oh yeah, CB97 invited you over. I'm here to take you there, if you have time."

June frowns, wondering what could be the reason for Chan to invite him into their home. "Why?"

Hyunjin bites his lip, eying the Lex guy. June gets the hint and walks Hyunjin to his office so the two of them can continue their talk in private.

"Uhm he just invited you,  he didn't say why."


Hyunjin nods. "Yeah so will you join me?"

June sighs. "Sure, Light will be finished checking Lex's bike in a minute and then we can leave."

Hyunjin nods, following him back out of the office.

"Come on Minnie, you don't have to lock me up in here." Minho sits on the bed, glaring at Seungmin.

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