Chapter 57

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03.00 a.m. (Location: Somewhere in the woods of Seoul)

Minho kicks the door open carefully, not wanting to hustle the sleeping Jisung on his back too much. He quietly enters the house, hoping all the other members are all asleep.

"Where were you?" Chan turns on the light in the living room, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at Minho.

Minho stands still, thinking of what to do. "Can you put Sung to bed first? While I empty the car?"

Chan sighs, taking Jisung off of Minho's back carefully not wanting to wake up his boyfriend. "You better explain."

Minho nods. "I will hyung." Minho quickly walks back to the car, sure that Chan will put Jisung to bed before trying to talk with him some more.

Chan looks down at Jisung, noticing the stuffed bunny hanging clipped onto the belt, slightly covered in blood. "Knew it." He mumbles as he carries Jisung upstairs.

He lays Jisung down next to Changbin, pulling the younger boy's jeans off before tugging him in. Jisung curls into Changbin, who instinctively wraps his arms around the younger. Chan smiles as he leaves the room, taking the stuffed bunny with him to get it washed.

"Explain why Leebit is covered in blood." Chan holds up the stuffed bunny, raising an eyebrow at Minho.

Minho shrugs. "Maybe Sung cut himself on something? We got the new weapons though."

Chan rolls his eyes, walking over to Minho. "What did you guys really do? I will find out one way or the other, so just tell me."

Minho sighs, not looking over at Chan as he mumbles.

Chan frowns, not able to understand what Minho said. "You got to speak up Minho."

"We killed that bastard."

Chan's eyes widen. "You did what?! Have you lost it?! I told you not to!"

Minho takes a step back. "Look hyung, he deserved it. He nearly raped Jisung..."


Minho nods. "Yeah, me and Sung went to a bar because Jisung got thirsty so I went to get him a drink and the man came over and started touching him, dragging him to an alley way to probably rape him. I stopped him and well that let to him dying. I swear we didn't plan it hyung."

Chan sighs. "My poor baby." He pouts as he can only imagine how scared Jisung might have been.

"We should go and sleep hyung, it's late." Minho pats Chan's shoulder, walking passed the older and up the stairs. Chan nods, turning off the lights and follows Minho upstairs.

"Good night Minho."

"Night hyung."

Chan enters Changbin and Jisung's bedroom, deciding to go and cuddle with his boyfriends while Minho enters his own bedroom, smiling to himself as he remembers Yang Hyung-suk begging for his life.

11.00 a.m. (Location: Somewhere in the woods of Seoul)

"Breaking news: Man found tied up in abandoned building, torture and marked. The letters SKZ are engraved into the man's chest while there is no blood left. This is the clear work of the Vampire killer LeeKnow and J.One from Stray Kids.

Police are currently trying to figure out what happened here last night but as usual, the two members of Stray Kids left no trail behind of where they could have gone or who J.One can be. While we have known who LeeKnow is for a year, the police still hasn't been able to catch the mafia member."

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